Asking for fans consideration about Michaels 3rd child.

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Proud Member
Aug 2, 2011
This has bothered me for a long time and I know you will agree with me on this, at least I hope so.
Prince Michael Jackson II also known to you as Blanket should not be called that. I don't think Michael inteded his child to be called that. It is a fitting and cute nick name for a baby, but not to a growing child who is soon to be a teenager. So I am asking all of you to consider the feelings of the young one and start calling him by his own name. Yes I do understand Prince is the first child and so youngest would be mixed with his older brother by that name, so I have been thinking what would have Michael called him. I think he would have liked us to call the 3rd child as Michael Junior or Michael II.

I am hoping all the fans and media will consider the feelings of this child when he grows up.
Have you thought that maybe HE is fine with his nickname bc his father gave it to him? NOT trying to be rude, but that pissed me off honestly. Why should he go by something he doesn't want to to appease some people? If he is fine with his name, that should be all that matters...he hasn't suffered a psychological defect from it. Let BLANKET be BLANKET (himself). I'm still called by my nicknames: PUNKIN OR BUMP OR HALF A PINT, and I wouldn't change it, be damned others opinions, who are THEY!?
@Annie, Half a pint? :D Cute.

Honestly I dont think this kid cares if we call him Blanket or Michael II, considering the fact we're not in contact. I dont see why a nickname, even from childhood, would be offensive. I've been called Ben all my life, it's my real nickname, and I'm fine with it. Blanket is a sweet name, it's full of love.
If one day he asks to be called otherwise, I will. :)
This has bothered me for a long time

Well, not trying to be rude but as long as Blanket isnt bothered with his nickname I dont see why we should be bothered by it...

Kids get nicknames and for many of them the nickname stays with them for the rest of their lives- it becomes their identity in some terms. My mom got me a cheesy nickname when I was a kid and she STILL calls me that (im 25 now) and she will probably call me that when Im 40 too LOL... thats a bond she and I share in some way...

Blanket also means "blessing" and he has been called that since he was a baby so i guess ppl should stop worry about these things.
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You're right, forget the name Blanket. Lets call him "3rd child" like in the title of this thread instead. -_-
@Annie, Half a pint? :D Cute.

Honestly I dont think this kid cares if we call him Blanket or Michael II, considering the fact we're not in contact. I dont see why a nickname, even from childhood, would be offensive. I've been called Ben all my life, it's my real nickname, and I'm fine with it. Blanket is a sweet name, it's full of love.
If one day he asks to be called otherwise, I will. :) My grandaddy gave me that nickname! :) Still calls me that in public too and I know who he's talking too...Will miss it when he passes on for sure...
see that is the are too much in the business of these kids....if he like the name Blanket...then let him be called Blanket. if not he will make it known when he is older that he doesn't want to be known as Blanket. This really is none of our is Blankets business....and when he says one way or the other,...then I will be bothered to take notice.
What is wrong with some fans some want to cut poor blanket hair, and some want to change his nickname,
Why why why??? Leave the sweet child be, no changing his name or cutting his hair. Hand off.
see that is the are too much in the business of these kids....if he like the name Blanket...then let him be called Blanket. if not he will make it known when he is older that he doesn't want to be known as Blanket. This really is none of our is Blankets business....and when he says one way or the other,...then I will be bothered to take notice.

Agree 100%.
I do understand your reasons for calling him Blanket. You have always known him as such because it's easier to seperate him from his brother who also has the same name. What I would like for you to understand that this is a young boy and one day he will be a man. I do not wish this boy to grow up ridiguled. Yes it is an endearing name, yes it was given to him by his father, yes it's meaning is loving, BUT that is what fans see, that is what those who knew Michael sees. Still that leaves a lot of people who will not understand and I am afread this boy will suffer from it in the end. Being Blanket for him is private, it's a loving memory of his father, but to the world he is something else. He is himself and not an extension of his father. My wish is simple, I just want to protect the childs future.
I do understand your reasons for calling him Blanket. You have always known him as such because it's easier to seperate him from his brother who also has the same name. What I would like for you to understand that this is a young boy and one day he will be a man. I do not wish this boy to grow up ridiguled. Yes it is an endearing name, yes it was given to him by his father, yes it's meaning is loving, BUT that is what fans see, that is what those who knew Michael sees. Still that leaves a lot of people who will not understand and I am afread this boy will suffer from it in the end. Being Blanket for him is private, it's a loving memory of his father, but to the world he is something else. He is himself and not an extension of his father. My wish is simple, I just want to protect the childs future.
I vote that we let Blanket worry about his name in the future...not our place. Jeesh.
I do understand your reasons for calling him Blanket. You have always known him as such because it's easier to seperate him from his brother who also has the same name. What I would like for you to understand that this is a young boy and one day he will be a man. I do not wish this boy to grow up ridiguled. Yes it is an endearing name, yes it was given to him by his father, yes it's meaning is loving, BUT that is what fans see, that is what those who knew Michael sees. Still that leaves a lot of people who will not understand and I am afread this boy will suffer from it in the end. Being Blanket for him is private, it's a loving memory of his father, but to the world he is something else. He is himself and not an extension of his father. My wish is simple, I just want to protect the childs future.

If/when Blanket tells us not to call him Blanket, that's when I'll stop.
Why don't we leave Blanket to decide that? I guess you suggest that we call Prince "Michael" since Prince is technically his nickname (or has it been changed over time? Idk, I know Michael was his birth (first) name, correct?) Anyway, if Blanket decides to still go by his nickname then there's nothing wrong with that. He's still very young, don't make him grow up so fast. It'll be his choice what name he goes by. Plus, I think Michael's reason for giving him the nickname is quite beautiful.

It's just a nickname. It won't scar him for life. I had a cutesy (and embarrassing haha) nickname growing up and my parents still call me it sometimes.
He is a very shy and silent little boy. You wouldn't know if you hurt him or not because he won't tell. But I am hoping Katherine will know. She is closest to those kids. So I shall have to wait.
OK.....What will it take for you to just ignore my posts? Really...?!?!


Do you understand the concept of a forum?

He is a very shy and silent little boy. You wouldn't know if you hurt him or not because he won't tell. But I am hoping Katherine will know. She is closest to those kids. So I shall have to wait.

Please explain why you think "Blanket" is a hurtful nickname. I really don't understand.
It's not right IMHO for us to choose what to 'call' Blanket We are his fathers Fans & Admirers Michael named them and alot of ppl have a nickname from family who are we to take or change that? No one.
I don't like the Martin Bashir interview but Listen to Michael as he speaks about the sweetness behind Blankets nickname. Fast forward to @ 3:45 - 4:19

Honey...please go back to Lipstick Alley with the rest of the crazies with this foolishness! I browsed there just to see what goes on, and by God, it was disturbing!! From, that boy needs a haircut, to he shouldn't be called Blanket, to he should smile more often in his pics...!! Some people worry me with their sick fixation on this young child and need to seek psychological help, because this is an unhealthy obsession for the child. He is NOT a KEN doll that you can toy with daily!!
I'm closing this thread. let's not play mother - father and guardian to MJ's kids.
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