Are you really a bookworm?


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
Do you ever consider yourselves "bookworms"? Well, I am, I mean come on, I love books and I love to read.

I collect books (mangas, autobiographies and such). My mother told me that my grandmother has like maybe over 300-500 books and I not joking nor lying. I must've got the book collecting and reading from my grandmother.
I used to be when I was in college. I read a lot besides my textbooks. But the stress of college got to me and when I finally graduated I was so happy to be free and have my life back that I don't read books as often as I used to. I know I should but I just don't have the interest. It's weird. I will buy a book and only read a few pages and put it down and forget about it. I'm more of a magazineworm.
I consider myself a bookworm. I don't always have the money to buy all I would like to, but I manage to get my hands on the material nonetheless. I like to purchase books rather than borrow them from the public library, though. I reckon I just like the satisfaction of knowing the book is there in case I ever need it.

I own a lot of books, both digitally and physically. I prefer having the actual book, as I said, so the majority of my collection is not digital. The digital books I own are the ones which are difficult/impossible to find at your regular bookstore (Obscure Marquis de Sade works, among other things).

I am presently running out of places to store my books. I have too many and not enough space available to properly display them all. My absolute favourites took over the bookshelf.

As you can see, I love books. Unfortunately, I can't always buy all the ones I want.
Oh, and don't even get me started on manga...

It's so expensive! I have limited my purchases of graphic novels to the absolutely excellent ones only. Luckily, mangafox exists! Otherwise, reading unavailable works would be impossible! They have some Japanese-only available manga there, and some out-of-print manga too. I love them!

Project Gutenberg is like the mangafox of actual literature. I love these guys too!! =D

Well, I should stop boring you with this already too-long post. I figure you already know about all these great resources. Nice to meet you, fellow bookworm. :)
I do consider myself a bookworm. I do have a L.O.V.E. for reading. But I haven't really been reading much lately. Because there is a series of books that I want to get and start reading called The Left Behind Series. It is all about Armageddon. Something I have been a huge believer and really in to lately.
I consider myself a bookworm. I don't always have the money to buy all I would like to, but I manage to get my hands on the material nonetheless. I like to purchase books rather than borrow them from the public library, though. I reckon I just like the satisfaction of knowing the book is there in case I ever need it.

I own a lot of books, both digitally and physically. I prefer having the actual book, as I said, so the majority of my collection is not digital. The digital books I own are the ones which are difficult/impossible to find at your regular bookstore (Obscure Marquis de Sade works, among other things).

I am presently running out of places to store my books. I have too many and not enough space available to properly display them all. My absolute favourites took over the bookshelf.

As you can see, I love books. Unfortunately, I can't always buy all the ones I want.
Oh, and don't even get me started on manga...

It's so expensive! I have limited my purchases of graphic novels to the absolutely excellent ones only. Luckily, mangafox exists! Otherwise, reading unavailable works would be impossible! They have some Japanese-only available manga there, and some out-of-print manga too. I love them!

Project Gutenberg is like the mangafox of actual literature. I love these guys too!! =D

Well, I should stop boring you with this already too-long post. I figure you already know about all these great resources. Nice to meet you, fellow bookworm. :)

Why should you bore me? I love to hear about what you about your experiences on books, I heard about MangaFox, I think I've been there once, I only go to Manga Stream for the latest chapter of Naruto. I guess it's not out right now, but it should be sometime today.
I do consider myself a bookworm. I do have a L.O.V.E. for reading. But I haven't really been reading much lately. Because there is a series of books that I want to get and start reading called The Left Behind Series. It is all about Armageddon. Something I have been a huge believer and really in to lately.

I have heard of that series. It's extremely popular Xtian fiction, no? A kid in my class chose to read the series for his "individual reading" assignment. He said they were really good. I hope you find them soon. I reckon Xtian bookstores would carry them for certain. You could try amazon's website. Sometimes, you get discounts if you order a series of books or movies online. Even if you don't, their prices are almost always lower than retail and they ship quickly too.

I wish you good luck finding your books! :)
Why should you bore me? I love to hear about what you about your experiences on books, I heard about MangaFox, I think I've been there once, I only go to Manga Stream for the latest chapter of Naruto. I guess it's not out right now, but it should be sometime today.

Ah. Well, mangafox got my approval because they translated my two favourite mangas: Revolutionary Girl Utena and Princess Tutu. I also noticed they are well-stocked in the manga dept. I haven't tried mangastream, although I have heard of the site before.
I am a bookworm. Ever since a young age, I have been reading books. I read a lot, constantly. There are few days where I go without a book. Books allow me to forget about worries/troubles and just focus on the story. I can get lost in a book for hours. I just completed reading The Shack. It is an amazing book that filled me with great comfort and peace. :)
Absolutely not. I can't just sit with a book for hours when I read like an hour I'm already done for a week :lol: that way you never get in the story if you know what I mean.
I consider myself to be a bookworm, but I enjoy writing more than reading now. I also love, love, love watching DVDs. I'm a MAJOR "Movie Worm." :p

Me too, I love watching DVDs, I love collecting them as much as books.
I am an avid reader. I read everything like true crime, romantic novelles, horror, spiritual and so forth.
Do you ever consider yourselves "bookworms"? Well, I am, I mean come on, I love books and I love to read.

I collect books (mangas, autobiographies and such). My mother told me that my grandmother has like maybe over 300-500 books and I not joking nor lying. I must've got the book collecting and reading from my grandmother.


Knowledge IS Growth~~~

As Always
I can be. As a child I read 3/4 books every week. My dad used to take me too the library every friday night so I could get new books. Sometimes I had already read them by the end of the weekend.

It kinda stopped when I had to read books in high school. Hated he old Dutch literature they made me read. But now I can really enjoy a good book. I really like Arthur Japin books.
Yes. :yes: I find that it really broadens your perspective on life. But it also offers some escapism, when you need it. Many times I´ve found comfort in different kinds of books. Reading about other people´s life experiences can help to deal with a current life situation. And of course it´s always inspiring to get more knowledge.
I love to read books, especially fiction, only trouble is... Once I pick up a book I can't put it down till Ive finished it!!! :rofl: I love to read really long books, like Lord of the rings and twilight ( I could never get bored of reading twilight!!!) I love reading soo much! :D
yep, I am :cheeky: I'm always reading and writing and I :heart: browsing in book stores... The smell, the feel, the knowledge, the adventures hidden in each book... Thrilling :wild: