Azja Pryor's (Chris Tucker's Ex-gf) Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accusers: 'TELL THE TRUTH!!!!'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Azja Pryor's (Chris Tucker's Ex-gf) Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accusers: 'TELL THE TRUTH!!!!'

Thanks to cindyrilla for making available a digital version of this Azja Pryor interview with Access Hollywood. I've included the entire letter with the youtube video so that many others out there that didn't know about the letter can read about it.

Please share with others so that we can spread this news. Thank you in advance!
Re: Chris Tucker's Ex-Gf speaks out against MJ's accusers

Hope this hasn't been posted yet...

Vid with Chris Tucker's ex-girlfriend supporting Michael...
but I don't know why she's only doing this now....
Well, better late than never. She's right - the only way everyone will ever believe that MJ was innocent is if one of his two accusers steps forward to say that he was lying. Doesn't have to be both of them - if one steps forward the other one will automatically lose all credibility.

I'm sorry to say though that I rather expect the opposite. There's money to be made from giving interviews to tabloids and writing books and stuff, but you need to have a story, and the type of story that sells best is a sensational one. Expect loads of articles, interviews and books full of "sensational revelations about his private life" from everyone who ever spend five minutes with MJ - or even from people who ever spend five minutes with someone who spend five minutes with MJ.
Re: Chris Tucker's Ex-Gf speaks out against MJ's accusers

I think this was posted before...?

Like some days after MJ passed away..
Re: Chris Tucker's Ex-Gf speaks out against MJ's accusers

Yep she did this interview few days after MJ's death ..
Re: Chris Tucker's Ex-Gf speaks out against MJ's accusers

yeah she put a written statement out.not that the media noticed
Sorry for the double post....

Well, better late than never. She's right - the only way everyone will ever believe that MJ was innocent is if one of his two accusers steps forward to say that he was lying. Doesn't have to be both of them - if one steps forward the other one will automatically lose all credibility.

That's a good point.

But hasn't Jordan Chandler already admitted that he lied? Why hasn't that been publicised anywhere near as much as the accusations? That makes me mad.

Anyway, I know it's better late than never but I don't get why she didn't do it when Michael was alive.
Sorry for the double post....

That's a good point.

But hasn't Jordan Chandler already admitted that he lied? Why hasn't that been publicised anywhere near as much as the accusations? That makes me mad.
I don't believe the story about Chandler saying that he lied. If he did mainstream media would immediately have picked that up. Besides, I don't think he can afford to do that because he would probably have to give back all those millions he got when the case was settled. Maybe he even would have to go to jail himself for falsely accusing Jackson - but I guess that probably wouldn't happen since he was underage at the time. Still, I don't think he could just make a statement like that and walk away as if nothing ever happened.
That was fake.

I don't believe the story about Chandler saying that he lied. If he did mainstream media would immediately have picked that up. Besides, I don't think he can afford to do that because he would probably have to give back all those millions he got when the case was settled. Maybe he even would have to go to jail himself for falsely accusing Jackson - but I guess that probably wouldn't happen since he was underage at the time. Still, I don't think he could just make a statement like that and walk away as if nothing ever happened.

Oh, wow I didn't realise that.....thanks for clearing that up.