Back to the good ol' days on the forum...maybe.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Just wondering if/when we'll start talking about the stuff we did before.
I'm personally not over this yet - I'm still missing him tremendously and crying everyday...and then I remember how happy it used to be here.
We'd talk about:

Mike ebonics
Which video girl was the best for him
Wanting to be a YANA girl
His weave.
That Oprah Interview parody
MJ's gold pants
Michael and Iman's fake kiss in RTT
Mike getting KFC in his pajamas...

Not sure if we'll ever get back to talking about all those things the same way...
The heartbreak will make a huge difference but though I can't bring myself to laugh at any of that stuff yet, I hope someday we will.
Ive been reading all the old posts too from the good old days.
Makes me remember how much hope we all had back then
I remember when Michael was acquitted in 2004, we were all talking about "5 years from now"...saying that he'd be touring with his kids, making music again, and finally being happy and free again.
It will take time but I believe someday we'll have the same joy back. It just takes time.