Are Michael's kids actually getting more money when we buy an album etc? Surely not


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ok well I have been thinking about this and when people say things such as ' i am going to buy the album and I hope the money goes to the kids..'..Well why?

I am sorry but in no way way whatsever will these kids ever be finacially weak, unless they lose the money due to their own actions..They get money monthly from the estate and will I am sure inherit Michael's vast wealth and power in later years..Aside from that, they will all be able to make sucessfull careers for themselves, certainly in the entertainment buisness with interviews alone..but if they do not go that route, I am sure they will be sucessful whatever they do.

So I am baffled by this ' the kids need the money' or we need to buy it so it goes to the kids??..These children are incredibly lucky and fortunate to be born into that family and in essence, they are like princes or princesses who don't really have to worr about money

The people in the world who need this 'charity' are obvious and you can pick your own examples..I would much rather every bit of money spent went to michael's charities and people around the world who REALLY need the money...

Now if someone needs to correct me, please do..But If i am not mistaken, they kids do get money somehow from album sales etc? I just think it is wrong..In no wa whatso ever do they need more money..Surely
so what if they do get money from us? Who's to say what they will do with their share? you don't know that they wont donate some of the money to any of Michael's charity's. Which is entirely possible. No these kids don't need it right now but in case something does happen and they do lose the money they have now it is nice to know that we will be helping them if they need it.
Yes of course they COULD give their money to charity...seems, I think themoney going to charity and people in theworld who truely need help and money is the best thing..That to meis undeniable..These kids are secure finacially now and in the future because of who their father is

People everyday are born into poverty or pain and there are just too many cases in every country where the money should go..Without question..Instead donating money to people who don't need it, gie the money to people intheworld whodo..Those kids will be fine I assure you..

I think it is a disgrace and I hope those that do donate, give much much moreto other people inthe world who actullly NEED money..or to organisations that are fighting cures or animals..ANYTHING! Giving money to people who already have it and do not need it, or who need it less than others is absurd
I don't really think its our business to know how they will spend their money. Its your choice to buy the albums and the merch. If you don't want the money to be the hands of the wrong person, then don't buy it. Take the 14.00 you'll spend on a CD put it in a jar and save up to send to your favorite charity.

I understand your opinion though, Lets Remember they are Michael's children though, I actually do think they will do good with this money. After all Michael i'm sure always taught them to give and to help heal the world. I remember seeing pictures a while back of Michael taking his children to a Orphanage. I'm sure a lot of Michael are in these children.
ok well I have been thinking about this and when people say things such as ' i am going to buy the album and I hope the money goes to the kids..'..Well why?

I am sorry but in no way way whatsever will these kids ever be finacially weak, unless they lose the money due to their own actions..They get money monthly from the estate and will I am sure inherit Michael's vast wealth and power in later years..Aside from that, they will all be able to make sucessfull careers for themselves, certainly in the entertainment buisness with interviews alone..but if they do not go that route, I am sure they will be sucessful whatever they do.

So I am baffled by this ' the kids need the money' or we need to buy it so it goes to the kids??..These children are incredibly lucky and fortunate to be born into that family and in essence, they are like princes or princesses who don't really have to worr about money

The people in the world who need this 'charity' are obvious and you can pick your own examples..I would much rather every bit of money spent went to michael's charities and people around the world who REALLY need the money...

Now if someone needs to correct me, please do..But If i am not mistaken, they kids do get money somehow from album sales etc? I just think it is wrong..In no wa whatso ever do they need more money..Surely

I've read the sentiment you write about often and I agree with you. Since the Beatles have topped the charts w/ their re-releases, I'd read diatribes about what crap the Beatles/Lennon/McCartney were, and then at the end, "At least some of the money's going to the kids and estate, so I hope it sells more!" Similarly, now people write diatribes about Sony, but then add how it will go to the kids. "It's for the kids!" I think these posters rationalize something they don't like -- the Beatles at number one, Sony making money -- as at least "the kids" getting $ from it.

I think like you said regardless of how many units TII or whatever sells, these kids won't have to worry about how to heat the house in winter time. Which is obviously WONDERFUL, but to rationalize the sales of something or whether to buy something or not "for the kids" is kind of a joke.

And if the estate did run out of money, heaven forbid anyone in the Jackson family have to actually get a real job.
I've read the sentiment you write about often and I agree with you. Since the Beatles have topped the charts w/ their re-releases, I'd read diatribes about what crap the Beatles/Lennon/McCartney were, and then at the end, "At least some of the money's going to the kids and estate, so I hope it sells more!" Similarly, now people write diatribes about Sony, but then add how it will go to the kids. "It's for the kids!" I think these posters rationalize something they don't like -- the Beatles at number one, Sony making money -- as at least "the kids" getting $ from it.

I think like you said regardless of how many units TII or whatever sells, these kids won't have to worry about how to heat the house in winter time. Which is obviously WONDERFUL, but to rationalize the sales of something or whether to buy something or not "for the kids" is kind of a joke.

And if the estate did run out of money, heaven forbid anyone in the Jackson family have to actually get a real job.

Could not agree more, and it is not just because you share the same view.It is better to be polite to someone even if they don't share you view, but at leat polite.I am not saying you were Ginny, not at all..But I see some people respond onthis forum to genuinly rational questions or comments with rudeness, Sure you can disagree but why be rude?

Anyway,yes..It is the rationalising that is also absurd.Especially for this reason..I think in terms of the Jackson men and women have worked,and worked hard.That can't be deied.So it only seems now andin recent years, somehave rode the wave of their brother in order to gainmoney for themselves..Then again I haven't looked into their careers much, so they could have done entrepeneur work etc..At the end of the day ALL the people in thi family have fundametally done more good for people than bad, so that has to be respected

But for 'normal' people to fork their money towards people who like you say can heat their hous in the winter time is madness as a rational answer and as an action in itself..What is even worse is there will be people who have never given to charity etc but given money to the estate or to help michael's children, For one reason simply because they are jackson's and connected to michael..That is obv not only reason but I am sure with some people it is one or the only..

V interesting about the beatles and the similarity,never even heard of the word diatribes!Of course it is good these kids are happy, content , safe healty and finacially well off...But come on? These are Michael Jackson's kids..Money will be thrown at them like pennies in a wishing well when they grow up...from every corner, people will pay money for them in some way or another...

Do people in 3rd world countries get money as freely? Or organisations to cure cancer or aids?Or people who have been pschologically abused..I mean the list is sadly endless...There in lies on of the tradegys, people would make sure they donate money to a needless cause instead of important ones...

But then again , President Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize..Actions on this planet never surprise me.