Autism Breakthrough--gene defect link


Proud Member
Sep 19, 2011
Autism breakthrough: gene defect link

The Australian

Mark Henderson | July 11, 2008
MANY cases of autism are caused by genetic defects that disrupt the brain's ability to learn, according to groundbreaking research that promises to lead to new therapies.
A set of six genes that are strongly linked to brain development in the first year of life have been found to be abnormal in many autistic children, suggesting a neurological pathway that may underlie a significant proportion of cases.

The findings are particularly significant because some of these genes are not deleted entirely in autistic children, but are kept switched off by mutations in surrounding control regions of their DNA.

This raises the prospect that critical genes could be activated by drugs or behavioural and educational therapies, so that their brains develop more normally.

“We would not need to replace the gene, if we could only figure out how to reactivate it, perhaps with medications,” said Eric Morrow, who led the research team with his Harvard University colleague Christopher Walsh.

Such genes could also be activated by environmental factors, such as specialised education programmes, and it may ultimately even be possible to use genetic tests to determine which approach will work best for individual children.

Dr Walsh said: “By being able to characterise more about the genetic mutations at work in various forms of autism, we may be able to predict which kids need gene therapy, and which just need some form of training.”

Autism is a developmental disorder that is diagnosed in up to one in 100 children, and has a triad of symptoms. People who are affected have impaired social and communication skills, and show restricted or repetitive behaviour.

The condition has long been known to be heavily influenced by genetics, from twin and family studies, but few genes have been definitively associated. Most cases are thought to be influenced by combinations of dozens of defective genes, or by rare spontaneous mutations.

It also occurs on a spectrum, ranging from high-functioning forms such as Asperger's syndrome to highly disabling conditions. Dr Walsh likened it to Leo Tolstoy's line in Anna Karenina, that: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

Research into autism genetics has been hampered by the difficulty of finding autistic and non-autistic siblings in the same family to study. To get around this, the new study investigated 88 families from the Middle East, Turkey and Pakistan, where the average number of children is much larger than in Europe and America. The scientists also concentrated on families in which the mother and father were cousins, which is a risk factor for autism.

In five families, they found large segments of the genome were missing. Non-autistic members still had one working copy of these regions, but those with autism lacked working copies altogether.

Most of the deletions were in sections of DNA that switch other genes on and off, and affected genes that are important in the developing brain. They appear to be vital to the process by which brain connections known as synapses become modified during the first year of life, influenced by exposure to the outside world.

Details of the research are published in the journal Science.
Dr Walsh said: “Autism symptoms emerge at an age when the developing brain is refining the connections between neurons in response to a child's experience. Whether or not certain important genes turn on is thus dependent on experience-triggered neural activity. Disruption of this refinement process may be a common mechanism of autism-associated mutations.”

The work suggests that many genes, some yet unidentified, that contribute to this early learning process may be involved in autism.

Michael Greenberg, another member of the Harvard team, said: “Taken together, our findings suggest that experience-dependent learning could be relevant to autism, and that autism might result from any one of a number of genes that are part of the same signalling pathway.”

Thomas Insel, director of the US National Institute of Mental Health, which funded the research, said: “The emerging picture of the genetics of autism is quite surprising. There appear to be many separate mutations involved, with each family having a different genetic cause.

“The one unifying observation from this new report is that all of the relevant mutations could disrupt the formation of vital neural connections during a critical period when experience is shaping the developing brain.”

Clarence Schutt, of the Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation, another funder, said: “This publication a big event in the world of autism research.”
The Times
Thanks Dimity for that article, which was very interesting. I haven't worked with a child who has autism but I do a lot of research on different things that have to do with children, which I am a teacher for 2- 4 year olds and these days I could know alot about things like this just in case I am in the care of someone with these kinds of things. Right now I have a little boy with downs syndrome and in doing a lot of research of that I have learned more about them and different things I could do with him to help his days go by learning and having fun.
woah fresh news, thanks for posting.

hope this blows the vaccine-cause theory out since many parents aren't vaccinating their kids because of autism fear :-\
Very impressive...informative...

Any news on the advancement of Learning/Developmentally Handicapped Children..?

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"
woah fresh news, thanks for posting.

hope this blows the vaccine-cause theory out since many parents aren't vaccinating their kids because of autism fear :-\

Yeah exactly :yes:

be interesting to see where they go now with this information.
did you all see that one little boy on americas got talent he had autism but at the age of 2 he was singing michael jackson songs on the bus go look for it on youtube but have a tissue ready lol
Fantastic news.

Thanks for posting and I agree on the hopes that this clears some of the vaccination fears. More and more parents have stopped vaccinating their children and there has been a rise in reported illnesses that were at one stage almost removed from society due to vaccination action.
The vaccine issue is a terrible dilemma for families dealing with autism. In so many children, their regression into autism coincides with immunizations, and with negative reactions. That is not to say that the link has been proven to be causal, HOWEVER, it is understandable that parents remain skeptical about the research that is aiming to disprove the link. There is a lot to be gained by disproving the link (financially--drug companies profits and the government avoiding law suits for damages, and also the benefits of keeping the population immunized). Meanwhile individuals with autism and their families suffer horrendously, and no one can explain to them why the incidence has sky-rocketed in the past 15 years.

You know, regardless of the speculated link between immunizations and autism, there has always been a percentage of children who have reacted badly to immunizations. From a statistical point of view, they have always been considered the 'sacrificial lambs'--their loss being the price that society has to pay for the majority to be safely immunized. And statistically, that is all very well, until you or your child happens to be that 'one in a thousand' sacrificial lamb. Then it gets personal!

I have an autistic child. He has had all of his immunizations (most of them before he regressed into autism when he was two and a half). But I was very scared each time I took him in for another shot. I delayed many of them, made sure that he had only one at a time and not a bunch together, and I avoided all those that were not necessary (e.g. Hep B--a sexually transmitted disease, and the Measles, Mumps Rubella booster--is only required in children who did not get immunity from the first shot. Tests for titers are more expensive than the immunization, so the government chooses to immunize all children a second time whether they need it or not. Unfortunately, for the sacrificial lambs, it is that booster that does the most damage.)

This latest scientific research suggests the cause of autism is likely to be due to environmental factors that affect a genetically predisposed individual. That is to say, that one needs both the potentially faulty genes along with an environmental insult or lack of environmental stimulation at a particular time in developmment in order for the autism to be triggered. It sounds as though there are many different genes that could potentially be disturbed in infancy, and that some of those gene defects are more responsive to intensive stimulation (to allow for recovery of skills) than others. That would explain why some children respond brilliantly to one kind of intervention (e.g. intensive ABA therapy) whilst others respond better to bio-medical interventions (such as the Gluten free-Dairy free diet, heavy metal detoxification or attention to the immune system and related fungal and bacterial infections in the gut etc.)

This theory isn't new--it has been proposed for a long time. The challenge has been to find which genes are susceptible to what environmental impacts--how and when those genes are triggered. Thank God that scientists are getting closer to finding an answer, and hopefully, in the long run, finding some preventions or remedies. And see, therefore it really does remain a question as to whether in some individuals, immunizations are responsible (i.e the environmental impact) for triggering genes into switching on or off the crucial processes necessary for learning. That would make a lot of sense. If we could identify which children are genetically susceptible when exposed to a particular environmental impact, then we could avoid that assault! Other possible triggers have been postulated: e.g. over-use of antibiotics and subsequent gut dysbiosis, heavy metal poisoning, certain viruses, errors in metabolism. That is why every autistic child has a different story and why doctors find it so hard to pin point an exact cause.

Well all you people who continue to vaccinate your children should educate yourselves do you know the ingredients in vaccinations can you really say that some of the ingredients such as mercury,acetone,lead,aluminium,formalhyde etc... are safe i think not.
so what's your alternative to immunisation?
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we are basically guinepigs, the studies are misleading and a bunch of lies.
i can never understand this popular generalisation of scientists as some sort of conspiracy-driven Dr. Frankensteins.

ever wondered why the majority of immunised humans (and other animals) live through a healthy (and healthier) life? it's the inevitable survival of the fittest principle - you can't escape it when we have increasing viral and bacterial strain varieties by the second.

from the link to the book you provided, it seems that you agree with the author on the effective vaccine mechanisms being a "myth" - i'd appreciate it if you'd outline the scientific theory as to why you think vaccines do not work.
I never said vaccination did not work just that it seems totally barbaric to inject babies who's immune systems are fragile with a cocktail of poisonous substances.
I have witnessed children having convulsions days after there shots and held a child in my arms 2 days after her mmr jab whilst her body is still fitting and watched her eyes roll back in her head it is not a nice experience.
It's time for these children's voices to be heard the truth will not stay buried forever. For an informed choice please visit the site below this is one of many, this poor child had an allergic reaction to her shots and is damaged for life and there are millions more what is it they call it medical misadventure.
This article is excerpted from Dr. O'Shea's forthcoming third edition of the Sanctity of Human Blood.

Perhaps one of the most shocking pieces ever to appear on television this past April: a six-hour taping of a Congressional investigation into the relationship between vaccines and autism among American children. This footage appeared on C-SPAN and was then archived on their website for a entire month.

On April 6, 2000 Rep. Dan Burton convened the Congressional hearing in which parents repeatedly told similar stories - how their normally developing babies, after MMR or DPT vaccinations, began displaying autistic behaviors, conditions that are often permanent.

Happy, bright children were suddenly losing their abilities to learn, communicate or even recognize their parents.

Amazing testimony was given by experts in the field of autism:

Mary Megson,MD,

Explained how autism has gone from being rare (about one incident per 10,000 children in 1978), to epidemic proportions in 2000 AD:

one case in every 300-500 children in many areas!

Megson's research has shown total deficiency of vitamin A in almost all autistic children.

What depletes the body of vitamin A at 15 months?

The MMR vaccine.

In addition, Megson found that pertussis toxin from the DPT shot disrupted a certain protein that is necessary for retinal formation. This would account for the prevalence of night-blindness and loss of 3D vision so common among autistics.

John O'Leary,PhD

A world-class researcher and molecular biologist from Ireland, using state-of-the-art sequencing technology, showed how he had found the measles virus in the gut of 96% of autistic children, compared to 6.6% in normal children. This virus did not come from the natural disease, but from the measles vaccine.

Dr. O'Leary found measles virus present in 75% of children with Crohn's disease. Crohn's has traditionally been an intestinal disease of adults, following years of dietary abuse. Its appearance in children is a new event, and Dr. O'Leary's work points to the measles virus from vaccines as the likely cause.

V. Singh, MDM

A specialist from Utah State who has studied over 400 cases of autism, found that these children had experienced an autoimmune episode, in which their own bodies had been made to attack the linings of their nervous systems. Dr. Singh characterized the epidemic as a "hyperimmune response to the measles virus."

He stated that 55% of the families said that autism appeared soon after an MMR shot, and that 33% of families said it appeared soon after a DPT shot.

Such neurologic damage is a well-established side-effect of the mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde used in these vaccines.

Andrew Wakefield, MD

A brilliant researcher from the UK, noted an almost 100% incidence of "lymphoid nodular hyperplasia" or swollen lumps throughout the intestinal tissue of autistics. Such a condition is rare in normal children. Intestinal pathology is characteristic of the autistic child, and the condition generally follows soon after the MMR shot.

Dr. Wakefield explained that as the fragile, newborn intestine cannot function because of its swollen condition, undigested toxins from vaccines and drugs are allowed to get into the liver, which is also in a formative stage.

Liver pathology is very common among autistics. Wakefield's hypothesis is that these same "undegraded toxins," having not been halted by the intestine or the liver, as normally happens, that these toxins are then free to attack the nervous system, and that autism may well be the result.

Kathy Pratt, PhD

Director of the Indiana Center for Autism, stated that 1 in 400 children in Indiana were autistic! With 500,000 cases reported in the U.S., Dr. Pratt stated that autism is now more common than Down's syndrome. Dr. Pratt points out that autism presently may disqualify a person for medical coverage for other, unrelated conditions.

Michael Goldberg, MD

A California pediatrician and researcher, explained how it was impossible to have an epidemic based solely on genetics. That's the standard excuse the CDC and the NIH have been using to explain how autism has grown from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 300 in just 22 years.

Seeing the American democratic system in action in a live Congressional hearing, it soon becomes apparent how the control of information operates, even in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that we may well be poisoning our own children!

Colleen Boyle was there to represent the Centers for Disease Control. After stumbling through her prepared statement in which she denied any connection between autism and vaccines, Boyle stated the present incidence to be "12 in 10,000." Burton then stopped her cold by asking her one simple question:

Did she think it was a conflict of interest for the same people who were funded by the vaccine manufacturers to be on the advisory board making decisions about which vaccines should be given to American children?

Boyle was dumfounded and speechless. Burton repeated the question. Still no answer. Boyle's mute portrayal of the career bureaucrat spoke volumes.

Equally inept and ill-prepared was Deborah Hirtz, MD, representing the National Institutes of Health. Losing her place in her written statement, Hirtz forgot what she was saying, and it seemed obvious she had not written it. Finally, she just barely managed to put across what she was sent there to say - that there could be no connection between vaccines and autism, but that the NIH was "looking into it."

The NIH has already spent some $40 million per year of taxpayer money "looking into it." (Hirtz) Their answer: It needs further study. The performance of these representatives from the two government agencies who have almost sovereign power in the area of vaccines was frightening - their indifference; lack of information; condescension; and low level of intelligence.

They gave no sign of having understood one word of the critically important breakthrough research that had just been so brilliantly expounded by Drs. Megson, O'Leary, and Wakefield. This is what power looks like - people who have been in their position so long that they know they don't have to justify themselves to anyone lower down on the food chain.

Government agencies have the same answer to every problem: more committees; more money; more study; and more meetings. Meanwhile, 22 years have gone by, and all these people say is "we don't know."

After 22 years and $100 million, we don't know the incidence, the cause or the cure for autism. But we'll definitely "look into it." And, oh yes, it's definitely "not vaccines."

This is the thinking that passes as logic. The key point here that no one seems to be pointing out is that research should be done before mandating a vaccine into the bloodstream of American children! You don't just start mass-injecting something into a population and then stand back and defy independent scientists to prove it isn't safe! That's exactly what we've done here.

As a nation, as a government, and as parents, Americans should be very certain, beyond a reasonable doubt, that any substance being injected into an unformed little nervous system is absolutely safe and does no harm. That should be the minimum requirement.

Drs. Wakefield, O'Leary, and Megson have shown startling results from some of the only scientific research on autism and vaccines in the entire world that has not been funded by the vaccine manufacturers. This research also shows a high likelihood that MMR and DPT vaccines may cause permanent intestinal destruction, liver damage, and autism. It presents a very plausible hypothesis for the horrific increase of autism since 1978. So, until we know for certain if they're right, why are the vaccines not suspended?

Researcher Gary Null's pert answer comes swimming to the surface; "It's the money, stupid." By the end of the hearing, Burton's room was polarized into three groups:

those who were convinced of a connection between autism and vaccines
those who admitted the possibility
those who angrily denied the possibility, affronted that anyone would question their "scientific" opinions
It was amusing to see which people in the room were trying to discover the truth, and which were trying their best to cover it up.

Despite Burton's heroic efforts to bring these matters into public view, it's an uphill struggle. The big money's on the side of vaccines. Big money controls research, the press, "scientific" journals, and politicians. Seeing all these forces clash together in one room in just six hours has been the most instructive display of confusing the issues perhaps since the OJ trial.

Watching a live congressional hearing like this, it soon becomes clear that for them, the real priority isn't necessarily finding the truth, but rather showing who's really in charge here. The viewer begins to understand how autism could have gone from being unknown in 1978 to being a household word in just 22 years with so little fanfare.

The researchers who have unlimited funding may 'prove' whatever they wish, get it published in the best journals, which are heavily advertised in by the drug companies, and then refuse to respond to valid objections, because they know that those opposing points of view will probably not be published.

Despite these formidable obstacles, doubts are creeping into the overall public "consciousness" from many different directions about the safety of vaccines. At one in 500, the fact of autism as an epidemic can no longer be covered up.

The work of Wakefield, O'Leary, and Megson is going to be very difficult to explain away. The massive advertising campaign about the safety of vaccines in the popular media, which is certain to be stepped up in the next few months, is going to look very hollow in the light of clean, unbiased research that is not funded by parties who stand to make billions from certain predetermined results.




MY BEAUTIFUL "moon child"























I understand your rage and guilt (assuming that you are Sharon and the moonshild's mum). Or perhaps you are a grandparent, relative or friend. My heart goes out to you...
moonchild, i sympathise with you as i grew up in an embargo-stricken Iraq where children were dying at a horrifying rate (for each 1000 children born, 40 died before reaching five years of age) and faulty vaccinations were part of the cause (due to lack of resources, of education, of professional assistance etc.).

but there was a catch-22 in this situation whereby vaccinations were desperately needed to keep children alive in a country then infested with all kinds of viruses and bacteria. so the "lesser of two evils" prevailed to decrease the overall mortality rate.

i believe the serious problems associated with vaccines are affecting a minority in our relatively advanced Western culture and they don't lie in the general immunisation techniques but in improper administration e.g. dosages and unhygienic methods. otherwise, we wouldn't have overwhelmingly healthy treatments. and to be frank, i don't see any realistic means by which a whole population can survive without vaccination.

but to stay on topic, i think this breakthrough will debunk the vaccine-related autism theory and if not, then we'll at least know which genes-switches are affected in order to find the fault in the corresponding vaccine, if there is one.
who's funding the study?

It looks as though the study is being conducted by a team of specialists from Harvard, including a Dr. Walsh (I'm wondering if this is THE Dr. William Walsh from the Pfeiffer Clinic, who has been investigating the role of Metallothionein in autism?) and it is being funded by US National Institute of Mental Health.
With regard to possible triggers for autism, I consider antibiotics the initial culprit in my son's case, though it is possible that mercury (and immunizations) had a part to play. Here's how it happened...

*genetic predisposition. My father had Aspergers syndrome, which I realized (as the explanation for his eccentricity etc) after I became familiar with the condition when my son was diagnosed.

*When I was pregnant, two of my molars lost fillings and I had them replaced with temporary amalgam fillings that contained mercury--a neurotoxic metal that is inhaled from amalgam fillings. No one told me that amalgam exposure in pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus.

*When my son was 1 week old I had both those molars permanently filled with amalgam. The job was botched and the fillings had to be ground down twice. I had a distinct taste of metal in my mouth for six months after those treatments, and my son was fully breast fed during that time. Mercury from amalgams is present in breast milk (proven in animal tests).

*My son received all of his immunizations during infancy, all of which contained the preservative, thimerosal, which is methyl mercury. If all immunizations were given at that time (before the government acknowledged the risk, and thimerisal was taken out of some immunizations in 2001) infants received hundreds of times more mercury than is recommended as safe exposure for adults. If mercury is toxic, why don't all children suffer its effects? Because not all children are genetically predisposed to neurological damage (vulnerable). Those who are, may incur changes to their DNA that trigger the onset of autism.

*What's more, due to the compulsory registration of immunizations, I was pressured into having my son immunized a third time for Hib, right at the time when he was regressing into autism, because we were moving to the USA and he had to have all of his immunizations to be allowed in the country. I was sure that he had already had his second shot, but it had not been recorded. I was assured that an extra shot would do no harm. More mercury!

*my son had repeated ear infections between 1 and 2 years of age (possibly due to milk intolerance)--> treated with antibiotics. He had two courses end to end in the six weeks prior to his regression. I did not know that pro-biotics should be given after antibiotic treatments to replenish beneficial gut bacteria.

*Mercury is particularly damaging to the gut, as are all of the gut infections listed above. My son's gut was a MESS! When I had him tested after his regression into autism he had high levels of yeast, toxic bacteria and parasites in his gut. Toxic waste from these infections resulted in high levels of ammonia in his blood that appeared symptomatic of an in-built error of metabolism. It was not an inherent disorder however--it was entirely due to gut pathogens creating too much nitrogen in the gut, which is converted to ammonia. Ammonia is highly neurotoxic.

*My son's digestive ability was seriously compromised by dysbiosis and complicated by his autistic compulsion for restrictions on what he ate. He refused to eat anything but potato chips, crackers, cooked apple and custard. His gut was so inflamed by infection that it became leaky (larger than normal perforations in the gut wall, allowing undigested molecules of food to leak into the blood stream). Leaky gut resulted in food allergies as food molecules found their way into his blood. He became sensitive to a wide range of food which exacerbated his gut inflammation. Gut inflammation prevented absorption of nutrients from his already meagre diet. He improved immediately when milk was eliminated from his diet, adding some weight to the opioid theory, that the proteins in milk act as an opioid in the brain, as does gluten.

We treated my son's gut dysbiosis over the course of two years to eliminate all infections. We eliminated foods to which he had become sensitive. We put him on a strict dairy and gluten free diet. Proteins had to be restricted while he had excessive nitrogen in his blood (indicated my amino acid tests). We put him through a course of heavy metal detoxification to eliminate mercury, lead and cadmium from his system. Aluminum was also high.

My son was developing normally until he was 2 years of age. He was social, mischievous, talkative (spoke in sentences of up to nine words, had very clear speech sounds, argued with his siblings, asked questions, greeted people, adored being read to, loved singing nursery rhymes, enjoyed reading letters, recited the alphabet and counted to twenty, he chatted all the time.) At two and a half years of age, just after two courses of antibiotics and a superfluous Hib vaccination, he stopped responding to his name. He appeared deaf. His speech suddenly disintegrated (much to his own horror as well as ours), and he retreated into a world of his own--sad and confused. Over the following six months he lost all of his previously acquired skills, until he was non-verbal, unresponsive, sabotaged every attempt to play with him, flapped his arms, squealed, toe-walked and engaged only in repetitive and compulsive self-stimulatory behaviours. He had become severely autistic. It was like watching my son die--like watching him slide off the edge of the earth into a dark abyss while I clung desperately to his fingertips.

Through persistent efforts to heal his gut and improve his diet, my son has come a long way. When he was two years old I thought that he was the brightest of my four children. Now, at 11 years of age, he remains moderately intellectually disabled and autistic, though he can talk in short sentences to request things that he wants. He very rarely talks aside from asking for things. He attends a special school that he enjoys. He lives in a world of his own--swinging, jumping on the trampoline, cutting up cardboard, looking at books... but he is happy, because we love him to pieces!

So, see, the cause of autism may be very convoluted. It may be due to a combination of environmental triggers (toxins injected, or created by pathogens in a diseased gut, malnutrition, maldigestion and malabsorption, errors of metabolism--inbuilt or acquired, and viral damage too) combined with a genetic predisposition. It's very hard to know the precise cause, which is why it has been so hard to research. Every child seems to have a different story to tell. But we are getting closer to having an understanding of the range of possible factors that might trigger autism. Next step... How to avoid triggering it, and how to remediate the problems if it is triggered.

Immunizations on their own, now that they are mercury free, given at a reasonable age, and one at a time (not three or four live viruses at once) may not be such a danger. But if immunizations are given to a child whose system is already compromised by toxic metal exposure, chronic infection, over-use of antibiotics, poor nutrition etc, THEN an immunization may be the LAST STRAW. THAT is what must be considered. The BIG picture of HEALTH in our children.
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moonchild said:
in the uk we still use mercury in jabs.
actually there's no thiomersal in any MMR, Hib, oral polio, meningitis C conjugate or BCG vaccines used in the UK.

and this report was published a few months before they found about about the gene-linkage to autism:

Mercury-vaccine link to autism disproven

Mon Jan 7, 2008 9:06pm GMT

A new study provides more proof that childhood vaccines with mercury as a preservative -- no longer on the market -- did not cause autism, researchers reported on Monday.

The findings came from a look at children diagnosed with autism in California from 1995 to 2007. It found that the number of autism cases continued to rise through that period even though the preservative thimerosal -- nearly half of which is made of ethylmercury -- was removed from most vaccines in 2001.

The data "do not show any recent decrease in autism in California despite the exclusion of more than trace levels of thimerosal from nearly all childhood vaccines (and) do not support the hypothesis that that exposure (to it) during childhood is a primary cause of autism," the study concluded.

Some earlier studies had linked mercury to autism, theorizing that as more and more children were being vaccinated against more health threats, it could explain increases in autism.

But a 2004 report from the U.S. Institute of Medicine said a review of existing studies did not appear to back the mercury-autism theory.

What causes autism remains a mystery. Some experts have said the increased number of cases is due at least in part to more awareness, an expanded definition, education and other factors.

People with autism spectrum disorders suffer in varying degrees from limited social interactions, lack of verbal and nonverbal communication and other abilities. As many as 1.5 million people in the United States have some form of autism, which is generally diagnosed beyond the age of 2, after most vaccinations have occurred.

"Although our analysis ... shows an increase in autism in California despite the removal of thimerosal from most vaccines, we support the continued quest for the timely discovery of modifiable risk factors for autism and related conditions," said the report from Dr. Robert Schechter and Judith Grether of the California Department of Public Health.

The report was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

In an editorial in the same publication commenting on the findings, Dr. Eric Fombonne of Montreal Children's Hospital, said that despite this study and earlier ones, beliefs persist among the general population that autism is related to mercury-preserved vaccines or to the triple measles-mumps-rubella vaccine specifically.

But, he said, parents of autistic children "should be reassured that autism in their child did not occur through immunizations."

"Their autistic children, and their siblings, should be normally vaccinated, and as there is no evidence of mercury poisoning in autism, they should avoid ineffective and dangerous 'treatments' such as chelation therapy ..." he added.

(Reporting by Michael Conlon; Editing by Doina Chiacu)​
well i'm not reassured. and there is still mercury based preservatives used in immunisations in the uk.