Bad journalism awareness


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Moon
It is important for everyone to question what comes from the news...especially if the news is out to witch hunt.

Not only has the media launched attacks at Michael Jackson but does anyone remember the Jon Benet Ramsey case where the media accused the family of murdering her? The Ramsey's were found innocent backed by DNA evidence. Has anyone heard reports in the media about this?

That family went through hell!

Melinda Duckett was a mother of a missing son. The media declared she was guilty, called her a sociopath. The Nancy Grace show asked her to be a guest pretending that they wanted to help her find her son but instead turned into grilling and Melinda Duckett took her life after that interview. Nancy Grace airs the interview the next day after she dies knowing she died uncaring that her family was grieving. Nancy Grace ended up getting sued over it. Nobody will know what happened but Nancy declares it was over Melinda's guilt she took her life.

Ron Paul faced the same media mobbing and they made sure he didn't get positive press and after the debates Fox cut out a response from Ron Paul to a snarky reporter's question. They all ganged up on him and called him a kook, racist and all sorts of false charges. After he had no chance they then called him economic genius.

He was also banned from conventions and some debates even though his support was high and so he did his own protests and held his own conventions.

They also kept Alan Keyes out.

Now they are saying RP had it right all along (rolls eyes)

Does the media have too much power and why are they allowed to do this to people? This hurts people.

Also, I do not buy that MJ became addicted to pain killers over his hair catching on fire. I think he was trying to escape what the media did to him.

RIP MJ you are missed!
Melinda Duckett was a mother of a missing son. The media declared she was guilty, called her a sociopath. The Nancy Grace show asked her to be a guest pretending that they wanted to help her find her son but instead turned into grilling and Melinda Duckett took her life after that interview. Nancy Grace airs the interview the next day after she dies knowing she died uncaring that her family was grieving. Nancy Grace ended up getting sued over it. Nobody will know what happened but Nancy declares it was over Melinda's guilt she took her life.

They based a Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode on this

The media has a lot of power -- this can be used for good or for bad. What is scary is the amount of influence certain figures in media have over people... People will believe anything "so-and-so" said on his talk show, or what they read in "such-and-such" magazine... Most don't feel encouraged to go the extra mile and do research to back up what they heard, or to question it.

And I also agree that MJ was trying to escape what the media did to him... How could anyone withstand that is beyond me, and it's incredible that he went on as long as he did. It wasn't fair, he didn't deserve such treatment, and neither did those innocent people, but the media doesn't care about that.
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