Australian troops capture Taliban leader


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Australian troops capture Taliban leader

AUSTRALIAN special forces have caught a Taliban leader behind a host of bomb attacks in Afghanistan's Oruzgan province, potentially dealing a blow to future terrorist assaults.

The Defence Department today revealed that the elite Australian troops last week captured Mullah Bari Ghul, whom coalition forces believe was a key figure behind extremist operations in the province.
Details of the capture were not immediately available.
Defence described Bari Ghul as a key figure in providing equipment, money and foreign fighters to extremist operations in Oruzgan province.
They also believe him to be involved in coordinating the actions of individual insurgent cells.
Defence spokesman Brigadier Brian Dawson said his capture was likely to have an immediate disruptive impact on extremists operating in the province.
"The loss of the one person who knew what was currently underway, what was planned for the future and had the contacts to gain further support is a significant blow to the Taliban extremists command and control in the province,'' Brigadier Dawson said.
According to Defence, Bari Ghul carried out the role of a "shadow governor'', responsible for authorising bomb attacks across the province.
"Extremist cells in Afghanistan operate in small isolated groups and only a few key individuals have any sense of the overall provincial insurgency plan,'' Brigadier Dawson said.
He suggested that Bari Ghul could be ultimately responsible for the roadside blasts which killed Signaller Sean McCarthy last month and Trooper David Pearce last October.
"Mullah Bari Ghul was directly responsible for the importation of componentry, the provision of specialists in the construction of IEDs and authorising their emplacement across the province,'' Brigadier Dawson said.
"He was also ultimately responsible for the July 13 suicide bomber attack in the Deh Rawood bazaar that killed 21 Afghans and injured a further 12 (people).''
Bari Ghul has been transported to Tarin Kowt, the capital of the province, and is being held in a Dutch detention facility.,23599,24157030-1702,00.html?from=public_rss

Wow! Go the Aussies :kickass2:
Great stuff. See, this is the kind of thing that should be getting done instead of whatever the hell the Americans are trying to do in Iraq. I've been hearing a lot of positive news lately about what's been going on in Afghanistan (on behalf of the Australians, Americans and all the allies), and it's good to hear.
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^ yeah but everything we're doing in afghanistan hasn't been that great. Terroist groups have more control over more area in Afghanistan than they did a few years ago.
They're closing in on the City of Kabul too

The reason is because Afghanistan can't defend themselves. 20 years ago, the US should've been putting money into building up Afghanistan's schools, police forces and armed forces so that the Taliban couldn't take over. They didn't, and low and behold, the Taliban took over. So I think the only way to keep the Taliban down is to do what should've been done years ago. Build up their government programs. Obviously, remove the Taliban first. Then get out, don't keep a hundred thousand troops in there like they did in Iraq. Keep some peace keepers there, keep sending money over there, and eventually Afghanistan will be a stable nation that can defend itself from future Taliban insurgencies. That's how Iraq should've been handled. Unfortunately it wasn't, but hopefully that's how it will start being handled from next year on. Hopefully.