Assassin's Creed games


Proud Member
Jan 15, 2011
Does anyone here like Assasin's Creed games? One of my favorite game series on this console generation. Assassin's Creed III was released October 31 on Xbox 360 and PS3. PC and Wii U versions are coming little later. The game looks great!


Here is trailer and some gameplay:

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Amazing game! I got Join or Die edition one day before release date and I think this is the best game in the series. I'm now in chapter 7. Gameplay is so fun and the story is great.
Waiting for PC version. Only game I am waiting for.
Waiting for PC version. Only game I am waiting for.

I might buy PC version too someday but when its cheaper. Console version is full of funny glitches and frame rate is very bad sometimes. I hope they have fixed the glitches on PC. They are not game breaking but can be annoying. The game is great thought! :)
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ACIII was great. Very good game. And Connor's character was very straight forward. I like it. Though it sucks you can't kill citizens like in past games, lost a bit of fun that way.
I love the series, not really a big gamer myself but I got so addicted to the game after one session. Im going through them in order so know only in part three :D