Aug 29-Happy birthday to our dearest beloved Angel Michael!!!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
I've been celebrating Michael's birthday for almost two decades now with a big party, lots of happiness and fun, helping the needy and celebrating his truly beautiful life and music! Its going to be Aug 29 very soon in this part of the world, so here's wishing our dearest one a "beautiful birthday" from the whole of India!

Dearest Michael,
Thankyou forever for being the glorious Light you have always been in this world, blessing us all with the most beautiful, inspiring, uplifting music, dance, creativity, giving us unparalleled joy and teaching us the most beautiful virtues of goodness, inspiring us all to be good, do good and make this world a better place! Your Light is shining brighter than ever everywhere and the whole world loves, admires, honours you and knows you continue to be the most beautiful gift from God to us all...we could never thank you enough...we are so eternally grateful to you for everything...we miss you every moment but we know you are in the beautiful Heavens rejoicing and celebrating your sweet rewards with the loving Angels :flowers: May God always and forever bless you with eternal love, bliss, sweetness!
May you have lots of fun, please never let go of our hands and do know most beautiful one that we love you forever and we shall do you proud! Hope to meet you very soon:flowers:!

You are forever:flowers:...

With eternal love to you sweetest Angel from all your fans around the world here is wishing you a Very, very Happy birthday again:flowers:!!! And thankyou forever and ever and ever for everything:flowers:...
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How does it make sense to wish him a "Very, very Happy birthday" and say "May you have lots of fun" etc.? Also "Hope to meet you soon"?
Because he is in heaven/paradise. Why are you trying to ruin this, "Sue" ?
:cry: Oh Michael, even the angels wept when you left. We will never forget you. We will try hard to spread the message of love, to love the children of the world. The sick, the poor and deprived. Just as you taught us all xxx
9 more hours and it will officially be his 52nd birthday down here... Love you. :heart:
it's 9:52pm around in LA. still gotta wait for a bit. I wonder what time he was born in indiana....
happy birthday michael joseph jackson. you wonderful soul!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART. i miss u so much. i wish u were celebrating this here with us but i'm guessing its even better up there.
love u for always
Happy Birthday my sweetheart! I love you my sweet angel....a true miracle :heart:
I went to the movies today and they played 2 michael songs while we were waiting for the movie. it was nice :)
Thanks Heaven for to gift us to someone so sweet and lovely. It's always a treat to wish Happy Birthday to someone so sweet. My heart is in party for loving someone a form so pure and simple, without asking anything in return. Today is your birthday, Michael but we who are gifted with all the love you bring to us.

Many blessings for you today and always. :give_flowers:
it's 9:52pm around in LA. still gotta wait for a bit. I wonder what time he was born in indiana....
happy birthday michael joseph jackson. you wonderful soul!

Taj tweeted:
Just got the official word from Grandma herself. :) Uncle Michael was born at 7:33 PM.
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