Are you always early, on time or late?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm so frustrated right now. I have a friend coming over so our kids can make Christmas cookies. Well, she was supposed to be here 45 minutes ago, I woke up early to clean up the kitchen, vacuum and clean up the play room. Then I ran to the grocery store to get more cookie cutters and sprinkles and even fresh fruit because it's all her oldest son eats. Now I'm just sitting here. I haaaaaaate it when people are late. More so because my kids have a strict schedule and lay down at 1 or both won't lay down and in crankynmoods for the rest of the day. I mean, if you're going to be late, at least call or text! I know she has two kids under 3, and that's always her excuse but so do I and I'm always 5-10 minutes early or on time for everything. Ok that's my rant, sorry lol
I'm usually early or on time. It's frustrating when some people are always late though we've decided an exact time when we meet. I mean, how can they always manage to come late?!
I feel ya. but when Im late its really because of the busses stop or something, neverrrrr because I went out too late or anything.

on time or late. Most of the time im EXACTLY on time and still they say im late, so I just show them the clock:p
Right!?!?! She even asked me this morning "10:45 okay just making sure" well it's 11:45 now and she just updated his facebook status 6 minutes ago. I am thinking about closing the blinds and letting my 2 year old make cookies instead.
I'm usually early or on time. It's frustrating when some people are always late though we've decided an exact time when we meet. I mean, how can they always manage to come late?!
Unless something unforseen happens, like a flat tire, traffic tie-up due to an accident, etc., I'm always early, especially to work. It gives me a few minutes to settle in and get serious.

If I'm going to someone's house and find myself more than a few minutes early, I'll drive around the block/neighborhood a couple of times.

Don't know why, but having a few minutes breathing room before getting somewhere just works for me.

If someone is going to be late, it just seems the polite thing to do to call and say so unless something unforseen develops and calling is just not possible. I can certainly understand ElleBella's irritation.
I am usually a few minutes early for everything...I am NEVER is a thing I have....I get angry when people are late..:(......a few minutes is one thing but 45 minutes is just inexcusable without a text or a call.
I'm so frustrated right now. I have a friend coming over so our kids can make Christmas cookies. Well, she was supposed to be here 45 minutes ago, I woke up early to clean up the kitchen, vacuum and clean up the play room. Then I ran to the grocery store to get more cookie cutters and sprinkles and even fresh fruit because it's all her oldest son eats. Now I'm just sitting here. I haaaaaaate it when people are late. More so because my kids have a strict schedule and lay down at 1 or both won't lay down and in crankynmoods for the rest of the day. I mean, if you're going to be late, at least call or text! I know she has two kids under 3, and that's always her excuse but so do I and I'm always 5-10 minutes early or on time for everything. Ok that's my rant, sorry lol
I'm usually on time or a tiny bit late. For some reason I have a tendency to wait until the last moment and then get dressed and do what I need to do. It's annoying, even for me. But I ALWAYS let someone know if I'm running late or think I might be late.
Depends if I want to be there or not.

I used to be late for school all the time. I hated school so much. For many reasons. I was naughty whenever I was there.

But im usually on time for most other things.
Really, 1 hour?! Wow! :lol:

Yes, sometimes even more. I enjoy the time, I watch the nature, the people it is a way to escape from everyday for me . I have been late only one time in my life and I felt very sad.(not to mantion that it wasn't my fault)
I can't imagine hurring for a meet, IMO it stresses you.
i had a friend like that, a nice friend, but she was kind of a crap friend. she would say shes coming over the next day, but never show up or call, then the following day she would come over and say she couldn't make it the other day. lmao
thats ditching right there, forget being late.

...i dont really see her anymore.
anxiety issues are the only thing that have made me late for things in the past.

I always go early, very early 1hour or more earlier, I like to wait

but thats im kidding.=D

Yes, sometimes even more. I enjoy the time, I watch the nature, the people it is a way to escape from everyday for me . I have been late only one time in my life and I felt very sad.(not to mantion that it wasn't my fault)
I can't imagine hurring for a meet, IMO it stresses you.

im the opposite, waiting around stresses me.
I'm so frustrated right now. I have a friend coming over so our kids can make Christmas cookies. Well, she was supposed to be here 45 minutes ago, I woke up early to clean up the kitchen, vacuum and clean up the play room. Then I ran to the grocery store to get more cookie cutters and sprinkles and even fresh fruit because it's all her oldest son eats. Now I'm just sitting here. I haaaaaaate it when people are late. More so because my kids have a strict schedule and lay down at 1 or both won't lay down and in crankynmoods for the rest of the day. I mean, if you're going to be late, at least call or text! I know she has two kids under 3, and that's always her excuse but so do I and I'm always 5-10 minutes early or on time for everything. Ok that's my rant, sorry lol

Dear Ella Bella,

I arrive as early as 15 minutes before the meeting time, and no later than three minutes after the meeting time.

Dr. Phil says chronically late people are arrogant and selfish, because they knowingly make everyone wait on them and don't care, otherwise they'd arrive on time.

If a friend is always late, I'll either start the plan without them, or not count on them for plans.
I'm usually early or late. Rarely do I appear right on time.

When it comes to school I'm usually late on purpose. Like there have been times where I was in the school building, but I just chilled out elsewhere for the first half of class because it's so freaking boring being in there.
I try to be on time for things bc I hate to be late for anything
I believe that 100%. She arrived an hour and a half late with no explanation. Oh and then, when they finally left, my sons new cars all went missing. She had to have seen them because she puts her kids in car seats! I'm still upset over that.
Dear Ella Bella,

I arrive as early as 15 minutes before the meeting time, and no later than three minutes after the meeting time.

Dr. Phil says chronically late people are arrogant and selfish, because they knowingly make everyone wait on them and don't care, otherwise they'd arrive on time.

If a friend is always late, I'll either start the plan without them, or not count on them for plans.
i, most of the time come early..

i hate people being late especially if they are the ones who set the time when we will meet.

i usually get mad (to my friends) if they do that, they OFTEN come 30 minutes to 2-hours late..