Are we setting our expectations too high with the new album and everything?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just want to say that I am not trying to negative at all. I am just wondering if we are setting ourselves up for disappointment with our expectations regarding the album and the songs. When Hold My Hand came out on the 15th I just assumed it would be playing on the radio and for me nothing. I know with Michael people think big but I worry if we are being realistic about it or hoping it will be as big as Thriller. I don't see that happening but still being big. I guess the closer we get now to the release I wonder how it will do. I am thinking keeping my expectations low so I don't feel disappointed. It is hard too an album coming out and Michael isn't here anymore. It feels weird to be honest. I want it to do well of course and be a good step to more positive things.

Thanks for listening to me. Not trying to be negative at all here.
I have high hopes for Hollywood Tonight. The name and lyrics suggest it will be a great song.
I agree, those people expecting it to hit Thriller sales need to think about it for a minute. Never again will those sales be matched. Not even because the material might not be as good, but because of YouTube and illegal downloads.
I was thinking the same thing marebear. I was expecting the first single to be a #1 by the end of it's first week, but here we are 2 weeks later stuck at #30 on iTunes USA. HMH's a wonderful song, but I don't think everything is being done to promote it very well. Yeah, there's a video coming out, but that'll take like 2 weeks to release. I thought they'd make an effort to get it high on the charts as soon as it was released.
I also think the impersonator drama did a lot of damage to this whole project :(.
I hope the album does well, I really do. I want Mike's name to be #1 on there again.
I don't think my expectations were that high to start with. 10 MJ songs that have not been released before, with most of them sounding newer or timeless. I feel that's what we got for the most part.
Sometimes the people in the media that are usually negative about Michael are saying it's great and it will do well and it's strange coming from them. Like they are setting us up for disappointment. A lot of people I know do not know about the album or heard of the song unless I told them. I am hoping for the best in general compared to what else is out there for Michael's sake.
If the album was being released at any other time of year I would think that maybe expectations were too high but at this time with Christmas just round the corner I think there is every chance that Michael will do really well hopefully No1 album or top 3 at least.(in the UK) Excellent stockig filler present. The single I really want to get to the top but unless there is some major high profile promotion done in the UK on the weekend of release I cant see it happening, the younger single buying public wont know its out there.

Just my opinion...could be wrong!
Take That may be the victors in the battle of the boy bands but there’s one person they didn’t bank on taken their number one crown - Michael Jackson.

Take That were favourite to take the top spot at Christmas but The Mirror claims that Michael Jackson may steal the title from beyond the grave due to huge pre-order sales.

A source told the paper: “Michael is set to be the No.1 album this Christmas. He looks to be miles ahead of Take That when it comes out on December 13.”

knigofpop;3097375 said:
Take That may be the victors in the battle of the boy bands but there’s one person they didn’t bank on taken their number one crown - Michael Jackson.

Take That were favourite to take the top spot at Christmas but The Mirror claims that Michael Jackson may steal the title from beyond the grave due to huge pre-order sales.

A source told the paper: “Michael is set to be the No.1 album this Christmas. He looks to be miles ahead of Take That when it comes out on December 13.”


I am in two minds about this. Im pretty much against the album. But I am very proud that the name Michael Jackson will beat Take That to Christmas number 1.
I just hope to get great music.

If it sells 5 million copies WW it's fine with me. If it sells 15 million copies that is unbelievably good.

But I just want the new songs. And hopefully they are good.

I like Breaking News.
KYHU is great, hear it a lot
HMH is superb. Great great song
MTS is pure MJ, beautifull - the song I hear the most at the time.

SO - if the last 6 songs is as good as the 4 we've heard already I think this might be one of my favorite MJ albums.
tbh...Yes, And i blame Michael lol. We are expecting the King but all we are getting is the Court Jester.

Michael spoiled us with his perfectionism. Now that he isn't here we still expect it. But instead of getting perfect we are getting mediocre.

I am excited to hear Michael on this album but i know it wont be up to his stander's.
I just want to say that I am not trying to negative at all. I am just wondering if we are setting ourselves up for disappointment with our expectations regarding the album and the songs. When Hold My Hand came out on the 15th I just assumed it would be playing on the radio and for me nothing. I know with Michael people think big but I worry if we are being realistic about it or hoping it will be as big as Thriller. I don't see that happening but still being big. I guess the closer we get now to the release I wonder how it will do. I am thinking keeping my expectations low so I don't feel disappointed. It is hard too an album coming out and Michael isn't here anymore. It feels weird to be honest. I want it to do well of course and be a good step to more positive things.

Thanks for listening to me. Not trying to be negative at all here.

Certainly, my expectations were too high.
And the fall since those high places was very, very hard for me. BN fiasco killed my expectations and I hate it.
The fall was hard... and it still hurts.


but as Ginny said, I was expecting for THE KING only. And I guess I have to learn to wait for something different. But when I heard Much too soon... that was pure Michael... and I loooooooooooooooovvvveeeeeddddd it!!!!!

so it's so difficult to have just one opinion!
When I get my album I will just sit down, close my eyes and enjoy it.
I must much as I love Internet , it gives great possibilities, when a new song comes out before official release I can not wait to hear it.
I remember those days when I bought my first " Thriller " audio-casette..omg..I was in heaven ! And " Bad " in those glorious 80-s.
You had to wait untill the album comes out and there were hundreds of ppl outside the Music-shop. It was very exciting !
But Michael gives me excitement still. No matter YT or any downloads.
i just know that songs michael not have final say over wont be as great as if he did. michael should have final say over his own songs because he the only person that can make his own songs the sucess that he want them to be.
tbh...Yes, And i blame Michael lol. We are expecting the King but all we are getting is the Court Jester.

Michael spoiled us with his perfectionism. Now that he isn't here we still expect it. But instead of getting perfect we are getting mediocre.

I am excited to hear Michael on this album but i know it wont be up to his stander's.


I think if Mike was still here and put his magic finishing touches on these songs, it'll be a whole lot better. He really spoiled us with good music by only releasing his best works.

But then again when I hear outtakes from OTW and his other albums, I think that they were just as great... so I don't know... I really hope those kind of songs would be released soon.

Michael spoiled us with his perfectionism. Now that he isn't here we still expect it. But instead of getting perfect we are getting mediocre.

I am excited to hear Michael on this album but i know it wont be up to his stander's.

This is pretty much how I feel at the moment. I will ultimately reserve judgment until I hear the whole album, but so far I haven't been very impressed. The three songs that I have heard so far have made me all the more aware of his absence.
Same here. Basically I could care less how good or bad the new music is. And certainly, I don't care if it'll do great numbers or not. Things would be different if he was still here, tho...
Same here. Basically I could care less how good or bad the new music is.

Can you explain, why so? That's one of the most stupid things I've heard for a long time. Don't you know that the great art is all about the quality and Michael thought so too? There's much more to music than Michael's singing voice.
This is pretty much how I feel at the moment. I will ultimately reserve judgment until I hear the whole album, but so far I haven't been very impressed. The three songs that I have heard so far have made me all the more aware of his absence.

I understand you. I was was excited about the album, and now I am only waiting for a few songs from it. I blame myself for having too much high hopes--I expected to hear his voice and musical arrangements made by others, but I got more than I expected, so for.
tbh...Yes, And i blame Michael lol. We are expecting the King but all we are getting is the Court Jester.

Michael spoiled us with his perfectionism. Now that he isn't here we still expect it. But instead of getting perfect we are getting mediocre.

Court Jester? Mediocre? You must be kidding right? Nothing with MJ's voice on it or his beat in it can EVER be labelled mediocre my dear. This album is shaping up to be a masterpiece - if the rest of the songs are as good as what we've heard to date - and the word is out that they are - then MJ will no doubt break any and all records for posthumous album releases.
I understand you. I was was excited about the album, and now I am only waiting for a few songs from it. I blame myself for having too much high hopes--I expected to hear his voice and musical arrangements made by others, but I got more than I expected, so for.

It isn't even so much that I had high hopes for the album---it's just hard to get excited about it when there's so much controversy and confusion swirling around. I just keep reminding myself to take a deep breath. Come January there will be bigger fish to fry.
if i like half the album i'll be happy i only like half of invinible so if i like half im good
Court Jester? Mediocre? You must be kidding right? Nothing with MJ's voice on it or his beat in it can EVER be labelled mediocre my dear. This album is shaping up to be a masterpiece - if the rest of the songs are as good as what we've heard to date - and the word is out that they are - then MJ will no doubt break any and all records for posthumous album releases.

First off We are not getting Michaels voice on 3 songs.

Second i am not your dear so please dont refer to me as so.

This album if it has these 3 songs on it will not be a masterpiece because the Master would not want to fake out his fans.
I'm not expecting the greatest sales from this album.. Michael is not here to promote it, and I don't think the album is RELEASE quality for an album.. these all seem more so like bonus tracks.. bonus tracks for me is great.. but for the general public does not sell...
I wouldn't say my expectations were high, but my hopes were.

Like KOPV I don't think what has been released so far is going to get anyone but fans excited, especially without Michael here.

I'll still hope for better.