Are people becoming paranoid about Pedaphilia?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
First of all i gotta say that i think it's a great thing that people are more aware and more cautious about Pedaphilia now but i do think that people are being a little paranoid about it. Like if someone sees an adults talking to a child some people will question that adults motives and some assume that he or she is up to something sinister. Now it's gotten so bad to the point of where some adults are afraid to look at kids (That are not their own) just incase they get accused of being called a Pedo.
Like if someone sees an adults talking to a child some people will question that adults motives and some assume that he or she is up to something sinister.

I totally agree with that. If you're too friendly people believe you have a sinister motive behind it. They really could just be nice people who like kids.
unfortunately, it may be necessary. too many clever adults, and too much sneaky scary stuff. too many instances of parents looking aay from the child for a minute, and finding the child gone, when the parent looked back in the child's direction.
I know what you mean. Like yesterday I was at the mall, and I saw a kid that I used to teach walking with his mother so I wanted to say. I stopped her so I can introduce myself, but still I could see that the mom was being protective over her kid, like who the hell are you? But the kid knew me and he came up to me and gave me a hug, and she was so protective of him. Its great that parents are protecting their kids and all, but I do think that it has gotten a little out of hand. But then again, you never know who the weirdos are, so I guess people have to watch out for this issue all the time, no matter what. It's sad that our world has become that dangerous.
I totally agree to a point. Yes there is a lot of paranoia over people being paedophiles to the point that anyone not in the "age group" of school children even just being somewhat around minding their own business being called a pedo. But there is definitely a somewhat growing problem with paedophilia and how it is done (ether by physical sexual abuse or photos/videos being distributed on the internet).
You mean Pedophilia?

I remember times that i was walking outside with my dad when i was a young kid. He had his arms around me, like father like son. And this dude comes up and says 'You dirty ,disgusting pedophile' . Long time ago, but i'll never forget that. All i can say is some people just judge something...when there ain't even a damn thing to judge about...what a idiot that dude was.
Know people when they see kids coming sprint in the opposite direction. Refuse to work with kids, whether it's paid jobs or volunteer work. Scared to death to be alone with kids.
It's ridiculous. A small child could be smililng at you in the supermarket or say hello, and you'll feel uncomfortable making eye contact because of what the parent or other adults might think. It's going to get to the stage where we dont acknowledge anyone below the age of 18 for fear of crazy judgement. It's true that people should be alert and protect their children, but also I think all the news stories have put people on too much of a high alert, so much so that completley innocent people are having to walk around on egg shells. It's a real shame.
I love children of all ages. If a mother & her baby or child are behind me in a supermarket or something I will make faces & talk to the baby or talk to the child. All the mothers I have come across just give me a smile some start up a conversation. Maybe if I was a guy would be different.

I'm a Sunday School teacher & if any strange man or woman came near them well i would knock them to the ground that also goes for the tribe that I nanny.

I'm constantly running after & grabbing children that aren't mine in shopping centres due to the fact that the parents are to busy shopping & the children wander away. Some parents have been grateful. Have had a couple who just snatched the child away & stormed off. Once I got yelled at "get your hands off my kid. I'll call security" or something like that. I let go of the child & funnily enough security was close by & heard the commotion & came over. They saw what happened & explained to the father. The father couldn't care-less. I would do it again & again no matter how i'm treated.
I love children of all ages. If a mother & her baby or child are behind me in a supermarket or something I will make faces & talk to the baby or talk to the child. All the mothers I have come across just give me a smile some start up a conversation. Maybe if I was a guy would be different.

I'm a Sunday School teacher & if any strange man or woman came near them well i would knock them to the ground that also goes for the tribe that I nanny.

I'm constantly running after & grabbing children that aren't mine in shopping centres due to the fact that the parents are to busy shopping & the children wander away. Some parents have been grateful. Have had a couple who just snatched the child away & stormed off. Once I got yelled at "get your hands off my kid. I'll call security" or something like that. I let go of the child & funnily enough security was close by & heard the commotion & came over. They saw what happened & explained to the father. The father couldn't care-less. I would do it again & again no matter how i'm treated.
I love children of all ages. If a mother & her baby or child are behind me in a supermarket or something I will make faces & talk to the baby or talk to the child. All the mothers I have come across just give me a smile some start up a conversation. Maybe if I was a guy would be different.

I'm a Sunday School teacher & if any strange man or woman came near them well i would knock them to the ground that also goes for the tribe that I nanny.

Is that not a tad hypocritical?
I love kids, and my Dad and my brother get on well with kids (kids just love them) and I think that it is excellent that parents are society are more cautious now.

On the other hand however, it's so sad that parents (male or female) can't watch their kids on the school playground or watch them on the park.

For example, earlier this year we had lots of snow, and my Dad loves his camera and taking piccys. There is a big hill near our house where all the kids go sledging and it's always packed and my Dad loves that sort of thing!! He's such a big kid! He wanted to go and take some piccys but my Mom warned him not to because it would look a bit 'dodgy' (she was just trying to look out for him). Don't you think that's sad though?