Assigned Parking Spots, Help!!

Amber Dawn

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
Anybody ever have trouble with people taking your assigned parking spot? If so what have you done about it?

I live in a apartment, fairly small only 4 units. We each get our own spot and the number of the apartment is clearly marked on the spots!! I usually get home from work after 11pm. Right now 3 apartments are occupied, so really I should have no trouble. But I got home and ALL 4 parking spots were taken! I was really upset because this meant parking on the street in front of someones house I really do not know. I know exactly who the cars belong to and whos "guests" they are. But problem is they are all men. I am a female (THE Only female in the apartment complex) and not only that its Midnight and even though their lights are still all on. I feel uncomfortable knocking on their doors.

I'm trying to wait patently and checking every 20 minutes to see if their "guest" has left..:bugeyed I don't want to get in trouble by this lady or get towed because I'm in front of this ladies home..
Well, you should notify the landlord.

About parking in front of a womans house, if it's a public street, you can park there without being towed.

But you really should call the landlord, or maybe leave a nice note to the other residents about it.
Calling the landlord is your best option. I understand what you mean about feeling uncomfortable.

In my last year of college I had a parking spot at my townhouse and one rainy night one of my roommate's friends was over and took it. I had to park in the guest circle on the other end of the lot and walk through the rain. The girl who parked there was all "Oh, I'm sorry, did I take your spot? I'll move it!" and then proceeded to stay there another couple of hours.
I thought for sure today I wouldn't have a spot. There is a mysterious truck parked out there, I think while we have a empty apartment the people across the street are using it for "free parking" . Next week Disney is coming to town to do something, so they are expecting a HUGE Crowd I'm thinking wont have anywhere to park then either , since they move in as soon as I leave work in the afternoon

I dont wanna be a bitch and I'm really nervous about what the neighbors will do if I go and tell on them for stealing spots, but I think I will be calling my landlord and complaining if it happens again..