Bad era commercial with Michael Jackson impersonator


Hello folks. This is actually no news, however I think it is worthy to be discussed here. So Mods please do not remove it right away.

Since I registered as a fan I have read many posts and seen many difficult to find pictures, audios, videos shared by the fans. However, what is intriguing me, is that I remember Michael Jackson starring in a commercial for an unusual bicycle without handlebars, yet I have never ever seen the add since then. Not even a single picture from that add!

I already asked this question a few years ago, but nobody seems to remember.

For those who haven't caught my question from a few years ago, the story of the commercial is quite simple. A pack of fans see MJ in the street and try to catch him. MJ is running away from them and finds a handlebarless bicycle and tries to escape. He heads towards the wall and breaks through it with the little bike, but the fans follow. The add stops right there, when the fans go and jump through the wall with exactly the same handlebarless bicycle.

This commercial must have been shot in 1988 or 1989, 'cuz Mike was wearing his BAD outfit on the commercial. It was broadcast few times a day on MTV and maybe on Super Channel.

Does any "older" fan remembers this? It seems that the add has completely vanished from the surface of the Earth.

p.s. It is not:

-PEPSI chase add
-Video game/player add
-L.A. gear add
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

Aww.. Super Channel... good times :lol: I don't remember the add though, sorry.
Let me know if you find it! Bad outfit = yummy!!
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

wasn't somethinglike that in the moonwalker movie
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

Yeah, it all seems too Moonwalker for me.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

wasn't somethinglike that in the moonwalker movie

Oh forgot to mention it, I expected such a question. Yes it looked like it, but I am positive, it is not a highligh from Moonwalker.

There were some significant differences. The bikes are drasticly different, he was never dressed as a rabbit and he was chased by fans, not by animated characters. Finally the escape wasn't the same; it was through the wall.

However, it is a high probability that the commercial was shot during the same period as Moonwalker, but that info I cannot confirm.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

The only commericial I remember Michael going through a wall is the long form Pepsi advert from 1987. I never saw any advert in the 1980's with Michael on a bike with no handles and wearing the Bad video advert. and the only advert wear I know Michael was chased by fans/paparazzi is the Pepsi commercial from 1987 wear Michael drives a sports car and flys on skies.

I don't think this advert exists, though it could be possible if it was a Japanese advert and never screened in the USA or Europe.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

The only commericial I remember Michael going through a wall is the long form Pepsi advert from 1987. I never saw any advert in the 1980's with Michael on a bike with no handles and wearing the Bad video advert. and the only advert wear I know Michael was chased by fans/paparazzi is the Pepsi commercial from 1987 wear Michael drives a sports car and flys on skies.

I don't think this advert exists, though it could be possible if it was a Japanese advert and never screened in the USA or Europe.

I am 100% sure the add existed. I watched it and saw itseveral times back in the late 80s.

The only problem is that I can't remember the name of the brand of th ebike. The bike was so unusual that it was an attempt to make it cool among youngsters.

The last time I saw that bike commercialized and available in the shop was in August 1991, in a huge shop in Belgium called Makro.

Around same time LA GEAR was commercialized as well.

p.s. I bought that day the LA Gear shoes, but not the bike.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

I am 100% sure the add existed. I watched it and saw itseveral times back in the late 80s.

The only problem is that I can't remember the name of the brand of th ebike. The bike was so unusual that it was an attempt to make it cool among youngsters.

The last time I saw that bike commercialized and available in the shop was in August 1991, in a huge shop in Belgium called Makro.

Around same time LA GEAR was commercialized as well.

p.s. I bought that day the LA Gear shoes, but not the bike.

I know for a fact it was never screened in the UK in the 1980's I as I would have seen it and recorded it at the time. I never read or heard of Michael doing a bike advert in the late 1980's. All the endorsment/advertising deals Michael signed from 1984-1992 was big news. During that time Michael just did television commercials for Pepsi and LA Gear. In the UK only one LA Gear advert was screened, when he's dancing with a red shirt and black trousers, and his niece Brandi (Jackie's daughter) is in the advert. If there is an LA Gear bike, then maybe there is another advert like you say, that was only screened in selected countries with yours being one of them. It will nice if this commercial does exist !
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

OK so I went online to look it up and I found something like this...
Wonder though, he is just in for a moment...
*if that IS Michael which I am not sure as this is in really bad quality :p*

Is this add what you are referring to,Bumper Snippet?
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

I know for a fact it was never screened in the UK in the 1980's I as I would have seen it and recorded it at the time. I never read or heard of Michael doing a bike advert in the late 1980's. All the endorsment/advertising deals Michael signed from 1984-1992 was big news. During that time Michael just did television commercials for Pepsi and LA Gear. In the UK only one LA Gear advert was screened, when he's dancing with a red shirt and black trousers, and his niece Brandi (Jackie's daughter) is in the advert. If there is an LA Gear bike, then maybe there is another advert like you say, that was only screened in selected countries with yours being one of them. It will nice if this commercial does exist !

I remember clearly the ad with his niece. It was cool, and later served as inspiration for Black or White video (the dancing part).

Now, as far as the bicycle is concerned, I don't think it is LA Gear brand, otherwise I would remember, just as I remembered the shoes.

Nevertheless, I am simply appaled not to see a trace not only of the commercial with MJ, but of the bicycle itself!

I've been searching quite a bit for this bike, no trace whatsoever, even though I saw it in the shop I was referring to in 1991!

Here is what the bike looked like:

So, as I said no handlebars at all. The front wheel was attached to a bar coming directly out of the bike seat. However, the front wheel was actually not usual, it looked like big double roller wheels (or double small wheels). There were pedals just as in a normal bike, linked to thea rear wheel which was not very big, but much bigger than the two front little wheels. So if anyone can find a picture of at least that bike, we could maybe have trace. If I remember correctly, the advertized bike was yellow(ish)
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

OK so I went online to look it up and I found something like this...
Wonder though, he is just in for a moment...
*if that IS Michael which I am not sure as this is in really bad quality :p*

Is this add what you are referring to,Bumper Snippet?

It fits BumperSnippets description, but that's definitely not Mike. The commercial looks like it was a take off on speed demon a little, too.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

OK so I went online to look it up and I found something like this...
Wonder though, he is just in for a moment...
*if that IS Michael which I am not sure as this is in really bad quality :p*

Is this add what you are referring to,Bumper Snippet?

THIS IS THE BIKE! YES! Oh my God! Hahahahha! Cool! But it is not MJ! Now I am in a big doubt! When I watch this I have impression that it is not the version I saw.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

It fits BumperSnippets description, but that's definitely not Mike. The commercial looks like it was a take off on speed demon a little, too.

Yeah, that's why I posted it here, cause it was fitting the description. I just wonder if this is what Bumper Snippet saw, meaning if he saw something that starred an impersonator, not Michael, or if he is talking about sth different.

EDIT : okaaay :) at least I got you the bike ;)
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

Yeah, that's why I posted it here, cause it was fitting the description. I just wonder if this is what Bumper Snippet saw, meaning if he saw something that starred an impersonator, not Michael, or if he is talking about sth different.

EDIT : okaaay :) at least I got you the bike ;)

Thanks, I think that the mystery is solved. I was right for the year, the description of the bike and more or less the storyboard. However, my memory seemed to assimilate this impresonator to MJ. But am still wondering if one day I didn't see the real Mike in that add.

All in all, this shows at what point MJ was an extremely influential figure during his BAD era. It reflects true Michaelmania.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

At least you proved I was not making it up lol. I already felt I was going to be called a liar lol
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

wow. the mystery was solved pretty quickly.
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

No, when I read your first post I knew it was about the skatebike commercial.
Why? because it was this commercial (and because of the MJ impersonator) that made me want that skatebike soooooooo bad!:D
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

I remember seeing the commercial in the early 00's somewhere on the internet ;) It is not Michael though, it's Daimyo Jackson - Michael's impersonator. The bike is a combination of a skateboard and a bicycle, it's called Skatebike Maxx.

Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

:rofl: that thing looks bloody dangerous!! haha and look at the guys dancing, can't believe anyone would think it was mike hehe
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

OK so I went online to look it up and I found something like this...
Wonder though, he is just in for a moment...
*if that IS Michael which I am not sure as this is in really bad quality :p*

Is this add what you are referring to,Bumper Snippet?

:lol: :lol: LOLOL That guy looks like he's trying to moonwalk and run at the same time :lol:
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

OK so I went online to look it up and I found something like this...
Wonder though, he is just in for a moment...
*if that IS Michael which I am not sure as this is in really bad quality :p*

Is this add what you are referring to,Bumper Snippet?
LOLOL :lmao: That's not Michael! (And what a weird, um, skatebike... lol, wtf, never heard of that...)
Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

moved to michaelmania
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Re: MJ starred (BAD era) in an add that seems to have disappeared

:lol: :lol: LOLOL That guy looks like he's trying to moonwalk and run at the same time :lol:
