Avenging Michael: those that hurt him should pay


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i know it's a lot late, but i think we need to take action and hold all these people that have knowingly and visciously taken advantage of michael accountable for all of michael's pain and the fact that he is no longer here. i'm going to try to find bashir's email and write him a letter. and then i'm going to try to find other email addresses of people that have done mj wrong and write them letters too. not threatening or anything, i'm not a violent person and i know michael wouldn't want that, but people can't just watch injustice take place and not do anything about it so, just a clear explanation of their contributions to michael's suffering and a wish that they take a serious look at their previous thoughts and actions and feel guilty everyday for the loss of the greatest human to ever live and the eternal heartbreak to millions of people around the world.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing."
- Albert Einstein

(but mainly because of those who do evil)

michael truly made the world better and would have continued that improvement of the world and changing people's lives, not that he won't still, but he could have done more-there aren't many individuals that come to this earth and are able to have that kind of effect. and these assholes are making the world worse just by breathing. they cannot be allowed to forget or avoid their responsibility. i've always felt michael's pain and have been enraged by it, but never felt like i could do anything, but now i'm determined.

sometimes you have to fight a fight you know you can't win just to show them you're willing to fight.

the only thing i've known for sure in life is michael and that he is the purest and truest love i'll ever know and he's the most special person to ever breathe so my life is shaken so much by this tragedy and it is SO tragic. why did this have to happen to michael? he is the last person in the world to deserve this.

so idk if anyone else feels this sense of duty, i'm hoping you do. if you want to post links and email addresses to people who have relentlessly and savagely tried to hurt michael by making up or reporting lies for whoever feels as angry about this whole situation as i do, we can constructively express it to the people we are actually angry at instead of wasting our energy being angry at people who don't deserve it. what did michael ever do to these people to deserve such hate? people always want to bring down someone who is at the top or someone they don't understand. this is unacceptable and i want to let these people know.
justice is gunna prevail, one way or the other.

i guess that's what i always figured, but then this happened... i'm not educated in legal matters, but i honestly think that there should be some kind of criminal charges filed, not only for whoever was illegally giving mj drugs, but for people like bashir and tabloids and the families that have lied to get money out of mj, all of whom had a very real and very negative effect on michael's life. i understand the freedom of speech, but where is the decency in the world? and i think you give up your rights when they intrude on the rights of others. you can say what you want up until the point where it starts to have a severe impact on someone's life especially when the statements are lies and the people that continue to repeat them don't bother to find out if they're really true or not. when you are on a platform such as tv or radio or print you have to be responsible with what you say.
It actually crossed my mind that we should email places like TMZ and ask about Jordan and Gavin, where they are now. I'd be so happy if they started hounding their every move.
let's not waste our breath on the hater scum. they were attention and media whores, looking for cash and a rise out of Michael's suffering. to give them attention now is admitting they are human beings, which they are not - they're blood-thirsty monsters.
i totally agree with this,i am so full of grief and anger at the moment,peoplke who have made michaels life a misery whilst he was alive need to pay,
I agree.
It was great to see that open letter from Chris Tuckers ex, so let's hope there is more action like this.
As for Michaels accusers, I wonder if they ever saw any consequences for their purjury? (sp?) I mean all their contradictory evidence under oath must have some kind of legal repurcussions?
It actually crossed my mind that we should email places like TMZ and ask about Jordan and Gavin, where they are now. I'd be so happy if they started hounding their every move.
This crossed my mind too...
I've personally been "bombarding" ABC News Nightline with requests to fire Martin Bashir. You can contact them through their website, and also through their Youtube channel ABCNews, though I'm not sure messages to the latter reach the right people.
I think it would be great if everyone did this, but not in a "FIRE MARTIN BASHIR!!!! HE'S A F*ING LOSER!!!" kind of way. What we need to do is convince them that having Bashir work for them is going to cost them a lot of viewers.

Here's one of the messages I sent:

Dear ABC News,

Please allow me to ask you this question:

After what Martin Bashir put Michael Jackson through, after his clearly unprofessional, untruthful and biased "documentary", HOW can you allow him to work for you? Martin Bashir completely tarnished mr. Jackson's image with a one-sided, over-edited movie intending to make the whole world wrongfully believe that mr. Jackson was a sick and irresponsible childmolester, and now that he is dead, Bashir has the audacity to come forward like this and all of a sudden make the statement that he never saw mr. Jackson do anything wrong or criminal, and he does not believe that such things ever happened? Do you really not see the hypocrisy? Do you not realize how upset, how angered and how hurt his millions of fans and more importantly, his family, are that you give him the chance to "clear his name", while what he did to mr. Jackson can never be reversed? It is an absolute mockery of Michael Jackson's memory, and it is utterly and completely disrespectful of Bashir to make this attempt to redeem himself now that his victim is dead. Bashir's "apology" is long overdue, he has had his chance to make his wrong right for almost 6 years. His so-called documentary was a malicious, disgusting attack upon an innocent man, and his reporting and editing shows a lack of professionalism, respect and ethic that is beyond words. If you watch the documentary "Living with Michael Jackson, take two", you will see this for yourselves, and I would like to believe that a serious news agency like yours refrains from working with someone whose work contains such a lack of truth, moral, and, above all, dignity.

Please know that in the public eye, ABC News relying on anyone with such a lack of professionalism severely reduces the credibility of anything and everything that comes out of your agency. You are going to make a lot of viewers turn away from your channel in shock and disgust that you allow this kind of a reporter to work for you.

I ask you, in respect to the fans and to the Jackson family and most importantly, to honour the memory of Michael Jackson as the truly fantastic man that he was:

Do not let Martin Bashir work for your agency. He is an unprofessional, hypocritical person, and for you to have him working for you is nothing short of a disgrace.
Whether Latoya was quoted rightly or wrongly, I think there is a justifiable case here if Jacksons pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against people who have caused Michael's death.

Let the police dig up all the drugs Michael had to use for sleep problems and depression.

WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT - as a result of anxiety, depression, trauma, poor health, inability to eat well, over the years, resulting in reliance on medication, not conducive for work

The Jacksons can then sue Sony, Bashir, because Michael was using drugs to deal with depression from harassment by Tommy Mottola and also what Bashir did to him.
These contributed to his poor health and eventual inability to fully recover from the trauma.

Had he not been subjected to what Bashir and Sony did, Michael would not have had to tour at the age of 50 because he had made his intentions known of his desire to ease his life from touring.
But he was hounded and put in a financial position that he has to tour, moreso after a traumatic experience, contributing to circumstances that led to his death.

Such a lawsuit would bankrupt Bashir and be a lesson to greed in the media. The Jacksons would most likely win it because it would show Bashir's malicious intentions, profiteering at Michael's expense, and the medication Michael took to deal with the depression as well as the resulting consequences of being falsely accused as Bashir had planned.

Michael began to grow thin after that Bashir doc. He was so thin in September 2003 during that awards ceremony and his health became worse during the trial.

Jacksons should not spare anyone and the jury will side with them. These people used Michael like a cash cow.



Also, if as implied Michael was murdered. there are 3 possible theories

The media - who were carrying stories about his impending death even though he was healthy

Sony - Who stood to profit if Michael passed away

AllGood - Who were rivals with AEG

Live nation - a long shot was AEG was using Michael to try and edge out Live nation in the industry, if you recall Randy Phillip's words about the "gigantic" live nation that was dominating the industry.

Tom Barrack/Tohme - who did an article showing their disgruntled state at being sidelined, whereas Tohme still had access to Michael

Branca – who had close ties to Sony and was fired.



Let's look back at what bitterness can cause. Remember when Chandler was sidelined, he said "I’m going to destroy Michael"
That was a mere dentist and aspiring scriptwriter

Now, with Michael, he was dealing with millionaires and billionaires in the industry who had means to retaliate if sidelined. They play dirty. There was infighting that had started to emerge around Michael.

The question is, who stood to profit from Michael's death?


The media, especially Murdochs's outlet were carrying many stories about Michael's frailty, not doing the shows and that he had MRSA, cancer and all other stuff. Was that preparing people mentally to accept his death and not be shocked when he got killed? And whose interests were they serving by carrying such a concerted campaign?

Sony, who knew that if Michael toured, he would amass wealth, pay his debt and be in a position to later move away from Sony and sign with another label, since his new album was being produced by AEG (who could ultimately form a deal with Michael for a new label and a new music publishing company). But if Michael was dead, his estate would/might be forced to sell SonyATV share with Sony having first priority to buy it. And with the increased value of Michael's music after his death, Sony would rake in the millions while controlling the masters for years, with the assistance of Branca who was already in deals with them and the executor of Michael's estate.

AllGood, could have been bitter and decided to hire someone to stop AEG in its tracks by disabling Michael. "If we can't have him, you won't have him". Meanwhile, filing a lawsuit so as not to be seen as prime suspects for foul play.

LiveNation, keen to play dirty and prevent AEG from being a major rival in the immediate future with billions at stake.

Tom Barrack/Tahome, who felt edged out of controlling Michael, but they could rake in on Neverland ranch with Michael dead, by turning it into an Elvis-type place. But if Michael made money, he could easily buy back his share of the ranch, thereby completely edging out Barrack. They were bitter as can be seen in the LA Times article. Tahome had access to Michael at the Staples rehearsal centre shortly before he passed away.

Branca, who was conveniently out of town when Michael passed away, shortly after getting Michael to sign all responsibility over to him. Surprising that as Michael’s then chief lawyer, he took his time and did not rush back to LA, when everybody else was rushing to be by Michael’s side.
As chief lawyer, he would be rushing to take control of affairs to ensure Michael’s estate was not defrauded. But he took his time and that was after Katherine and Londell had to go to court to file the will. Suspicion arises when someone rushes too fast. But can also arise when someone acts too slowly so that suspicion does not fall on them.
When he takes charge, he doesn’t want Michael’s mum to be an executor, whereas Katherine questions his relationship with Michael and lo and behold, his lawyer produces a signed document a week before Michael passed away.



Since Michael was complaining of feeling unwell after AEG rehearsals, when he had been perfectly fine a few hours earlier

Could it be Lupus?

Could it be some other ailment?

Could it be he was poisoned via ingestion or externally?

Or could it be that the doctor did something wrong while prescribing or failed to diagnose the ailment correctly?


None of the above negate that Michael had an ailment after rehearsal, a few hours after he was fine.

For his heart to then stop a few hours later. Rehearsals ended 12:30am, Michael was dead by 2:30 pm.

After complaining of not feeling well.

What ailment can kill so fast within a 12 hour cycle?


Other ailment?


Prescribed drug?
Those are some VERY interesting facts about what could have happened or who ws behind michael's passing. I just hope that who ever is found to be liable pays!!

Also i agree about the letters. I think we should write to ABC news and let them know that we all want Martin Bashir fired along with ANYONE eles who caused Michael's pain.
Believe me I would also so love to see Martin Bashir fired hes the main reason why I don't watch Niteline. Like I want to see an a*hole just before I go to bed. Thank god he is not on every night but still I really don't watch it. But I am a big believer in karma. And to me their day will one day come when god gives them the kind of justice that they so deserve. God knows about those people and what they did to Michael when he was alive. While Michael is spending an eternity in Heaven with the good Lord. They will be spending an eternity in hell where they so badly belong. I really do believe that is what is going to happen to them.
I've personally been "bombarding" ABC News Nightline with requests to fire Martin Bashir. You can contact them through their website, and also through their Youtube channel ABCNews, though I'm not sure messages to the latter reach the right people.
I think it would be great if everyone did this, but not in a "FIRE MARTIN BASHIR!!!! HE'S A F*ING LOSER!!!" kind of way. What we need to do is convince them that having Bashir work for them is going to cost them a lot of viewers.

Here's one of the messages I sent:

Dear ABC News,

Please allow me to ask you this question:

After what Martin Bashir put Michael Jackson through, after his clearly unprofessional, untruthful and biased "documentary", HOW can you allow him to work for you? Martin Bashir completely tarnished mr. Jackson's image with a one-sided, over-edited movie intending to make the whole world wrongfully believe that mr. Jackson was a sick and irresponsible childmolester, and now that he is dead, Bashir has the audacity to come forward like this and all of a sudden make the statement that he never saw mr. Jackson do anything wrong or criminal, and he does not believe that such things ever happened? Do you really not see the hypocrisy? Do you not realize how upset, how angered and how hurt his millions of fans and more importantly, his family, are that you give him the chance to "clear his name", while what he did to mr. Jackson can never be reversed? It is an absolute mockery of Michael Jackson's memory, and it is utterly and completely disrespectful of Bashir to make this attempt to redeem himself now that his victim is dead. Bashir's "apology" is long overdue, he has had his chance to make his wrong right for almost 6 years. His so-called documentary was a malicious, disgusting attack upon an innocent man, and his reporting and editing shows a lack of professionalism, respect and ethic that is beyond words. If you watch the documentary "Living with Michael Jackson, take two", you will see this for yourselves, and I would like to believe that a serious news agency like yours refrains from working with someone whose work contains such a lack of truth, moral, and, above all, dignity.

Please know that in the public eye, ABC News relying on anyone with such a lack of professionalism severely reduces the credibility of anything and everything that comes out of your agency. You are going to make a lot of viewers turn away from your channel in shock and disgust that you allow this kind of a reporter to work for you.

I ask you, in respect to the fans and to the Jackson family and most importantly, to honour the memory of Michael Jackson as the truly fantastic man that he was:

Do not let Martin Bashir work for your agency. He is an unprofessional, hypocritical person, and for you to have him working for you is nothing short of a disgrace.

:clapping:That letter is amazing! Very well written! I started this thread, but have yet to act on it because I can't even bring my mind to think that clearly and calmly. I've been avoiding the thoughts, but I will surely be writing them a letter this weekend and continuing to find others that need to be written letters because Bashir is not the only one to do Michael wrong as we all know. I've watched Changeling and The Great Debaters over the weekend and it has gotten me all fired up because I cannot tolerate injustice in any form towards anyone. I just cannot believe the way some people act and are still able to live with themselves.

Whether Latoya was quoted rightly or wrongly, I think there is a justifiable case here if Jacksons pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against people who have caused Michael's death.

Let the police dig up all the drugs Michael had to use for sleep problems and depression.

WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT - as a result of anxiety, depression, trauma, poor health, inability to eat well, over the years, resulting in reliance on medication, not conducive for work

The Jacksons can then sue Sony, Bashir, because Michael was using drugs to deal with depression from harassment by Tommy Mottola and also what Bashir did to him.
These contributed to his poor health and eventual inability to fully recover from the trauma.

Had he not been subjected to what Bashir and Sony did, Michael would not have had to tour at the age of 50 because he had made his intentions known of his desire to ease his life from touring.
But he was hounded and put in a financial position that he has to tour, moreso after a traumatic experience, contributing to circumstances that led to his death.

Such a lawsuit would bankrupt Bashir and be a lesson to greed in the media. The Jacksons would most likely win it because it would show Bashir's malicious intentions, profiteering at Michael's expense, and the medication Michael took to deal with the depression as well as the resulting consequences of being falsely accused as Bashir had planned.

Michael began to grow thin after that Bashir doc. He was so thin in September 2003 during that awards ceremony and his health became worse during the trial.

Jacksons should not spare anyone and the jury will side with them. These people used Michael like a cash cow.



Also, if as implied Michael was murdered. there are 3 possible theories

The media - who were carrying stories about his impending death even though he was healthy

Sony - Who stood to profit if Michael passed away

AllGood - Who were rivals with AEG

Live nation - a long shot was AEG was using Michael to try and edge out Live nation in the industry, if you recall Randy Phillip's words about the "gigantic" live nation that was dominating the industry.

Tom Barrack/Tohme - who did an article showing their disgruntled state at being sidelined, whereas Tohme still had access to Michael

Branca – who had close ties to Sony and was fired.



Let's look back at what bitterness can cause. Remember when Chandler was sidelined, he said "I’m going to destroy Michael"
That was a mere dentist and aspiring scriptwriter

Now, with Michael, he was dealing with millionaires and billionaires in the industry who had means to retaliate if sidelined. They play dirty. There was infighting that had started to emerge around Michael.

The question is, who stood to profit from Michael's death?


The media, especially Murdochs's outlet were carrying many stories about Michael's frailty, not doing the shows and that he had MRSA, cancer and all other stuff. Was that preparing people mentally to accept his death and not be shocked when he got killed? And whose interests were they serving by carrying such a concerted campaign?

Sony, who knew that if Michael toured, he would amass wealth, pay his debt and be in a position to later move away from Sony and sign with another label, since his new album was being produced by AEG (who could ultimately form a deal with Michael for a new label and a new music publishing company). But if Michael was dead, his estate would/might be forced to sell SonyATV share with Sony having first priority to buy it. And with the increased value of Michael's music after his death, Sony would rake in the millions while controlling the masters for years, with the assistance of Branca who was already in deals with them and the executor of Michael's estate.

AllGood, could have been bitter and decided to hire someone to stop AEG in its tracks by disabling Michael. "If we can't have him, you won't have him". Meanwhile, filing a lawsuit so as not to be seen as prime suspects for foul play.

LiveNation, keen to play dirty and prevent AEG from being a major rival in the immediate future with billions at stake.

Tom Barrack/Tahome, who felt edged out of controlling Michael, but they could rake in on Neverland ranch with Michael dead, by turning it into an Elvis-type place. But if Michael made money, he could easily buy back his share of the ranch, thereby completely edging out Barrack. They were bitter as can be seen in the LA Times article. Tahome had access to Michael at the Staples rehearsal centre shortly before he passed away.

Branca, who was conveniently out of town when Michael passed away, shortly after getting Michael to sign all responsibility over to him. Surprising that as Michael’s then chief lawyer, he took his time and did not rush back to LA, when everybody else was rushing to be by Michael’s side.
As chief lawyer, he would be rushing to take control of affairs to ensure Michael’s estate was not defrauded. But he took his time and that was after Katherine and Londell had to go to court to file the will. Suspicion arises when someone rushes too fast. But can also arise when someone acts too slowly so that suspicion does not fall on them.
When he takes charge, he doesn’t want Michael’s mum to be an executor, whereas Katherine questions his relationship with Michael and lo and behold, his lawyer produces a signed document a week before Michael passed away.



Since Michael was complaining of feeling unwell after AEG rehearsals, when he had been perfectly fine a few hours earlier

Could it be Lupus?

Could it be some other ailment?

Could it be he was poisoned via ingestion or externally?

Or could it be that the doctor did something wrong while prescribing or failed to diagnose the ailment correctly?


None of the above negate that Michael had an ailment after rehearsal, a few hours after he was fine.

For his heart to then stop a few hours later. Rehearsals ended 12:30am, Michael was dead by 2:30 pm.

After complaining of not feeling well.

What ailment can kill so fast within a 12 hour cycle?


Other ailment?


Prescribed drug?

:clapping: Thanks for all the info!! And in my unprofessional opinion, the accusers and their families are definitely liable as well in the wrongful death lawsuit. Whether they thought through the full extent of consequences that such allegations would have on Michael's health or not, the consequences were severe and it all happened because of their lies! I don't know if there is any way that we could actually and meaningfully be involved in helping this case? I know Michael has the most dedicated fans who would like nothing more than a chance to fight for Michael's honor and respect that he deserves. I know some people believe in karma and to a certain extent I do too, but I also think that if you see something evil taking place you shouldn't just turn your head and ignore it.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,

but because of those who look on and do nothing."
- Albert Einstein

I'm going to look into ways we can make a significant difference. I know that CNN now has Ireporting which I think anyone can do, so I'll see what that entails.

I beg all of you to watch this clip and hopefully then be inspired to watch the full movie because this is what can happen when people stand up against injustice. It may sometimes be slow and always tough, but dedicated people can make change happen.


My eyes water everytime.
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Someone on Youtube sent me this video, there are 4 total. The statements MJ makes in this one I've never heard before and I wish I had, I wish it was broadcast all over and made as big of a deal as every negative story about MJ is so that we could have done something. Anyway, I watched all 4 videos and most of what they say definitely seems possible, but I wouldn't go as far as being paranoid and playing tapes backwards. I don't like to blindly latch on to any ideas, so I would say to watch it and see for yourself what you think about it. Don't believe everything you read or hear no matter where it is coming from. We all have intelligent minds for a reason and I think the whole point of the video is to get people to wake up and think for themselves and start questioning things that don't seem right because if they are right then there should be no problem defending or explaining it to those who question it. With that being said, I'm glad to hear that other people are not just going to let this go. All of the people surrounding Michael that contributed to this outcome have underestimated our love for him. We want answers!

I agree u.
We should do something;
We can't wait anymore.
Michael, you're the best man...
I love u forever~~
" open up your mind and then open up your heart and you will see that you and me aren't far apart "