Ay positive UK press coverage??


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
Is there any press coverage for Michael Jackson’s 50th birthday in the UK papers? Is it positive or negative?

Radio 1 mentioned Mike’s birthday earlier, which resulted in chris Moyles doing repeated ‘hee hee’s and ‘Ow!’. Then they pretended to interview Mike with various audio clips. They mentioned that two people called aled and Jody are massive MJ fans and that the best way to wind them up is to say mike is guilty. They also mentioned they had other clips they’d like to play, but Dom the news guy said it wasn’t really wise. I guess they were the ‘share the bed’ clips. Not really a positive segment, which is a shame because the Chris Moyles show is the biggest radio show in the UK.

So what have you seen or heard today?
Navi has been on GMTV all morning, performing and was interviewed twice. Well done to Navi for keeping the interviews positive, when the interviews tried to make him comment on how Michael has cahneged over the years. They showed that computer mock up of how Michael would "supposedly" look without surgery and all Navi said was "that kinda looks like me without makeup"! They also put together a video montage with Ross King talking to some people by Michael's star on Holywood Walk of Fame in La. The people they spoke to were very excited when asked would they like to see Michael return. Very poitive and great to watch on Michael's birthday.
Ow man!! I always watch GMTV but this morning i slept in lol

Any footage on youtube yet??
this morning on ITV (sky 103) UK are doing a special on mj turning 50 at 10:30am well in the next 2 minutes. tune in actually there is also an impersonator on the show lol. the special is at 11:45am UK time 'Michael Jackson is 50'
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Navi is still in the ITV studios and will be on THIS MORNING 11.45

Please people can these be uploaded onto here, or utube so i can watch later, i was sure Michael would become publicy active for his 50th but this is bettter than ever today.

The woman that will prob be with Navi i think could be Lindsay, an old MJ friend, she dead nice.

Im watching This Morning now, they have a few MJ pics in the background lol :)
Sky news has some talk about Michael and about a comeback aswell as Michael's friend being interviewed.All fairly postive..although alot of questioning whether Michael can come back but that's nothing new.
I'm watching this morning now :smile: i didn't see the GMTV thing with Navi
who is ashleey pearson! navi looks like he tryna not to laugh
who is ashleey pearson! navi looks like he tryna not to laugh

Some 'Celebrity' Pyschologist

She said we are crazy with love for him, and said of all the celebs in the world he seems to have the most loyal fans
I am watching it now! WOW!! Super! Good to see NAVI there ;)
Who is this woman with Navi???
Any MJ Party or Fan Meetings here in London today???
Some 'Celebrity' Pyschologist

She said we are crazy with love for him, and said of all the celebs in the world he seems to have the most loyal fans

im watchin right now. the things she is saying lol all i have 2 say is wow
That was a nice interview, but damn I wish they would get over that balcony incident, unfortunately its never gonna go away
no no, they just mentioned that (balcony incident) , nothing special, this program was very positive! ;)
Thanks for the utube video Star Trader. That guy needs to shut his mouth. Please note that the age they show of MJ is an image of him pre-adult. As we know men continue to grow up to the age of 21, which means that the bones are still developing. Just like they tend to age a 12 year old Jackson, they are aging a 17 year old Jackson. Very deceptive job as usual to dumb down the public into believing their version of Jackson. MJ as changed because of Make up, and aging and skin colour and not because of plastic surgery. he could only change his face if he had bone reconstruction, which he hadn't. It is the bone that determines your features, not sone cosmetic adjustment.
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The vast majority of the British media are negative about Michael, I'm ashamed my country has such a pathetic media view of Michael.