'backward' fans ??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have transformed a few of my friends/colleuges into fans over the past month but they now seem to think that they know more than me.

He says "I love his music. the man was a genious. But why'd he bleach his skin?" I said he has vitiligo and he goes "No he didnt. You shouldnt believe everything he says. He had plastic surgery"

what do you say to these type of fans and how do you deal with the crap that they come out with?
google and vitiligo.or just dont bother with them cause seriously i wouldnt let ppl vote or breed who think that.
After Mikes death Ive converted two MJ-haters to MJ fans.. And now all of the sudden they seem to think they know more about him that I do (because they read all that crap in the newspapers and tribute tabloidpages).. And Ive been a hardcore fan for more than 16 years..

I just dont deal with it. I let them be. Let them think whatever they want. We know what we know! Let them think whatever they want, I have a feeling their thoughts about Michael will change overtime, if they are not ''true'' fans like many arent.. Maybe they are one of those people who suddenly listen to his music due to his death.. but then sooner or later settles it down and forgets him. I know several people who NOW claim ''they have always loved Michael'' but never heard a single one of his songs, after he died they are all like ''OMG I always loved Michael, I love this song'' but they could never admit that whilst he was still alive.. Pathetic..
I've been a fan since I was 7 years old (I'm 25 now), so you can imagine how much bullshit I've been going through the years.
The conclusion I came to was to stop caring about narrow minded people, it's really their loss.
And if they say something bad - then just smile in their face instead of going ape shit crazy, after that most people will feel like a fool.
I know what u mean, I'm on a Dutch forum where there's a topic about MJ...in the first days after his death there were just die-hard fans who wanted to talk to and help eachother.

Now there are people who say they loved him already before his death, but somehow they seem to know not the simplest things...and they pretend like they know it all better and say stupid things.
It's sooo annoying!:doh:
There are loads of pictures showing Michael with visible vitiligo.. search it on google and show them....
i know what you mean about these people.. gets on my nerves people just believe what they read and think they know everything!
I have transformed a few of my friends/colleuges into fans over the past month but they now seem to think that they know more than me.

He says "I love his music. the man was a genious. But why'd he bleach his skin?" I said he has vitiligo and he goes "No he didnt. You shouldnt believe everything he says. He had plastic surgery"

what do you say to these type of fans and how do you deal with the crap that they come out with?
You ask them to join this forum where there are a multitude of MJ experts who can tell it like it is whenever there's any need for it. ;)
After Mikes death Ive converted two MJ-haters to MJ fans.. And now all of the sudden they seem to think they know more about him that I do (because they read all that crap in the newspapers and tribute tabloidpages).. And Ive been a hardcore fan for more than 16 years..

I just dont deal with it. I let them be. Let them think whatever they want. We know what we know! Let them think whatever they want, I have a feeling their thoughts about Michael will change overtime, if they are not ''true'' fans like many arent.. Maybe they are one of those people who suddenly listen to his music due to his death.. but then sooner or later settles it down and forgets him. I know several people who NOW claim ''they have always loved Michael'' but never heard a single one of his songs, after he died they are all like ''OMG I always loved Michael, I love this song'' but they could never admit that whilst he was still alive.. Pathetic..

im glad ppl are loving michael now but it is a bit irritating that every1 suddenly loves him like where were you when he was alive and i dont know how long itl last
my sis was always ashamed to admit her sis was an mj fan at school and now shows off about it telling her mates the stories iv told her over the years and says that another irritating girl is now a supposed expert on his life 2 who used to take the mick b4
i wnt to my bros future missus house yesterday and her sis told me they were debating mjs life at work, it kinda annoyed me but i had to hide my feelins otherwise my bro wudv killed me, but its just so annoying how ppl are so judgemmental and debating his life, leave him alone
i simply put them in teir place. and they have no choice but to take it. :coffee:
I hate the people who were too scared or whatever to admit to being fans when he was alive, now all of a sudden they 'love' him.
oh my god seriously. this is a matter of common sense. just tell them to google for "vi-ti-li-go" it's a medical term it's very real it's written black on white what more do they need?! maybe a brain
I have transformed a few of my friends/colleuges into fans over the past month but they now seem to think that they know more than me.

He says "I love his music. the man was a genious. But why'd he bleach his skin?" I said he has vitiligo and he goes "No he didnt. You shouldnt believe everything he says. He had plastic surgery"

what do you say to these type of fans and how do you deal with the crap that they come out with?

well I made a video to show people like that
If they still dont believe after watching it then
they dont want the truth and there is nothing
you can do ...

show them this
How did Michael Jackson's skin turn white
and remind them Michael's dermatologist just stated
on larry King Live that he treated MJ for both lupus
and vitiligo which he said covered Michaels whole body
so the only choice they had was to even out his skin tone.
I know, it's the damn media stuffing their heads full of lies. I'm thinking of Michaels quote "if you tell a lie long enough people start to believe it."

I'm having a day job in informing people with the right information
They wanna keep believing the media. Ain't my f*ckin problem. I got enough sh*t to deal with.
They wanna claim they were too afraid to be his fans before he died. Boo f*ckin' hoo.
How do they think Michael felt every day since 1993? Afraid the cops might arrest him at any moment. Afraid that all his fans might leave him. Afraid his family might not stand by him. Afraid children's services might take his kids.
You don't wanna see the truth right in front of your face? Fine answer to God. I wash my hands of you.
You'll always bump into people like that. Hell yesterday I was at a party and someone pointed out the pictures of his leg. I'm like oh yeh that's the spider bite, and they're like no man, that's from all the drugs. I had to set them straight. That's just what the media does to people.
I have transformed a few of my friends/colleuges into fans over the past month but they now seem to think that they know more than me.

He says "I love his music. the man was a genious. But why'd he bleach his skin?" I said he has vitiligo and he goes "No he didnt. You shouldnt believe everything he says. He had plastic surgery"

what do you say to these type of fans and how do you deal with the crap that they come out with?

Tell them there is no such thing as skin "bleaching", but they'd probably lighten their skin too if their arms and ears and parts of their neck were turning white. You can either look like a dalmatian or you can have a uniform appearance. MJ decided to go with an even skin tone.

He had the disease, there are pics of his face black as night and his ears white as a white person. There's a pic from the Destiny/Triumph tour where a huge part of his neck is white. He had the disease, it's just that he wasn't so desparate to prove haters wrong that he went on TV with a powerpoint presentation of the pics and his doctors notes.

Plastic surgery.. so what? What the hell does that have to do with the person or the music?

I also start spewing off a list of pop-culture stuff:

The afro
The jerry curl
The high water pants
The glove
The fedora
The crotch grab
The smooth criminal lean
The moonwalk

So many pop culture staples, and I'm sure I've left some off.

As I mentioned in another thread, MJ's appearance was the same as his music... fascinating. Many people criticize it, I think it was cool in a way because there was never anyone like him.
I know exactly what you mean. I know this person who claims to have loved him their entire life and says he knows so much about Michael, but he doesn't. He made jokes about him a few years back which I'll never forget and now after Michael has passed, he says he has never made jokes about Michael his entire life. That really irritates me!!! He's jumping on the bandwagon like everyone else seems to be and it's really infuriating to people who have been fans of Michael for so long to have to deal with people like this.
You'll always bump into people like that. Hell yesterday I was at a party and someone pointed out the pictures of his leg. I'm like oh yeh that's the spider bite, and they're like no man, that's from all the drugs. I had to set them straight. That's just what the media does to people.

True, I think it was related to the 'black widow.' A few other peole in the L.A. area got bit. Scary stuff. Plus Mike didn't have a strong immune system and his white blood count was low so....it makes it difficult to fight off infection. God bless little Mike.
Oh, you see plenty of examples on youtube. People telling me off for not knowing everything and suggesting that I "read everything".
It's clear that by "everything", they mean the Sun Herald, Yahoo feature updates, magazines, etc. Then you tell them "I've read court papers, comments from the jury itself and listened to actual recordings that blow these rumours to pieces."
Then they shut up. Well, the less stubborn ones do at least.

Wait...I don't think they're fans anyway. Just people who've been 'reading all about' MJ recently and have since become 'encyclopaedias'.
oh my god seriously. this is a matter of common sense. just tell them to google for "vi-ti-li-go" it's a medical term it's very real it's written black on white what more do they need?! maybe a brain
:lol: those brainless ones.
stupidity and ignorance should be a crime.
yeah all these fans are now coming out of the closet and I am thinking where were you when Michael was alive.
i simply put them in teir place. and they have no choice but to take it. :coffee:
Hahah that coffeecup did it.:clapping:LOL!

You know, in the Netherlands people are even more stubborn so they are sooo convinced of their own thoughts....I just can't even believe I would ever (didn't and won't ever) think the media is a good source and then show off with it like I knew the world!