At least 2000 members, yet only 20 to 50 at one time??

LOL...people have jobs, hobbies, a life :lol:. They can't be on here 24/7 ;)
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They should take a look at least twice a week....but in good and joyful times fans are not united...they just complain!!!
i would talk bout MJ if there was somethin to talk about,,,,,there isnt so wats to talk about?
When I do a "member List" there are THOUSANDS who have 0 posts!! Is that pathetic or what??? And the last time they logged in was MONTHS ago...(yep I have a life!! LOL!)
Reeta - or other mods....maybe the user list needs to be cleaned out? I mean, it is not really a true reflection of the actual people who participate here???
i would talk bout MJ if there was somethin to talk about,,,,,there isnt so wats to talk about?

Well I am not trying to be a jerk or anything,but people around here COULD care more about the video project for Michael's birthday. Yes, I know I am boring, but I just can't believe how no one even cares to COMMENT , let alone participate...

And if it were rumors,the site would be BLOCKED...
alot of boards are going though the same thing, in actaul fact this board is one of the most active at the moment. Some boards I visit only get 1 or 2 new posts PER DAY and only have a max of 5 or less members online at any time I visit!!
When I do a "member List" there are THOUSANDS who have 0 posts!! Is that pathetic or what??? And the last time they logged in was MONTHS ago...(yep I have a life!! LOL!)

Linda, a lot of people lost their post counts in the move from MJJF to MJJC

Months = since MJ news too so chill a little, don't call folks pathetic... that's bordering on an attack.

Reeta - or other mods....maybe the user list needs to be cleaned out? I mean, it is not really a true reflection of the actual people who participate here???

No it shouldn't be.... if MJ news happens and these people wish to come back and read or participate under their username... they won't be able to.

ontop of that we have a LOT of lurkers who religiously come in here and read our conversations but never post. We shouldn't discriminate against them just because they don't post.

Some people read our board, but their language isn't English, so they just take their time and enjoy our community without posting.

I'm not going to agree to anything that involves discriminating against a member.

Any reason why you directed that post at Reeta specifically?

as for the 20-50 at a time... those numbers are fairly great for an MJ board, in the middle of a dry spell... I applaud everyone who is posting here weekly to keep our community up and running and as much fun as it is. :)

Remember our list reflects visitors in the last HOUR not last 12 or 24 like most forums ;) we're certainly popping for a place that should be relatively dead considering how quiet the MJ world is.
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as quite as you may thing this place is, in actaul fact alot of boards would love to be this "quiet" try being a mod on a board that only has 2 regualr poster!! This is just another Michael drought time, people are comparing now to the time of the trial, when the whole world was regualaly visiting and posting on the boards. In fact most of the time during the last 25 years, long times with no news are quite normal
When I do a "member List" there are THOUSANDS who have 0 posts!! Is that pathetic or what??? And the last time they logged in was MONTHS ago...(yep I have a life!! LOL!)

WHO CARES if members have 0 posts? There is no rule or regulation that obligates members to make a certain amount of posts in so many days. Everyone uses the board to their own likings. Some like to post a lot of nonsense, some like to post only to voice their opinion, some like to enter various discussions and just enjoy posting, and some choose to read the news only. Nothing's wrong with that :)

Michael is not doing anything. He is not providing us with things to talk about, so naturally the boards die down and members become more quiet. I don't think anyone would appreciate 4935 discussions about the same thing over and over.
Thats is a dry spell. Remember when Thriller 25 was announced and back when Ebony and Vogue was announced. I remember there were like 100+ fans logged on everytime I was on. Once Michael announces his new album and things start getting into shape with that....I can guarentee there will be hundreds of fans logged on this forum at a time. Michael just needs to give the fans something concrete to be excited about. Its not a bad thing....its just a dry spell.
I'm busy trying to make myself rich in the real world. Pardon me.

And spending time with my bf.

And exercise.

And feeding stray cats!

And Reddit!
I'm busy trying to make myself rich in the real world. Pardon me.

And spending time with my bf.

And exercise.

And feeding stray cats!

And Reddit!

OMG...shame on you! :eek: I mean, how could you not spend every waking hour on this board?! :eek:


Good on you though. Live your life, work, have fun, go out , meet people....and when you have some time left and you're bored, get on this board :yes:
Reeta - or other mods....maybe the user list needs to be cleaned out? I mean, it is not really a true reflection of the actual people who participate here???

Just want to add this is a member list - that is a list of all members on the site not only active participater's - it won't be changed. Why ya spying on the members?

Thinks someone needs another hobby:lol:
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There's nothing new to really talk about so...
There's ALWAYS something new when discussing Michael's gold pants from the HIStory tour.:lol::ph34r:

Seriously...I do wonder if I'll be married and with a family by the time Michael releases his new material. I was 16 when 'vince came out, and I think I'll be 26 when Michael releases the produced stuff.:wacko:
*sigh* I'll talk about mj till...........ummmm.........FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol- I guess I just had to say something...........
Just want to add this is a member list - that is a list of all members on the site not only active participater's - it won't be changed. Why ya spying on the members?

Thinks someone needs another hobby:lol:

Yep, I gotta get out more.....:lol:
I confess, I have been kept away from here by my life but now I'm losing grip of it so I will be here more often and longer. ;) Unless my life finds me again. :D
I also hope that Michael's life starst getting him around again so we'll have something to talk about. :lol:
well I'm here.. lol! have invited people to come..