Attention Members! Help Your Fellow MJJC Members!

MJJC Moderator

Hi Members!

We know this is off-topic but we like to highlight and celebrate when our members do something exceptional.

We have two very exceptional members of MJJCommunity that have entered into the Mariah Carey remix competition. These two would really like to have your vote and we hope that you guys take a moment and vote for our talented members! One is already in the top 10 so we need to vote for John so he can be there as well.


Mariah Carey decided to do a competition where her fans can officially remix her song "Lovin' You Long Time." Other fans vote for the top 10. Once the top 10 finalists are picked, judges will decide who has the best remix. Once the winner is selected, Mariah Carey will put the song on her Myspace page, her label will showcase the remix, and the winner will take home over $5,000 dollars! This would be a cool competition for Michael too!

Our members who have entered:

John (username john12182) who currently is in need of votes. Listen to his entry here:

Nick (username nick2341) Who is in the top 10!! Listen to his entry here:

Both songs are excellent and as our member arXter have said, "Our talents in the fan community is unmatched. with so many remixers, video-mixers, gfx, etc. .. the quality is always there." Lets get them both in the top 10 so they can be number 1 and 2! MJJCommunity even kicks ass in the world of Mariah Carey!

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C'mon guys! Vote and let your voices be heard that our MJJC members rock! Let us know that you have voted for them. Please!??
I'mma vote twice :wild: one vote because they're community members and one vote because these remixes really do rock! :wild:
hmm I tried to vote but my internet became slow because of it and had to restart my computer.
Try again. The site was down for a few but now back up. Rock The Vote!
Just want to thank all of you for helpin' me out! Thank you staff of MJJ Community for all your support and Nick your remix is all good. Thanks again and Thanks some more!
Thanks John! Your and Nick's remix is clearly the best on there. Good luck!
Keep trying the first time I voted it would let me do the final confirm thing but it worked after I did it a second time :yes:
C'mon members! Please vote for them! One is winning and now the other one needs to win too! :lol: VOTE!
I voted 5 times LOL. Good luck to both of them :yes: :yes: