AUCTION IDEA (NOT related to other threads)

Are you willing to return Micahel's white glove to him as a present from the fans?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
After reading extensively about Julien's upcoming auction of Mike's stuff finally hit home today after reading about how upset Michael is about losing his "personal" items, never approved for the sale.

I have an idea. Michael's biggest loss, the one that would really break his heart, would be to loose the white glove. It just CANNOT happen. I realize we can't buy everything and return it to Mike, but why can't we quickly spread the word to fans, collect money and get the glove to present to Mike.

Anything is possible if we put our heart into it, and I believe that Mike would be touched beyond words if we pull this off. Please help me figure out if this is even a possibility, if anyone is interested in helping, and if I am a loon who has no idea what he is trying to do.

Thanks for reading. I honestly would be in heaven if we can pull this off.
Somehow I think Michael had/has more than one significant white glove in his career; and probably multiples in case one was lost or damaged. Perhaps another article of his that he truly does not want to give up; but it sounds like he has been getting some things back already. I don't think we really know the whole story at this point. JMO
How could you know what his biggest loss would be? He has items that were his children's going up for auction - seems that would take priority over a father rather then a glove he had several of.

This goes to court again tomorrow as well so...

In addition MJJC would not be responsible for the money, the outcome or anything else involved in it so I'm moving it to the fan projects section :yes:
considering the amounts mentioned lately of over 50-100 thousand dollars for the glove,and the limited time to do anything about it,only Mike buying it would save it from going to someone else,i'll try to bid on a few very smaller bits to try and give back to him at some stage.
It seems they have come to an agreement and Michael now has the items he actually wanted. Check the thread on the MJGD.