Arnie Klein Shut Down in Jackson Court


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tampa, Florida
Posting again because of the server issue:

OK, I think this sh*t-stain of a doctor is grandstanding to hide or cover any implication he has on MJ's death.

What say you?


Arnie Klein Shut Down in Jackson Court

Posted Oct 5th 2009 6:09PM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's good friend and doc Arnie Klein was formally shut down in court Friday, when the judge ruled he has no legal right to raise concerns about the welfare of Jackson's 3 kids.

You'll recall Dr. Klein's lawyer, Mark Vincent [COLOR=#29A256 ! important][COLOR=#29A256 ! important]Kaplan[/COLOR][/COLOR], showed up in probate court early on and said his client had concerns about the kids.

According to court docs obtained by TMZ, the judge ruled Klein had no legal "standing" because there's a "conclusive presumption" Jackson and Debbie Rowe are the parents of the two older kids.

The court also found there is "no legal mother" of Prince Michael Jackson, II -- aka Blanket.

More Arnie Klein

Filed under: Michael Jackson, Exclusives
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smelly smelly..
i don't know what game he is playing.
but when he keeps coming out and does something stupid just makes me feel like he is hiding something to cover his a**
i pray to god everyday and hope everyone involved in this will be locked up in jail!!!!!
I reposted this but they merged it with the TMZ thread
but anyway Klein should sit his disgusting @$$ down and stop popping up every two secs the man is mentally ill with all the sh!t about "heal the skin" and whatever
to me he should be locked up coz hes as bad as Murray
nothing really new in this. the judge ruled that weeks back.tmz are just reporting it cause they got some court docs
I hate to say it but he might be hinting that he's the father. What judge says is also interesting he rejects any claim saying that ""conclusive presumption Jackson and Debbie Rowe are the parents of the two older kids". in CA MJ is presumed to be the father as he was married at their time of birth. Judge is basically saying that MJ is presumed father and you have no legal standing. It might also seem like he's saying "if you'd like to have a legal standing challange paternity". I don't know.

He needs to sit down and shut up once and for all.
This is a done issue no judge is going to order an DNA test and Klein knows it. And use your eyes
i dnt think you can froce a minor to have a dna test to satisfy curiosity so he cant challenge paternity really.

Agreed. I think he would need to come up with a solid reason for it. I just really hope they drop this and direct the focus back onto his prescribing. Michael is their dad. That's all anyone needs to know. I can't think of a way for him to possibly disrespect the kids more. Klein needs to back the heck waaaay off.
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Personally - my view is that he wants to make sure the judge/court sees that he "cares" because in the event of a criminal probe against him, Klein has the paper trail to try to defend himself, i.e., "I care about MJ & his children, I'd never do anything that would harm him, look at how I went to court for the well being of the kids," etc.
Please remember that we are not gonna allow paternity discussions.


I didn't intend to post this here for this reason, it was to inform the MJJC on how the court shut Klein down.

He's desperate to appear conscientious in front of the law - because he KNOWS he's going down, either with Murray, or on Federal charges.
Personally - my view is that he wants to make sure the judge/court sees that he "cares" because in the event of a criminal probe against him, Klein has the paper trail to try to defend himself, i.e., "I care about MJ & his children, I'd never do anything that would harm him, look at how I went to court for the well being of the kids," etc.

@Shimar - I think you might be right about this one! And merely cooking up an defense strategy in advance makes him look worse, IMO. He doesn't care about anyone but his own a$$. I am utterly disgusted by this man.
Klien was shut down by Debbie , if Debbie went along with his plan , I'm afraid prince at least prince would not be living at Encino now. when klien think of the kids he only think about the money . and he had a plan to get that money as far as 1997 .

it had nothing to do with MJ's death . from all the reports only one drug prescribed by Klien was found at MJ's house . MJ's vitiligo which the coroner determined to be true will justify anything Klien did . that does not mean he is not a shady person and indeed was not helping MJ at all as he claims .

he is worried about the self prescribing things he was involved with and this investigation uncovered. but the thing about the kids is totally different .

again I thank Debbie for screwing up his plan but tommorow might bring us surprises and if Debbie wants to surprise us , she is very capable of doing so . you only need to look at prince face to know the answer , it is as simple as looking at Blanket and seeing MJ all over him . that is the case with prince but ...

I'm not trying to talk about the DNA issue but i'm replying to posts that says Klien focusing on the kids to shift the attention from his rule in mj's death .
also I'm sure Klien is worried about a lawsuit brought by the family which is almost a certainty , who would blame them ? maybe he is blackmailing them with this issue , go after me , i'll go after the kids and their money . and since the jacksons cares so much about their pockets , this strategy might work very well with them . everything but money .
I have eyes and I am open to anything. But in this case my eyes do not lie and no way in hell is all I am saying
ha ha ha @shutdown.

Take that B*tch!:poke:
I hate to say it but he might be hinting that he's the father. What judge says is also interesting he rejects any claim saying that ""conclusive presumption Jackson and Debbie Rowe are the parents of the two older kids". in CA MJ is presumed to be the father as he was married at their time of birth. Judge is basically saying that MJ is presumed father and you have no legal standing. It might also seem like he's saying "if you'd like to have a legal standing challange paternity". I don't know.
If so then say it straight out. He can´t because he knows it is not true. He wants to make this into another Chandler story which will just go on forever. MJ had vitiligo. Prince obviously has vitiligo as well so what do they think about that. I guess tmz will not make a story of that because it dosn´t fit their "story" and next week it is Mark Lester.
Personally - my view is that he wants to make sure the judge/court sees that he "cares" because in the event of a criminal probe against him, Klein has the paper trail to try to defend himself, i.e., "I care about MJ & his children, I'd never do anything that would harm him, look at how I went to court for the well being of the kids," etc.
There is that and he also likes the attention like Lester. The "heal the skin" thing was also another thing he did to use Mj to draw attention to himself imo. I don´t trust him at all and he sure does not care about the kids.
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There is that and he also likes the attention like Lester. The "heal the skin" thing was also another thing he did to use Mj to draw attention to himself imo. I don´t trust him at all and he sure does not care about the kids.

I don`t trust him too...
Entertainment Tonight Headlines

Dr. Arnie Klein: I Warned Michael Jackson About Propofol

ET’s Kevin Frazier exclusively sits down with Michael Jackson's former dermatologist Dr. Arnie Klein, who says he warned Michael about the dangers of the powerful drug that allegedly led to his death.

“I told him that it was very dangerous. I told him it was addicting (LIAR) :smilerolleyes:. And, I told him that he really shouldn't be using it,” Klein says he told Michael about Propofol.

Klein says he didn’t know Jackson was allegedly using Propofol around the time of his death, but he says Jackson had told him in years past that he’d used the drug.

"I knew that he had over-used Profol because in Germany on a tour, he told me that he was using Propofol. And I know that he had a bag of Propofol and called me one night and wanted me to start, and I told him how insane he was and went out there and told him, 'You can't start doing this.'"
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If Klien cared so much for MJ and his kids, he damn sure would've tried harder to help MJ and use of Propofol... Hell he didn't make things better by givng Demoral or putting him under for simple acne procedures... Klien= another enabler...
Entertainment Tonight Headlines

Dr. Arnie Klein: I Warned Michael Jackson About Propofol

ET’s Kevin Frazier exclusively sits down with Michael Jackson's former dermatologist Dr. Arnie Klein, who says he warned Michael about the dangers of the powerful drug that allegedly led to his death.

“I told him that it was very dangerous. I told him it was addicting (LIAR) :smilerolleyes:. And, I told him that he really shouldn't be using it,” Klein says he told Michael about Propofol.

Klein says he didn’t know Jackson was allegedly using Propofol around the time of his death, but he says Jackson had told him in years past that he’d used the drug.

"I knew that he had over-used Profol because in Germany on a tour, he told me that he was using Propofol. And I know that he had a bag of Propofol and called me one night and wanted me to start, and I told him how insane he was and went out there and told him, 'You can't start doing this.'"

I agree with your post...and also I might add.....of course he knew that Michael was using propofol...he was giving it to him when Michael visited his office...which in the last two weeks before Michael passed was quite often....also...Murray stated that he spoke to Kline on the phone at one point.....that was how HE (Murray) learned to administer the propofol.....see....Kline thinks everyone is none would remember these things.....but what Kline needs to understand is that people are not as stupid as he may think.
no murray talked about Dr.Adams , murray never said klien talked with him on the phone, both of them denied ever meeting each other.

Klien is a media whore and cares only about attention and money . that's it .

propofol was not addictive as he is claiming now . and i don't believe he was administering propofol to mj when mj was visiting him, the day mj needed propofol , klien used a specialist to administer it to mj and even used another doctor clinic .

he is safe when it comes to propofol , but he is not safe at all from the 27 self prescribed prescriptions he wrote .