Are kids being forced to grow up to fast?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is something that as been on my mind of quite some time now and i thought it would be interesting to make a thread about it. I think that in this day and age kids are being pressured to grow up way to fast. I've seen adults say to kids as young as the age of 7 that they gotta start acting more growning up and i think it's sad. In my opinion kids are not being aloud enough time to enjoy their childhoods
This is something that as been on my mind of quite some time now and i thought it would be interesting to make a thread about it. I think that in this day and age kids are being pressured to grow up way to fast. I've seen adults say to kids as young as the age of 7 that they gotta start acting more growning up and i think it's sad. In my opinion kids are not being aloud enough time to enjoy their childhoods

Absolutely and I Wholeheartedly Agree:

So many more one parent homes, divorce, parents needing to work outside the home, work 2 jobs, latch key kids, Television, Computers, Video Games are baby sisters.

The meadian of Children in society for one reason or another are not permited to be children anymore. Like it was when the older generation grew up. Things just seem to be so much more complex. It's really not about the family foundation any more...unfortunately more like the foundation of survival..!

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
I agree!

I think that it is more based on the media (though some parents are to blame). I have heard about young girls (even the ages of 9 and 10) believing that they are 'fat' and starving themselves, and some poor babies have had their ears pierced when they are still in prams and pushchairs.

It's 'cool' for younger kids now to drink and to smoke and to wear revealing clothes and misbehave, it seems sad to them now just to play indoors with toys or board games.

When I have kids I'm going to place a protective bubble around them and make sure that they enjoy their childhood to the fullest!!
Yes, kids are forced to grow up faster these days, it's a shame to what out society has turned, this whole world is beyond effed up in not just one but so many ways.
When I have kids I'm going to place a protective bubble around them and make sure that they enjoy their childhood to the fullest!!

I Love my parents. I am 14, but I myself believe that I have had a good childhood and I will continue to enjoy childhood because I'm a grown-up soon, but the truth is that I don't want to grow up :( My parents are very strict, but I fully understand them. They just want the best for me. At one point in your life you'll realize that your parents were right. Well, if the intentions are good. Many people at my age are drinking , smoking etc. I just hope that everyone will see is RIGHT . Children are our future. I just want every child to experience the magic of childhood. Childhood is a fase that shall be full of joy , happiness and innocence. It's the fase that molds a human. :cry:
Yeah I think kids are being forced by society to grow up too fast.
I loved my childhood, I never wanted it to end, I mean I'm 18 now so I guess maybe I'm still kinda in "childhood" mode. Like Tink said, I didn't wanna grow up either. Cos what is there after childhood? The big bad world.

I think kids just look at the way society is potrayed through TV shows and movies and think yeah that's what I want in my life, I wanna act like that etc.

I'm just gonna echo what peeps have already said, when I have kids, definately gonna let them have a brilliant childhood where they can do everything a child should do. They are just children, why can't we just let them enjoy the simplicity of it. Just going back to tink's post, I agree that a child's formative years are really important; it's helps build the foundations.
I agree. The living conditions are changing, especially in cities there hardly is a place for children to play safely, family structures are different from what they were some time ago ...

But I like what Tinerbell2 wrote. It's so good to hear that your are appreciating what you had and have.

One of my favorite novels is Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hanna i Hult by Astrid Lindgren, author of Pippi Longstocking and other wonderful stories I think we all know from childhood days. Well, in this book Astrid has written of her parent's love story. If you have the chance to get hold of this story, read it.
“There was more love than I’ve ever read about in books, and for me it was beautiful and moving.”

About her childhood she wrote:
“If anyone asks me what I remember from my childhood, my first thought is actually not of the people. But of that beautiful environment which framed my days then and filled them with such intensity, that as a grown-up you can hardly comprehend it. Wild strawberries among the rocks, carpets of blue spring flowers, meadows full of cowslips, special places where blueberries could be found, the forest where dainty pink flowers were nestling in the moss, the paddocks around Näs where we knew every little path and every little stone, the creek with the water lilies, ditches, streams and trees – I remember all this more than the people.”
“How we played, the four of us! From morning till night. Tirelessly, with great exuberance and joy – sometimes endangering our lives – not that we were aware of it. We climbed the tallest of trees and jumped between the stacks of planks up at the saw mill. We balanced along the ridge of our roof – it was quite high – and had we missed our footing, I’m afraid that would’ve put a stop to our games forever."

How I wish all children around the globe would have such a magical childhood!
But I digress ...
The sexuality that bombards our youth through media and peers is what bothers me the most. Take a look at music videos these days. Lady Gaga's videos show her practically naked and this is one artist that young girls look up to?! It bothers me so much.
^ If we didn't make this most natural process such a taboo, then we wouldn't have 3/4 of the problems we have today with regards to it.
Actually, children had it worse before child labor laws came into effect. Then there are the many child slaves of the past and present. Many countries have child soldiers. In the past some children ran kingdoms like Tutankhamun. It was common before the 1900s to get married at 12 or 13. So I don't know what the difference is.
Actually, children had it worse before child labor laws came into effect. Then there are the many child slaves of the past and present. Many countries have child soldiers. In the past some children ran kingdoms like Tutankhamun. It was common before the 1900s to get married at 12 or 13. So I don't know what the difference is.


I agree you, kids have had it a hell of a lot worst then and in many poor countries now than some people think. And you deff laid down the reason. So I don't get this kids are grown up fast because of entertainers being sexual.
What children of today suffer the most from is that their parents do not have time for then and/or are not even interested in them.

Everything else could be solved easily.
^^ But it was like that in other eras too. It's been like that since the beginning of time.
but in other eras there weren't babysitters like MTV, 'reality' TV shows and computers.

Families were maybe poor but when mommies couldn't stay home there were still grandparents at home and if those still had to work often there were still those grandparents parents living at home.
And with the wealthier there was a nanny and a teacher.

The generation before us, kids weren't even allowed to watch TV or something. They had to do homework then even help in the house and feed the pets or clean the cages and when that was done they could get out and play, well if there was time left.

Bad things happened out there just as many as today... but ppl just weren't too scared about it cuz it wasn't hammered into their brains as much as it is now. Also this way the youngster weren't getting too strange ideas cuz parents home or grandparents home would notice what is watched. But well better plaster ppl with that, the more likely they will stay home and the more likely they'll watch what I'll feed them with my programme. Oh yeah and do not forget to give them programmes so that the adults will be addicted to the TV best also.

Generations before that simply had to work. The adults of our anchestors had to work to feed their families... often so had their children... from the moment they got up till the moment they would fall into bed... there wasn't even that much time for watching TV... sometimes a bit to listen to the radio but usually while doing so everybody was falling asleep...
And the children of the wealthier had to study from a very early age... wasn't that much time for really playing... they were made study... yeah books were allowed... but novels only for a bit before falling asleep... a nanny watched and controlled.

Life is a bit easier somehow when you have to think like all the time how to feed everbody in the family tomorrow... and not so much can I buy my kids the jeans en vogue for school next week... and where to go for the next holidays for that the neighbours will be impressed with that. But bringing up good and hard working children was the only insurance for a good future.

Children in third world countries do grow up happier than those in the industrial wealthy western world. There's impressive statistics about this online.
I wanna see the statistics :) and I do agree with you about people making television their babysitters. I don't know what else to add since my experience was different, and I did'nt have cable til I turned 18 and we shopped at thrift stores mostly (since I don't need to pay 100 dollars for something that I can clothe myself with). ^^;
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