Aussie Madonna Fans


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Any Aussie Madonna fans out there? omg...who else is GUTTED by her snubbing us AGAIN on her tour?


dunno what we did to turn her off last time she was here...but its mighty frustrating!
or maybe she's just being fussy.
I am not from Australia but I think it's really not cool you guys are getting avoided again.

She refused to sing in Serbia or Montenegro but accepted to sing in Croatia. Which also sucks...
I'm starting to get into her from a few months ago. I bought Hard Candy the day it came out here in Australia but I left the cd over at my cousins place in another state when i was in my holidays *cries*

Is she seriously not coming :(:(:( I've read 2 Aussie interviews (recent) and she said she'll think about touring here, since she hasn't since 1993. Damnnnnnnnnnn!
If she is not selling that well in Australia,that might be a reason... Singers have this weird choice of not wanting to make concerts in the countries where they are not selling that much as the others. Take Kylie for example, she refused to sing in USA because the market there is too hard to please. Well I agree with Kylie on that one. Soulja Boy on the other hand must be CRANKING it over there.