Art you like...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
Tara Donovan - foam cups!


Renoir - Moulin:

There are/were so many exquisitely talented artists of varying styles. My favorites are mostly the impressionists, specifically Claude Monet in the top tier.

Water color painting is also very appealing to my eye, tried it myself for awhile but I don't have an once of artistic talent in me.:no:
as far as Western 'classical' art goes, impressionism is my favourite period too. but doing this stuff at A-Level kind of put me off it for a good while. and unlike with African-American music, i can't dissociate the religious influences from a lot of the works before that time in order to appreciate it fully.

Dadism, abstract and street art (likes of Banksy, Mark Jenkins) is probably what i enjoy best at the moment, as well as classical Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and various tribal art too.

i get a lot of "favourites" from time to time, but two that never change are Henri Matisse and Frida Kahlo.

Matisse - The Joy of Life

Kahlo - The Love Embrace of the Universe

Matisse - Harmony in Red

Kahlo - Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird
Some of my favorite painters are:

Van Gogh
Da Vinci
Jacek Yerka

For the last one he is a living Polish painter that does fantasy paintings. I just absolutely love them. Here is his paintings:

MJsBollyWoodGirl7 - are there any Indian artists that you like? I love the worlds art....I'd love to hear about that art too. Especially the pottery and gold work..
MJsBollywoodGirl7, this movie is amazing! I felt like I'm dreaming watching it! I will definitely find out something more about this artist!

Thank you.