August 21th, national day of grief in Norway in memory of July 22nd, the day terror hit Norway


Proud Member
Aug 13, 2011
On July 22nd 77 people were killed when Anders Behring Breivik detonated a bomb in Oslo wich killed 8 people before heading out to the island called Utøya where he killed 69 people, most of them children. The people of Norway responded by joining together in peace and love promoting tolerance and democracy, the very same things the terrorist wanted to destroy. In Oslo 200000 people gathered to carry roses and to honor the dead by showing the world that no terrorist can ever destroy a people and what they stand for.

On August 21th the nation will have a day of grief.

Here is a video with a song written by Lisa Schøne Johansen, a song about coming together, supporting each other and helping those in pain. You will see many pictures in the video of people holding flowers and coming together in peace to show that one man can never stop people from loving each other. Hate will never win. Hope you like the song and the video.

"Tenn Ett Lys I Natt" by Lisa Schøne Johansen