Available scholarships & internships


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
Apply to participate in paid internship opportunities
at the Disneyland® Resort or the Walt Disney World® Resort!

Are you looking for an opportunity to:
• Gain real-world experience, learn transferable skills
and grow personally and professionally?

• Network with Disney leaders, build your résumé
and learn how to market yourself to future employers?

• Design a curriculum that explores your interests, enroll in classes and possibly earn college credit?
• Attend exclusive events, make new friends and have fun?
The Disney College Program is an experiential learning and earning opportunity that can open doors to the future, as well as create friendships and memories that last a lifetime. While working in theme parks and hotels at the Disneyland® Resort or the Walt Disney World® Resort, this unique internship program offers participants the chance to live and earn while they learn and gain skills that will be invaluable to their future.
Disney College Program recruiters are looking for bright, ambitious students for internships starting in the Fall of 2009! The Disney College Program is open to all college students in any major and at any academic level.
To learn more and apply, view our online E-Presentation at disneycollegeprogram.com.

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth...Education Is The Key~~~

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:angel:Knowledge Is Growth...Education Is The Key~~~
FastWeb found a new scholarship for you.
Hands Along the Nile Essay Contest

Award Amount: $5,000
The Hands Along the Nile Essay Contest is available to full-time undergraduate and graduate students who attend an accredited college or university in the United States. High school students entering college in the fall of 2009 are also eligible. To be eligible for this award, you must submit an essay of no more than 2,500 words on the topic: "How is community development in the Middle East important to the U.S.? Why is it particularly crucial to focus on Egypt?" Additional guidelines and rules are available on the sponsor's site.

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth...Education Is The Key~~~
FastWeb found a new scholarship.
Adult Students in Scholastic Transition "ASIST" Scholarship

Award Amount: Varies
The Adult Students in Scholastic Transition "ASIST" Scholarship is open to non-traditional students who are past high school age and entering college for the first time or students who are re-training. You must demonstrate financial need, be at least 18 years old, and reside in the boundaries of an Executive Women International (EWI) chapter (a complete list is listed on EWI's Web site) to qualify for this award. You must also be socially, physically and/or economically challenged and have clearly defined career goals and objectives.

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth...Education Is The Key~~~