Are You Listening? MJ Lyrics


I was crying reading his lyrics today. It feels like he is talking to us…I just cannot say anything else… . Just read it and remember him.

Are You Listening?

Who am I?
Who are you?
Where did we come from?
Where are we going?
What's it all about?
Do you have the answers?

Immortality's my game
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I am sustained
To Bliss I return
If you don't know it now
It's a shame
Are you listening?

This body of mine
Is a flux of energy
In the river of time
Eons pass, ages come and go
I appear and disappear
Playing hide-and-seek
In the twinkling of an eye

I am the particle
I am the wave
Whirling at lightning speed
I am the fluctuation
That takes the lead
I am the Prince
I am the Knave
I am the doing
That is the deed
I am the galaxy, the void of space
In the Milky Way
I am the craze

I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought
I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought
I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm
I am the phenomenon, the field, the form
I am the desert, the ocean, the sky
I am the Primeval Self
In you and I

Pure unbounded consciousness
Truth, existence, Bliss am I
In infinite expressions I come and go
Playing hide-and-seek
In the twinkling of an eye
But immortality's my game

Eons pass
Deep inside
I remain
Ever the same
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I am sustained

Join me in my dance
Please join me now
If you forget yourself
You'll never know how
This game is played
In the ocean bed of Eternity

Stop this agony of wishing
Play it out
Don't think, don't hesitate
Curving back within yourself
Just create...just create

Immortality's my game
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I'm sustained
To Bliss I return
If you don't know it now
It's a shame
Are you listening?

© Michael Jackson
I love this and all of Michael's other poems. It's a fantasic piece of work and if we really take time to read it line by line we'll see just how deep he was...

So much if not all of his work is this's astounding.

I am with strawberrypie999, "from bliss i came, in bliss i am sustained" is beautiful. My favorite part.
"From Bliss I came
In Bliss I'm sustained
To Bliss I return"

I love how he substituted the word "dirt" with "bliss", it's so much more comforting, and gives un an insight into what he truly believed in...

God, I miss him so much... :cry:

EDIT: Awww, I just read the replies - looks like I'm not the only one liking this part especially:)