bad news: my goldfish kevin pass away


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
pass weeks she was different in her she wasn't my happy girl at all :no:
she didn't what to get at all :no:
she didn't what me to be around her :no:
i just saw blood yesterday under her tummy and know i now know shw was 7 years old i had her for 12 year :yes:

kevin was my big baby i always call her my baby cause she loves me so much :yes:

i can't stop cryying i know is just goldfish :yes: but you have to understand she is my child and baby in my heart and i'll miss her like creazy
i don't think so i can't sleep tonight :no: :cry:
I am sorry to hear about your goldfish. About a week or so ago we had lost our 2 angelfish. We had them since late 2003. I was just downstairs and the fish tank looks so empty without them in there. At least we still have our other fish in that tank. But they are all small compare to our angels. Because they were so big. But in the past few months they wern't really eating like they use to eat. They used to be real pigs with the food. And when I fed them I used to yell at them to save some food for the other fish. Because they would try to prevent the other fish from eating. Which would cause me to put more food in to the tank. Just to make sure that the other fish had gotten fed as well. But then towards the end they hardly ate any of it. I wish my mother's husband would go and get more angels so the tank wouldn't look so empty. I say that because they are actually his fish not mine. Again I am so sorry to hear about your goldfish.
This happens to me, too :(

When i was 12 years old, my mom bought 2 tortises for my brother and me. We have our own tortoise to take care of and i took really good care of mine. One night when i was in my room and my dad came to me to say that my tortoise was not moving at all and assumin it's dead. I burst into tears and cried non stop. My parents and my brother were all there comfortin me but :no: i just couldnt stop myself from cryin. I really love my tortoise a lot :cry: After my tortoise has left this world, there was only 1 tortoise left in our hourse and i took really really good care of it and im glad that it's still with us right now.

rockstar, be strong :) I believe kevin has gone to better place just like my tortoise :)
its a terrible ordeal to go through , i had a goldfish a few years back and it does hurt when they die as you feel there was nothing that could be done to have helped.
It wasnt your fault , it was just her turn to cross over to the the other side.

hope this cheers you up

I am saddened about your goldfish.

Out of interest how did you know that your fish didn't want you to be around her.

The only reason i ask is because i have a fish to thats started being really nasty to me, spitting gravel at the side of the tank whenever i go near.

ooh ifeel sorry for you :better:

i hind my fish tank that i wounld not see it :yes: :doh::bugeyed

she look at me in mean look and trun her body away :yes: :doh::tease:

she die on tuesday night in my bedroom :yes:poor baby she was my baby and she w as my smart baby :yes::smilerolleyes:

i maybe get anyother goldfsh just like her mybe :smilerolleyes: see how i feel:bugeyed cause if i do i'll call her name "MICHAEL JACKSON" :yes::wub::cheeky:
Did you used to take it out of the tank and kiss it?

:no: i never take her out and kiss her

but when i take her out of the take to clean the water she always love me to give her robe with my fugure i have no idea why but she did :yes::doh::lol:

sorry about my spelling :scratch: