Bad day turned to AMAZING day!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
uk, macroland
Well yesterday my mums computer died - it died totally
So my laptop was working its butt off for myself and mum to figure out what the problem was. Anyway mum was really grumpy because me and mum practically live on the internet

I was okay because I had my laptop yay! Until this morning when my laptop decided to die as well!

To cut a long story short me and mum both have AMAZING new computers! I have a new laptop waaaay better than my old one and mum has a new computer!

So I'm just getting to grips with this new computer - one bad thing is I have lost alot of files well all the files apart from the pictures on photobucket (luckily most of my Michael Jackson ones are on there but not all of them Grr

So I need to try and collect all my MJ pics back and re-write all the poems about him I had saved :(


*Mini dance and celebration for me*
I was in a similar situation last summer - my dad's computer died, my laptop battery died and my charger/lead wasn't working so i couldn't just run it off the mains. Was so annoying, but thankfully my uncle was over from America and he's in IT so he managed to fix my dad's computer and i just used that for a while. My dad's comp still doesn't work very well but it is 11 years old so not that surprising! I just hope that Derek (my dell laptop) doesn't die for a while yet, and certainly not next year when i'm doing my university finals! Aargh that would not be cool!
that wasn't not far :yes:

that was cool that you got new laptop :yes::clapping: i always what laptop :yes:

:yes: that is sad that you lost your flies on your compture :yes: :cry: you should save your stuff on the compture on to cd :yes: that's what i did cause we had alot of problems with my compture too :yes: