Are you worried about tomorrow's reviews?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I never thought of the reviews until now.

There has been such great expectations, people seem to forget we are gonna watch REHEARSAL footage. So it won't be perfect all the time.

I worry the press will trash the movie and kill the amazing momentum.
I never thought of the reviews until now.

There has been such great expectations, people seem to forget we are gonna watch REHEARSAL footage. So it won't be perfect all the time.

I worry the press will trash the movie and kill the amazing momentum.

Pffff! Let them say what they want! This Is It! Don't worry about a loser who brings a pen and notepad to a movie theatre; go and enjoy Michael in all is glory! :)
not when weve got the likes of kenny,oprah, randy the whole jackson family to help us out
ok. Here is what i lol...

Ok these people look for any excuse what-so-ever to rip Michael to bits. But this will show him the way we already know him. Strong, confident, and a go getter. The reviews mean Jack Ish to me so I don't personally care what they may or may not say. And we shouldn't care. If we love the film that's good enough. If other people hate it then they are missing out on the greatest person to ever roam the earth. They know his work broke records now they get a chance to see WHY it broke records.
ok. Here is what i lol...

Ok these people look for any excuse what-so-ever to rip Michael to bits. But this will show him the way we already know him. Strong, confident, and a go getter. The reviews mean Jack Ish to me so I don't personally care what they may or may not say. And we shouldn't care. If we love the film that's good enough. If other people hate it then they are missing out on the greatest person to ever roam the earth. They know his work broke records now they get a chance to see WHY it broke records.

Absolutely not true, total myth. The media are not "out to get" Michael Jackson. The media is made up of thousands of professionals from all walks of life. They don't have a unified agenda. I couldn't really give a toss about the reviews; as far as I'm concerned This Is It is a gift to the fans. But the idea that the media is determined to take him down at any turn is paranoid guff.
If it's positive more people will go and see it, so I hope VERY much the reviews will be very positive and great!

I hope as many people as possiple will go to the cinema and see This Is It.
Absolutely not true, total myth. The media are not "out to get" Michael Jackson. The media is made up of thousands of professionals from all walks of life. They don't have a unified agenda. I couldn't really give a toss about the reviews; as far as I'm concerned This Is It is a gift to the fans. But the idea that the media is determined to take him down at any turn is paranoid guff.

Ok.....are your eyes closed? i mean seriously....
I honestly think it's gonna be raves across the board. The foundation's already set for it. I hope I'm right!
For now it has been positive, so I think, some moral people will say it's good because they really liked it, and some others will say it's good to do like the others LOL

If they don't like it they have to right to... as long as they stay respectful :)

I don't worry much, I think it'll do great in reviews! It's MICHAEL!
Nope! as this is not a movie or even a documentary, it is a rehearsal..So why would they be so idiotic as to trash it. It will be senseless and besides Michael is not here.
No, I don't care what they say!!
As long as I enjoy it and I will because it's Michael!
No reason to be worried. Just got home from the theater and it is absolutely amazing. I have no doubt that the reviews will be great.
Absolutely not true, total myth. The media are not "out to get" Michael Jackson. The media is made up of thousands of professionals from all walks of life. They don't have a unified agenda. I couldn't really give a toss about the reviews; as far as I'm concerned This Is It is a gift to the fans. But the idea that the media is determined to take him down at any turn is paranoid guff.

Umm.. you're a new fan, aren't you?

And no, I'm not worried.. the reviews have been great so far. They worst thing they've said was that he looked thin and that he wasn't giving it his all (but that's to be expected for rehearsals, they weren't holding it against him).
Umm.. you're a new fan, aren't you?

And no, I'm not worried.. the reviews have been great so far. They worst thing they've said was that he looked thin and that he wasn't giving it his all (but that's to be expected for rehearsals, they weren't holding it against him).

No, not at all, I've been a fan for my whole life.

I don't live in a fantasy land, however. My comment is in regard to Michael's music and his performances. The press rightly acknowledge his brilliance in that regard.
I'm not worried at all. You can clearly see that the concert was in the final stages of rehearsal, and it was going to be spectacular. He was going to sing live, and his voice was great. The songs had been freshened up. Except for the backflips, he appeared as youthful as his backup dancers. He was truely in his prime and was just about to restore his reputation as a great entertainer. He was going to give his fans everything they ever wanted. What more could the reviewers be looking for? Who cares, anyway? If I want an opinion about something related to Michael, I'll ask other Michael fans. People who deeply know this subject, and understand what a greater than average fan might be looking for. Like all of you guys!