Are you seeing This is It in IMAX or a regular theater?


Proud Member
Sep 11, 2009
At first i just wanted to get my hands on a showing at the AMC at my house. but then one of my friends recently saw a movie in IMAX and she said the experience was simply amazing. then i realized when i was buying my TII tickets, they guy asked me do you want to see this on a regular screen or IMAX, i disregarded his question and just went with the regular i kinda regret it =(. Do you think i'll still get the full experience without IMAX? thanks!

PS- to those of you who are going to the premier on the 27th (today), will they show it to you in regular or imax?

thanks again!
would see it in imax if i could. but it wont be shown in imax in canada.
Off topic sorry

But i've heard that the imax isn't 3D, it's just a high quality of screening and sound system, they don't give you the 3D glasses.

Can someone please explain this to me ?
Unfortunately it's not shown in the only IMAX we have here in the Netherlands. If I'd like to see it in IMAX I would need to go abroad. Austria, Poland or UK would be the best options. Unfortunately I will be on holidays from the 6th till 16th and before the 6th I won't have the possibility for a quick hop to the UK, Austria or Poland :(
I going to see it in regular. I hate those stupid glasses. Then I was hearing rumors that the 3D footage has not going to be in the film. I'll wait til someone tells about there IMAX experience.
I'm gonna see it on a regular theartre tonight.