Are Latoya and Joe making MJ look Bad?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
By saying there are doubles in the movie when they have not even seen it yet? Brando said he saw the movie with Liz Taylor and he also attended all of the rehearsels and that was 100% Michael Jackson. Its like Joe abused MJ as a kid and he's trying to do it again by just making stuff up. Latoya back to her 1993 ways of talking crap about her brother saying there doubles. She makes it seem like she's so concerned but she's really talking crap about him like he can no longer do that.
I think Toya and Joe needs to shut their mouth... :lol:

for Mike's sake and mostly for their own sake... I mean that with all respect.
They cannot help themselves. I wonder how that family became so dysfunctional. They are unable to support each other, even in those horrible times.

Aside from jealousy & money, I don't see why they are purposely spreading these kind of rumors when they weren't at rehearsals & they haven't seen the movie.

90% of the profits is going to help alleviate the estate's death...if they cannot find it in their heart to support the movie for Michael & his beautiful children' sake, they should at least keep quiet from spreading false rumors.
no,they make themself look bad and this way we can see how right was Michael when he talked about them sometimes...
A therapist would make a fortune trying to figure out what's going on in the heads of those two.

I do believe they loved Michael, but they seem to need to believe he was incapable of doing the shows. Don't get it. Don't get them. Never will.
I don't have a problem with La Toya or Joe, regarding their relationship with Michael. If he forgave them, so can I.

But this body doubles thing really bothered me. How can they say this, if they didn't even see the movie?

It's probably about money, about the estate, blah blah blah. Which makes it even worse. That's Michael there, in the movie, I know it's him; and we are given the chance to watch him perform. It saddens me that his own family and even some fans are putting money, business above the opportunity to see Michael, for the last time, to see how hard he worked for the concerts, because, no matter how many concerts he intended to do and all that mess, I know he wanted to share his music with us, his fans and with his children.
They cannot help themselves. I wonder how that family became so dysfunctional. They are unable to support each other, even in those horrible times.

Aside from jealousy & money, I don't see why they are purposely spreading these kind of rumors when they weren't at rehearsals & they haven't seen the movie.

90% of the profits is going to help alleviate the estate's death...if they cannot find it in their heart to support the movie for Michael & his beautiful children' sake, they should at least keep quiet from spreading false rumors.

Of course, Joe and La Toya aren't part of that estate... The only way they will see any money from this film is by pimping themselves to the tabloids and media outlets--or by selling themselves out for $3,000 a pop as Joe is doing. I'm certain you'd see a whole different level of support for this film had they been included as part of Michael's will.

To answer the question, no they are not making Michael look bad--rather they are making themselves look desperate and exploitative. All in my opinion.
i hate it when they talk about Michael as weak drugged person who were prisoned in his house with no phones ...this is so stupid makes MJ look bad for the coming generations.
The judge presiding over the probate case and the children' attorney must be hearing all this in awe. I mean, they are not immune to the daily news.

On one hand, you have the family advocating a family member at the table, and on the other hand, that same family is going around spreading all these rumors that could potentially impact the estate revenue. And he himself, gave the executors the go ahead for these deals.
This cannot be helpful to the family's case.

So the Jacksons talking to the press, speculating all these outrageous things...may be a blessing in disguise for the estate, the executors and the children.

Indeed, they are their own worst enemies.
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They don't know what they are talking about. Remember, when Joe said we are going to educate MJ's kids get them in school? People that speak of MJ's kids say they are well educated. Michael didn't not let them in on his personal life. I agree with one poster. They make money for themselves when they go out and speak. (happily married my kids saw what you did don't know who you are please have a heart.)
They cannot help themselves. I wonder how that family became so dysfunctional. They are unable to support each other, even in those horrible times.

Aside from jealousy & money, I don't see why they are purposely spreading these kind of rumors when they weren't at rehearsals & they haven't seen the movie.
I think they are both WRONG as can be, but it sounds like they are preparing for a lawsuit by saying such things. I guess they believe MJ was in such poor health that AEG couldn't possibly film him, and had to use body doubles. :rolleyes2:

90% of the profits is going to help alleviate the estate's death...if they cannot find it in their heart to support the movie for Michael & his beautiful children' sake, they should at least keep quiet from spreading false rumors.
Anyone who would go around talking shit about another person, especially without proof, usually isn't terribly concerned about the state of their own dark heart. I've noticed that a LOT... mostly here. Some people didn't learn a darn thing from sweet Michael. :(
As so many others have said.. They both need to shut it!

Especially LaToya.. She goes out saying about the kids and that they can not cope with their fathers loss.. I mean if ure the AUNT(!) you shouldn't go out and publically exploit it to media!

She's pissing me off!
The movie have proved that BOTH latoya & Joe are liars.

That is all I am going to say.
i think it makes him look Better,people get to see what type of family he comes from and he still has a good heart,i mean his own father walked a red carpet 2 days after his sons death!!!! crazy and sad....
they all make themselves look bad imo just shows the crap mj had to deal with and how even his own family used him it will give him sympathy
theres no doubles in it except prob for the stunt in smooth crim how can a body double sing or dance like mj and all the shots are pretty much close ups
Of course they are trying everything they can to destroy hi legacy due to jealousy like father like daughter. They should both vanish from the face of this earth
They cannot help themselves. I wonder how that family became so dysfunctional. They are unable to support each other, even in those horrible times.

Aside from jealousy & money, I don't see why they are purposely spreading these kind of rumors when they weren't at rehearsals & they haven't seen the movie.

90% of the profits is going to help alleviate the estate's death...if they cannot find it in their heart to support the movie for Michael & his beautiful children' sake, they should at least keep quiet from spreading false rumors.

I wonder from time to time how different Mike was from all his siblings...

Like he is such a wonderful, classy, sensitive, intelligent, humble human being...and most of his siblings are so....*odd*.....and yes, I said IS not WAS because although he's not here in the psysical world anymore....he still is a positive spirit.

His mother did a better job raising Micheal. What went wrong is beyond me.