Bad news about my youtube channel - MJHDvideos.. Please read if you watch my videos

Oh no I was afraid of it.. I will subscribe asap :)
^ it was like storm.. :( many people were deleted 2 days ago..
I hate when they do that. They've deleted the channels of so many I've subscribed to, MJ-related and otherwise.
^ The stupidest thing is that I have to start all from begining.. -_-
I had 1390 subs!! :angry:
Ouch sorry to hear about that will subscribe now
Crud, it always pisses me off when I click on a favorited link and that dreaded message appears, "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video..."

ETA: It must be one of Youtube's clean-up days, because a lot of my favorited clips have been removed overnight. Sucks when that happens.
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