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Momma Shannon

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This thread is solely for news, updates and photos of the on-going trial in London. Please do not add comments to this thread there are other threads for that.

In addition please remember not to use the refresh button constantly as it can get overwhelming to the system and we don't need any down time during Michael's stay in London.

Ok, Let me go find some appropriate items to place in here :yes:

Some articles so far...


Michael Jackson is alleged of owing an Arab sheikh £4.7m

Rush to watch Jackson in courtroom

7 hours ago
The most exclusive ticket in London on Monday is for Court 73 at the High Court where Michael Jackson is booked to appear in person.
Instead of his usual singing and dance routines, the superstar will have a speaking part when he steps into the witness box to defend allegations that he owes an Arab sheikh £4.7 million.
So great is the demand to see the star in action that the court authorities have issued a limited number of passes to get into the court, one of the largest in the complex.


Jackson expected to arrive in UK

Michael Jackson is expected to arrive in the UK to give evidence at the High Court over claims he breached a music contract with an Arab sheikh.
It is thought fans will gather to support him, but court officials are issuing a limited number of passes.
The King of Bahrain's son, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, is suing Mr Jackson for £4.7m, claiming he reneged on a music contract.
Mr Jackson contests the claim, saying there was no valid agreement.
'Personal relationship'
Sheikh Abdulla says he paid all the singer's living, travel and other expenses until his departure from Bahrain in 2006, and advanced funds to retain legal and financial advisers.
Mr Jackson claims the payments were "gifts".
The Thriller star was invited with his children and entourage to Bahrain, shortly after he was acquitted of child molestation charges in California.
While there, the sheikh lavished money on him. Sheikh Abdulla also built a recording studio, which he believed would be used to record albums using material he had helped to write.

However Mr Jackson apparently pulled out of the deal in May 2006 after 11 months and has not seen the sheikh since.
On Monday Mr Jackson will come face to face again with the sheikh who said he believed he had formed "a close personal relationship" with the star.
Now Sheikh Abdulla says he wants nothing more to do with him and is suing to get his money back.
At the start of the hearing which began last week, Mr Jackson's lawyer, Robert Englehart QC, applied for the star to give his evidence by video link from Los Angeles because of concerns about his health. But the application was withdrawn after medical experts said Mr Jackson was fit enough to travel.
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Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

Please adhere to NO COMMENTARY - that means no posting in this thread with idle chatter. This is soley for updates, pics and news so that the average person doesn't have to wade through the masses of pages in the other threads. If you have comments take them there. Thank you.
Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

~~Bringing members up to date with this case~~

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Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY


Guy Holmes Testimony (credit to Moonstreet)

Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY


Commentary by member RSW

To those who are saying that Michael signed a contract and therefore he has to pay up, get the issues right in the first place.

In court, it came to light that the Prince spent $6million on MJ well before that 2Seas contract was signed. So, it cannot be claimed as an advance to Royalties as by then, MJ had not signed anything. The Prince claims that entire amount was a loan to be repaid via royalties.

The second part that you need to get right is this, Michael was being made to sign a contract for a non-existent company. His lawyers made it known it never got off the ground and the judge even asked for Guy Holmes passport. Now, when a judge asks for such details, it can't be good for the plaintiff, because Guy Holmes came in to testify in favor of the plaintiff. It became clear from Guy Holmes testimony that Michael at the time of signing, never knew that 2Seas did not exist as a company.

Therefore, you have a serious problem there, which underscores Michael's case of mistake and misrepresentation.

This is what I think the Prince hoped when he sued Michael. His advisors must have told him that MJ would not want to fight with him in court and would therefore carve in and agree to the Prince being part of any contract Michael was to sign, that includes, having the Prince's company involved in some of MJ's future works, afterall, MJ usually settles, that would be the talk they had. And from his lawyer's comments about sick notes, they have definitely been perusing past civil cases involving MJ to see where they could gain an advantage.
The newspaper reports about a possible settlement before the end of the case could most likely have come from one side, in the belief that if they pressured MJ, he would settle.

What the Prince and his advisors did not count on is Michael fighting this through and not wanting anything to do with the Prince any more.

The case itself is crumbling in court, apart from the way some media wants to report it. We all saw how the 2005 case was crumbling while the media was feeding the public a different story.

Michael may have signed a document, but if he finds out that the company does not exist and has no capacity to fulfill the obligations as was presented, then he has every right to pull out.


So for those saying Michael never fulfils contracts, you need to ask yourself, why is that so?

For Sony, we all know what they tried to do in 2001 till 2005. They tried to take him down. How could he fulfill the contract when the very guys he is supposed to work for are trying to ruin him?

For Avram's case and the millennium concerts, why did the jury not award Avram $20 million he was asking for and only $5 million and even after that, MJ appealed and it was settled out of court? Why did Avram recently seek out a meeting with MJ and MJ declined to agree any concerts with him? The jury could see things were not clear but some had prejudiced views of Michael so they still awarded Avram something, which Michael still challenged and made clear that he had no obligation to Avram.

Is that not the same with Schaffel? He came claiming $19 million. He only got given $900,000 and that was with a jury prejudiced against MJ as some jurors commented that Schaffel was entitled to less and Michael to more than $250,000. Let's not forget that Michael's lawyers had offered Schaffel $475,000 which he refused, thinking he could use the courts to scam millions out of MJ, but he ended up with less. Up to now, I have never heard how much MJ was awarded in the second part after that first part.

So, whereas in the media those suing MJ are portrayed as justified, I see these cases as wins for MJ.

For Avram, instead of $20 million, he ended up with way less than $5 million For Schaffel, instead of $19 million, he ended up with way less than $500,000.

and for the Prince, even if he gets anything, he will end up with far less and won't be able to hold MJ's career as ransom because it will all be sealed and finalized in court. Don't forget that he refused to release MJ from that contract and that's possibly why we haven't had MJ announce any contract with any other company. The Prince won't be able to make a claim over Michael's head or sue him for anything after this, and MJ can walk away free to sign a properly reviewed contract for his future. If MJ had settled, as we've seen in past cases, some parties at times try to come back and challenge the terms of the settlement, but once a judge rules, that's that, and I believe that's what MJ's chief attorney MacMillan wants, the guy who helped Prince the singer to cut him off from unfair contracts.
Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

DM: please repost your article. I needed to finish posting all parts of the summary. It is finished now. The formatting wasn't holding, that's why it was taking so long. Sry.
Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

Michael Jackson due to testify in court

Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:23pm EST

var storyKeywords = "US JACKSON COURT"; var RTR_ArticleTitle = "Michael Jackson due to testify in court"; var RTR_ArticleBlurb = "LONDON (Reuters) - Michael Jackson is expected to appear in a British court on Monday to answer charges by a Bahraini prince that the U.S. pop star reneged on a recording contract and owed him $7 million. The reclusive 50-year-old initially wanted..."; addImpression("3098077_Article Tools");var showComments = false;var allowSLCall = false; /** START SITELIFE INTEGRATION **/if( self == top ) { var re = /\/article/; var articleExist = top.document.location.href.match(re); if(articleExist != null) { allowSLCall = true; var uniqueArtKey = "USTRE4AM2B320081123"; var articleUrl = document.location.href.split("?")[0]; var tempTitle = unescape("Michael+Jackson+due+to+testify+in+court"); tempTitle = replaceString("+", " ", tempTitle); var articleTitle = tempTitle; var articleSection = "Main_US"; var articleCategories = document.location.href.split("article/")[1].split("/")[0]; } if(articleExist != null) { var slArtPage = new SLSectionPage(); slArtPage.varName = "slArtPage"; slArtPage.base.varName = "slArtPage"; } } function singlePageView() { document.location.href = ReplaceQueryStringParam(document.location.href, "sp", "true"); } function replaceString(oldS, newS, fullS) { // Replaces oldS with newS in the string fullS for (var i = 0; i < fullS.length; i++) { if (fullS.substring(i, i + oldS.length) == oldS) { fullS = fullS.substring(0, i) + newS + fullS.substring(i + oldS.length, fullS.length); } } return fullS; } if(allowSLCall == true) {document.write(' |');}if(allowSLCall == true) {slArtPage.addRecommendWidget(uniqueArtKey);}

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LONDON (Reuters) - Michael Jackson is expected to appear in a British court on Monday to answer charges by a Bahraini prince that the U.S. pop star reneged on a recording contract and owed him $7 million.
The reclusive 50-year-old initially wanted to give evidence via videolink from the west coast of the United States, citing medical reasons, but his lawyer at London's High Court said on Thursday he would turn up in person.
The courts have taken the unusual step of issuing a limited number of tickets to media outlets wanting to attend the hearing in anticipation of the press and public interest his appearance is likely to generate.
Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa, second son of the king of Bahrain, says Jackson failed to honor a contract to record a new album, write an autobiography and produce a stage play.
He also says Jackson owes him $7 million after the prince paid for legal costs, travel and other expenses in 2005 and 2006.
Jackson's lawyers argue that there was no valid agreement with Sheikh Abdullah, and they have tried to portray the prince as a generous but naive, star-struck pop music amateur.
They also say Sheikh Abdullah's payments to Jackson and his staff were intended as gifts, not part of a business agreement.
Details of the personal and financial relationship between Jackson and Sheikh Abdullah surfaced during the first week of the trial, which is expected to wind up by the end of the month.
The court heard that the prince gave Jackson and his representatives $1 million before he had met the star, and provided $35,000 to pay for utility bills at the singer's Neverland Ranch in the United States.
He paid Jackson $2.2 million in legal fees, and more than $300,000 for the services of a motivational "guru."
Sheikh Abdullah also spent $450,000 on Jackson's brother Jermaine in late 2004 and early 2005, and paid for a Rolls-Royce car for him in California.
Jackson and the prince spoke by telephone and collaborated on songs long-distance while the singer was on trial in 2005 on child molestation charges.
He was acquitted in June that year, but the trial left his career, reputation and financial status in tatters and he has been a virtual recluse since.
Jackson spent time in Bahrain as a guest of the royal family following the trial, but he backed down from plans to work with Sheikh Abdullah in June, 2006.
Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

Thanks DM. We will open the thread when the pics start to flow for read ONLY. No discussion, folks.

Thank you.
Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

Jackson 'settles High Court case'

Michael Jackson has made a settlement in principle in a legal dispute over claims he breached a music contract with an Arab sheikh.
He had been due to travel to the UK to give evidence at the High Court.
A spokesman said his legal team told him to postpone the trip as the parties had made an agreement in principle.
The King of Bahrain's son, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, was suing Jackson for £4.7m, claiming he reneged on a music contract.
Mr Jackson contested the claim, saying there was no valid agreement. The BBC's Matthew Shaw was told Mr Jackson was about to board a flight to the UK when he was told to postpone the trip.
Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

Breaking News

10:35pm UK, Sunday November 23, 2008

Michael Jackson has settled a multi-million pound dispute with an Arab Sheikh out of court.


The pop star had been due to appear at the High Court tomorrow over allegations he owed Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa £4.75m.
A spokeswoman for Mr Khalifa said: "As Mr. Jackson was about to board his plane to London, he was advised by his legal team to postpone his travels since the parties had concluded a settlement in principle."
Re: Articles/Pics/Trial News - NO COMMENTARY

Well, there is no need to really open this thread, as the case has been apparently settled. We will keep this up for people to read at their pleasure. Thanks for your interest.
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