Article about Michael and the Press

Thank you very much for posting this.
it's a good article. the only thing i disagree with is them thinking they knew his lifestyle, and saying it seemed celibate. because i don't recall any rocker having sex in public. so why do they single out Michael?

anyway, other than that, i totally agree. and the actions of the mainstream media, and government, with regards to Michael, shall never be forgotten....or forgiven.

they prove, with each day that Bashir works, that the mainstream does indeed pay a person to be like a tabloid. that's the only other thing i disagree with about the article. it said that the mainstream media doesn't pay people to be like a tabloid. well, they do. they are unapologetic about what they have done to Michael, to this day, and they still paint him as a pedophile and a drug addict, and they continue to have total disregard for the law and the courts, and, ironically, are taking full advantage of the shield law, which protects them.
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thank u ,i am really impress by this article .it has everything story ,conclusion ,what we learned ,what we need to do .
please people those who have twitter ,youtube account please put link of this article.
it's a good article. the only thing i disagree with is them thinking they knew his lifestyle, and saying it seemed celibate. because i don't recall any rocker having sex in public. so why do they single out Michael?

anyway, other than that, i totally agree. and the actions of the mainstream media, and government, with regards to Michael, shall never be forgotten....or forgiven.

they prove, with each day that Bashir works, that the mainstream does indeed pay a person to be like a tabloid. that's the only other thing i disagree with about the article. it said that the mainstream media doesn't pay people to be like a tabloid. well, they do. they are unapologetic about what they have done to Michael, to this day, and they still paint him as a pedophile and a drug addict, and they continue to have total disregard for the law and the courts, and, ironically, are taking full advantage of the shield law, which protects them.

agree with u.something must be done about that law which protect them.we must keep on pressing abc until they fire bashit ,we need to tell them we are the consumer with open eyes and ears.

Thanx for posting! :give_flowers:
agree with u.something must be done about that law which protect them.we must keep on pressing abc until they fire bashit ,we need to tell them we are the consumer with open eyes and ears.

they still continue what we can now call Bashirian practices. when they interviewed Katherine Jackson on Dateline, she had to know(but could do nothing about)that they surrounded the interview with voiceovers, featuring lies. even when she requested that they didn't take something out that she said..they didn't, but they just circumvented what she said with their unproven 'facts', that painted MJ as a child molester, and suggested that Evan Chandler didn't kill himself. nbc tv's proof? a 'source'.

they suggested that they didn't bring up the child molestation accusations discussion, but that she did. she only brought it up, to say that Chandler killed himself, probably because of a guilty conscience, but then nbc 'refuted' it, with their 'proof'. then THEY brought up claiming that MJ was a drug addict, by 'cleverly', matter of factly, and in the flow of their voiceovers, saying, "Katherine Jackson didn't bring up her son's drug problem, but she spoke of the last time she saw him, which consisted of smiles and laughter".
yeah i am so tired of these people on tv who so called know everything about mj's life and is complety biased jamie lee curtis is one of them
Wow--great article, thanks for posting. It's true, the real power is in the hands of the consumer. If no one buys it, they won't print it.

Freedom of the press originally meant freedom from government censorship, I believe. That has been bastardized and we have been brainwashed into believing the press can do whatever, say whatever and "we have a right to know" everything about everyone. Actually, we don't.
Wow--great article, thanks for posting. It's true, the real power is in the hands of the consumer. If no one buys it, they won't print it.

Freedom of the press originally meant freedom from government censorship, I believe. That has been bastardized and we have been brainwashed into believing the press can do whatever, say whatever and "we have a right to know" everything about everyone. Actually, we don't.

You are so right!!! :agree:
it's a good article. the only thing i disagree with is them thinking they knew his lifestyle, and saying it seemed celibate. because i don't recall any rocker having sex in public. so why do they single out Michael?

Also it says:

"Easily embarrassed, he never spoke about his sexuality nor did he deny being homosexual. Michael Jackson held a great deal of affection and respect for his fans, some of whom were gay. He kept his sexual orientation undisclosed to avoid alienating any of them."

Well, he denied being homosexual all the time!
Wow--great article, thanks for posting. It's true, the real power is in the hands of the consumer. If no one buys it, they won't print it.

Freedom of the press originally meant freedom from government censorship, I believe. That has been bastardized and we have been brainwashed into believing the press can do whatever, say whatever and "we have a right to know" everything about everyone. Actually, we don't.

Agreed Kitty -
What is accepted now as news or fact has been succinctly coined as "truthiness" which is a truth that a person claims to know intuitively from the gut without regard to evidence, logic or fact. When people absorb the fodder served up by the TMZ's of the world or even the corporate-owned media - who would rather edit the entire story to a few "catch words' because their audience has the attention span of a 2 year old - what do you expect? When everyone here repeats all this verbal vomit - it is validated. When a society accepts the cud routinely spewed from hacks like Diane Dimond and Harvey Levin, then fighting for the truth to be told is like being the rat on a wheel. Ignorance is lacking information. Choosing to deny information is stupidity.
This article is so excellent. Please make this article a sticky, for we need the world to know the truth - for Michael

Thank you, Jan Carlson!!!
Also it says:

"Easily embarrassed, he never spoke about his sexuality nor did he deny being homosexual. Michael Jackson held a great deal of affection and respect for his fans, some of whom were gay. He kept his sexual orientation undisclosed to avoid alienating any of them."

Well, he denied being homosexual all the time!

Exactly, it may be a good article in some parts but it still sounds to me like they still guessing and insinuating something he already address I don't know how many times and they still ignore it!
Exactly, it may be a good article in some parts but it still sounds to me like they still guessing and insinuating something he already address I don't know how many times and they still ignore it!

IMHO I think the article is pretty fair, considering the writer is neither a devoted fan nor a hater, as I read he does not want to insinuate anything, on the contrary he tries to be respectful and therefore he may be misunderstood. He only wants to be unbiased.
sex in public??? Michael wouldn't have sex in public lol there would be to man people watching and taking video lol.

I dont read anything that comes out anymore regardless if its fair or not.
sex in public??? Michael wouldn't have sex in public lol there would be to man people watching and taking video lol.

I dont read anything that comes out anymore regardless if its fair or not.

You're right... you didn't read it... because where does it say anything about having sex in public?
*sigh* forget it. Dont pull attitude with me i warn you. I was talking about 144,000 post. Chill out.

So sorry if I bothered you, but you didn't quote. And I think I was correct, so please respect other people and don't threaten. It's not nice.
although it doesn't mean much, since it wasn't printed, and hardly anybody shouted it out about his dieting, as opposed to multiple plastic surgery claims, by naysayers...before June 25, 2009.

....even among the fanbase
A must-read for all fans and non-fans alike to understand how exactly the media works and how much power it really has about the forming of "our opinions".