Are some MJ fans are in denial when it comes to MJ personal life?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Like a non fan can say to a MJ fan MJ is in financial debt and a fan can say no he is not. Or a non fan can say to a MJ fan MJ has got had alots of work done on him and a fan say no he just hand one work done. Iam a MJ fan and iam not denial when it comes to MJ life but why are some? And on and on stuff about MJ personal life or stage life.
With no disrespect intended,

Many never thought of him as a real human being, that he was just like they are..!

Throughout is life...People always wanted him to be something or someone he was not...all Mr.Jackson ever wanted to be is Michael the human being...

Unfortunately, society would not allow it...nor ever except it..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World...Education IS the Key~~~
With no disrespect intended,

Many never thought of him as a real human being, that he was just like they are...

People always wanted him to be something or someone he was not...all he ever wanted to be is Michael the human being...but society would not allow it...would never except it...

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World...Education IS the Key~~~

But if the test for toxicology come back and said he die of drugs or overdose some fans will say thats not true :doh:...why are some like this..
I think some are and some arnt so I'm gonna try and remain with an open mind in this topic, but i believe that some fans have built up this image in there heads of Michael being this perfect being this Gift From God that cant do no wrong with his life everybody has there flaws even Michael,theirs no such thing as a perfect being
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I think some are and some arnt so I'm gonna try and remain with an open mind in this topic, but i believe that some fans have built up this image in there heads of Michael being this perfect being this Gift From God that cant do no wrong with his life everybody has there flaws even Michael,theirs no such thing as a perfect being

Good point. I would like to talk more about this topic but please respect others and be nice.
I think he probably died on drug overdose, I don't have a problem with accepting it if it comes out as a fact. I also don't have a problem with accepting it if he had his fault in it. He was just human, like the rest of us and he had a more complicated life than many of us, so I won't judge him. But I won't say he was perfect either.
Most fans do accept his faults and that he, too, made mistakes. You just get defensive when people come up to you spewing tabloid crap about his personal life. And it's not easy to give any good counterarguments, because we don't know the details! The point is that neither do they. So why speculate and create sensationalism? Everyone is entitled to a certain amount of privacy and while most people don't respect that when it comes to Michael (he is seen as public property basically), the fans usually still do. It's not our business how many times he's had plastic surgery.
Sure, there are some fans who seem to be in denial about his faults and prefer to view him as godlike, but that's their choice I guess. There are no rules to fandom. :)
Most fans do accept his faults and that he, too, made mistakes. You just get defensive when people come up to you spewing tabloid crap about his personal life. And it's not easy to give any good counterarguments, because we don't know the details! The point is that neither do they. So why speculate and create sensationalism? Everyone is entitled to a certain amount of privacy and while most people don't respect that when it comes to Michael (he is seen as public property basically), the fans usually still do. It's not our business how many times he's had plastic surgery.
Sure, there are some fans who seem to be in denial about his faults and prefer to view him as godlike, but that's their choice I guess. There are no rules to fandom. :)
IA. People lie on MJ so much I hardly believe anything the press say about him and the truth is none of us know MJ personally, so we are all speculating.
I don't think there is any point in admitting or denying the stories because we don't know for sure if any of them are true or false and it's not going to change what people are saying or thinking. Of course we can have our opinions but there's no point in trying to convince anyone else unless they are interested and value your opinion enough to consider it. I am under no illusions that Michael Jackson was the perfect person but I do know that he was human and that should be enough for people to realise that he did good, bad and questionable things just like everyone else.
Michael was a human being, he was flaws just like everybody else but that doesn't make him any less of an incredible human being to gave so much and shared so much with the world.

In regards to the whole denial thing, there are too many people that jump to conclusions and making assumptions about things and recite them as fact when they don't even know the whole picture. None of us know what happened because we weren't there, we were not involved in Michael's life and we weren't living his life. There are people who have said things on each end of the spectrum that have contradicted with each other, we don't have all the facts yet. I guess what I'm saying is that we should keep an open mind until we have all the facts before we start jumping on the bandwagons of Michael was murdered by so and so or that Michael was addicted to prescription medicine etc.

Also it kind of peeves me off a bit when fans start saying that other fans are in denial when in fact they don't know any more than the rest of us.
I don't think fans are in denial, they just care for him alot, and don't want others to badmouth him, especially when they don't know the facts. I just hope that when the results arrive, things will be solved the proper way.
With no disrespect intended,

Many never thought of him as a real human being, that he was just like they are..!

Throughout is life...People always wanted him to be something or someone he was not...all Mr.Jackson ever wanted to be is Michael the human being...

Unfortunately, society would not allow it...nor ever except it..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World...Education IS the Key~~~

So very true and I totally agree with you.
I think some fans are in denial. But these are usually the really really obsessed ones who want to cater to their image of him. There is only one thing i don't get when it comes to Michael and that's the baby dangling incident. That's the only thing i don't follow in terms of my fanship with him. I think most fans are just very protective and soemtimes this can lead to being delusional.
i don't think denail is the term.
coz' we're hearing one side of the story, well for the most parts--the media.
we don't know what's their basis and if it's completely true.

i read one artice, dunno if it's Time magazine (special issue), that says he's certainly in debt but we also have to look at his assets.

we see tons of things him being in debt but we never seen his assets except for the beatles catalog.

they make conclusions when they've only seen/know one side.

so go figure. lol
I think some fans are in denial. But these are usually the really really obsessed ones who want to cater to their image of him. There is only one thing i don't get when it comes to Michael and that's the baby dangling incident. That's the only thing i don't follow in terms of my fanship with him. I think most fans are just very protective and soemtimes this can lead to being delusional.

on the dangling incident, to tell you the truth it was no biggie for me, I've seen people do that and some who literally throw their kids in the air. the media made a huge fuss about it.
I understand it needed 'to be talked about' but not like 'really' talked about. just IMHO :)
i dont think some all fans that like to speak positive about MJ are "in denial"

I dont see the point in being a fan of someone if you are quick to critise them! i think of Mj almost as a family member.. he annoys me sometimes but i love him and thats most important.

if MJ wants to say he only had 2 operations, thats fine. none of my business. i dont believe him but its his call to lie. i will not go around shouting "i'm not delusional.. youre lying there.. i know the truth .. youve had more" ?!

its not fair to say "all mj wanted was to be seen as a human being". he did alot to elevate himself above this. look at his artwork at neverland that he commisioned for a start!!! look at his Brits performance of Earth Song...
Like a non fan can say to a MJ fan MJ is in financial debt and a fan can say no he is not. Or a non fan can say to a MJ fan MJ has got had alots of work done on him and a fan say no he just hand one work done. Iam a MJ fan and iam not denial when it comes to MJ life but why are some? And on and on stuff about MJ personal life or stage life.

I've been thinking about this lately too.

I think that since we don't know Michael personally and we only see his outward glow, we tend to fill in the gaps because we want answers where we lack them. Equally, we want to believe in Michael, who probably represents to many of us a perfect being or a symbol for ideas that we believe in: peace, love, happiness.

I believe it is our desire to believe in Michael that makes it easier for us to totally dismiss the accusation of him being a pedophile for example. A non-fan has a difficult time with that because they want to believe in Michael. He doesn't represent anything for them.

I've thought about why I do or don't believe in various speculations about Michael and I've looked at them from the devout point of view of a fan and then from the more logical and removed point of view of a non-fan, and have made my decisions based on something in between. For example I would rather not believe that Michael had many plastic surgeries because I want to believe in a more perfect, less tormented being, but the evidence on his face tells me otherwise.

Still, to me, Michael's essence is what is worth believing in, not his literal or physical being. Michael still upholds everything I want to believe in.

I never wanted Michael to leave Neverland because to me, that meant that everything that Neverland stands for could not even be kept alive by Michael, and if not by him, then no one, and I couldn't believe in it as strongly. Nevertheless, Michael's departure from Neverland hurt me but didn't waiver my faith in youth and innocence...

Anyway, to answer your question more clearly, maybe some fans can deal with losing a little faith in Michael now and then more easy than other fans. Just my theory. :p
Ive seen many fans who put Michael on this pedistal, and think he is something he is not. Ive heard fans say they dont drink alcohol cos Michael dosnt....I heard fans say they are vegetarian cos Michael dosnt eat meat... Ive even heard one fan say she is happy he is gone, cos he was her one true love, and now no one else can date him!!
Ive seen many fans who put Michael on this pedistal, and think he is something he is not. Ive heard fans say they dont drink alcohol cos Michael dosnt....I heard fans say they are vegetarian cos Michael dosnt eat meat... Ive even heard one fan say she is happy he is gone, cos he was her one true love, and now no one else can date him!!

Wow, that's crazy, especially the last one.

I think yes, some fans are in denial about some of his actions. The problem is they are also agressive to people who express a different opinion.

If MJ says he only had two nose jobs, they will accept it as the truth and bash out on anybody who says he doesn't believe it.
Truthfully, are some fans in denial? Yes, they are. But not just Michael Jackson fans. With any celebrity. Some people project all sorts of things onto their favorite celebrity and treat them like God, free of any fault. Me? We're all human, so we arent perfect. Some need to believe that their favorite celebrity is 100% perfect in every way. They rigorously defend any hint of perceived criticism and go on the attack. I've always felt that is admirable but also sad because it ultimately it is a distorted view and denies their celebrity a humanity and makes them into some uber-God free of reality and is making their celebrity into something they arent.
Michael was a 50 year old, twice divorced, single parent raising 3 kids. He put out this image which many fans believed of being all sweetness and light, of being sexually innocent, and of being some kind of godlike person.

Yes he had childlike qualities and was such an an amazing person, but at the same time he was just like us all, made mistakes, did questionable things, lived in his "Jackson" bubble, on "Jackson" time. Many fans dont want to see this side of Michael, but to those of us privialged to see beyond the mask of SUPERSTAR MICHAEL JACKSON, we treasure those memories.

The fans in denial can stay in their fanstasy world, as long as they stay away from me!