April 7 News & Mentionings


Goodmorning ya'll. Not much happening, so far, today. We do got some mentionings about the auction. As we know, the judge denied Michael Jackson's request to cancel the auction, so we'll se what happens. Stay tuned!

Judge allows Michael Jackson auction to proceed

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A judge on Friday denied Michael Jackson's attempt to rescue his Neverland Ranch possessions from an auction that will include memorabilia from the height of his 1980s popularity, but the pop star will get another hearing before the sale happens.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brett Klein ruled in favour of Julien's Auction House, which plans to sell about 2,000 Jackson items April 22-25 in Beverly Hills, California.

Jackson's production company filed a lawsuit seeking the return of some items on March 4, the same day auctioneer Darren Julien arrived in Ireland to unveil the items on a tour.

"We're still just as puzzled and baffled by this whole thing as we were when it first happened," Julien said.

Julien last year signed an agreement covering the sale with Dr. Tohme Tohme, who is with Jackson's production company and serves as the singer's spokesman. The auctioneer said that he still does not know exactly which items Jackson wants back.

An attorney representing Jackson did not return calls.
The singer's father, Joe Jackson, attended the court hearing on Friday but the pop star himself was absent.

The auction items in the catalogue include clothing, such as a rhinestone-covered equestrian cap, imperial-style military jackets and shiny belts. There are also awards, statues, toys, furniture and a piece of scribble art created by child actor Macaulay Culkin in 1991.

Julien said he has spent $2 million preparing the sale, and that the auction could fetch more than $10 million (6.8 million pounds).

Jackson's attorneys have asked Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Ernest Hiroshige to issue an injunction blocking the sale, and that hearing is scheduled for April 15.

But Julien's attorney, Jerry Hawxhurst, said Klein's ruling sets the matter to rest.

The sale items come from Jackson's 2,800-acre (1,133-hectare) Neverland Ranch, a property in central California named after the island where children never grow up in J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan Stories.
Jackson last year averted a foreclosure sale on Neverland, and later handed over the title to a company made up of himself and the firm that held his loan on the property.

One of the biggest U.S. pop stars of the 1980s, Jackson has lived a reclusive life since he was tried and acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005. But after suffering financial straits, the singer last month announced a series of concerts in London starting in July.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Dan Whitcomb)


Today in
Michael Jackson History
1984 - Michael Jackson's single "P.Y.T." hit #11 in the U.K.

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Known Music Executive Ben Brown says When the Curtains Open for the Series of Michael Jackson Concerts in England 'I'll be There.'

/PRNewswire/ -- In addition to celebrating his 25 year anniversary in music
Ben Brown also plans to support Michael Jackson in person during his concert series in England. Brown the man known to the music world for discovering Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 went on to say, "Michael, I feel, has the creative energy, talent, and fan base to equal or exceed his accomplishments to date."

A spokesperson for Brown and SuperGold International commented on Brown's own 25th anniversary stating; "In 1984 after firmly placing show business behind him; Brown was working at Washington National an insurance company in Hammond, Indiana when he received a call that his name had been mentioned in association with
Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 in a press conference in New York City." A few days later, the spokesperson went on to say a representative of the nationally syndicated television program PM Magazine flew into Gary, Indiana and arranged to interview Brown at his family home.

In reflecting on that interview Brown recalls after what seemed to be nearly a hundred questions the interviewer stopped to reset the cameras and proceeded to re-ask the same questions to get them from a different camera angle. Brown continued, "I remember thinking to myself if I can answer those same questions a second time I need to be back in show business." Following the interview a second day of shooting was held on Broadway in front of the WLTH radio studios, followed by an extensive photo shoot with People Magazine at Bud Pressner's recording studios, and then a decision to be made. "I decided to reenter show business after those events," Brown later confirmed. "I made contact with the Jackson victory tour executives. In a short while I joined them in New York City at Madison Square Garden... and it was while I was traveling with the tour that I decided to sign James Brown and get involved in his now famous comeback some 25 years ago, and thus the observance/celebration."

The planned activities associated with the anniversary are expected to include a "History and Truth" speaking tour, discussions on natural solutions to the current economic crisis, and publications of Brown's long awaited memoirs. Having worked with two of the world's most popular entertainers, one known as the "Godfather of Soul" and the other to become the "King of Pop", Brown is widely referred as a music legend in his own right as well as the "King of Career Comeback Design."

Ben Brown has earned degrees in business and communication, studied 3 1/2 years at the famed Chicago Conservatory of Music, and is currently studying law.

SOURCE SuperGold International

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more mentioning from comedian George Lopez..
Who would be your top five must-have guests on your show? And why?

George Lopez: Well, I’d love to have Michael Jackson on because he’s black and white. So he would appeal to a universal demographic.

Now he’s doing shows again. I was thinking about actually going to London to see one of his shows. I testified in his trial because I knew the accuser because I was his coach at a comedy camp at the Laugh Factory. And if Michael Jackson is performing it becomes a huge musical act.

What's the case about?
Updates in Syl Johnson vs. Michael Jackson Case

The interested parties decided to settle the case on April 1, 2009. The attornies has to file a report about the results of this settlement as late as June 18, 2009.

Most of the defendants has been terminated the same day, among others Tupac Skakur's estates and Universal Music.

Julien last year signed an agreement covering the sale with Dr. Tohme Tohme, who is with Jackson's production company and serves as the singer's spokesman. The auctioneer said that he still does not know exactly which items Jackson wants back.

Okay, uhh is this more bullcrap or have I stepped into another wrinkle in time with this Twilight Zone case? Isn't there a valid list floating around specifying exactly what MJ wants back?? I have yet to be able to see the list but many fans have said they've seen it and all the things MJ wants back are checked. Did I dream this whole "list" episode or ???? I mean what the blippityblotblam is going on here? :blink: The more this Julien guy talks the more I'm starting to think he's a Class A BS'er. He doesn't know what MJ wants back????? Come ON!! :head_bang:
Blame Thome dont trust the guy at all, something aint right
There are so many different angles to this. Last week it was reported that things had been negotiated and Michael would be getting the things he wanted back. Then we hear he won't be; now Julien "says" he doesn't even know what Michael wants back. Seems like every news outlet or tabloid site is saying something different, supposedly quoting this person and that.

I certainly am no insider to anything, but Julien's has been a successful and trusted auction house for many many high caliber celebrities and people of wealth/position over the years. Gonna have to sit on the fence on this one simply because there are and have been so many different stories being reported. I personally cannot completely place the blame on Julien's, nor Michael and his camp. Going by gut feeling and past circumstances though, the potential for things getting "screwed up" r/t managers, lack of communication, etc. on Michael's end of it (be it on his or someone elses part), is not out of the realm of possibility. jmo
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You guys must remember that the media always takes the least favorable road when reporting about Michael. They may not be detailing for us the reason why the judge allowed the auction to go on. For all we know, the items Michael requested to be returned may have already been returned before the judge made this ruling. After all, Michael was not trying to stop the auction all together. He just wanted certain items returned.
You guys must remember that the media always takes the least favorable road when reporting about Michael. They may not be detailing for us the reason why the judge allowed the auction to go on. For all we know, the items Michael requested to be returned may have already been returned before the judge made this ruling. After all, Michael was not trying to stop the auction all together. He just wanted certain items returned.

i do agree that the media always takes the negative (lying)road with Michael...from being programmed robots, on the same wavelength, to say dire straits are the reason for the concerts, to going to auction, to anything(and they've always been proven to be wrong)...still.. there is that injunction court date coming up. gosh i've never seen so much envy in the media.
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MJ Bizniz news... another reason for Michael to keep smiling..


var clickExpire = "-1";By Lisa Respers France

(CNN) -- For fans of The Beatles, 09/09/09 will mark a new invasion.
The Fab Four will be made even more so when the remastered Beatles catalogue is released in September.


Apple Corps Ltd. and EMI Music have announced that as the date for the release of the entire original Beatles catalogue, digitally remastered.

That includes all 12 Beatles albums in stereo, with track listings and artwork as originally released in the UK. The package will also contain the LP version of "Magical Mystery Tour" (initially released as a double-EP in Britain, though available on CD since 1987) and the collections "Past Masters Vol. I and II" combined as one title.

The release marks the first time that the first four Beatles albums are being made available in their entirety on compact disc, and it also coincides with the release of "The Beatles: Rock Band" video game.

Robert Levine, executive editor for Billboard, said the timing is genius in terms of marketing.

"Most bands, when they do a big project like this they pay for publicity," Levine said. "The Beatles got paid for 'Rock Band' and then they are using that for publicity to rerelease a catalogue. It's pretty amazing." Blog: A Beatles fan reflects on the news

Levine pointed out that media have evolved tremendously since 1964, when the band first burst onto the American scene with an appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
Back then, there were only three major television networks, and engineering of albums was much less sophisticated, Levine noted. Previous rereleases have sold well in the past -- indeed, Beatles albums have sold steadily for decades -- and Levine said he expects this one to do even better.

"I think if you were to look at pure catalogue, old bands selling old albums, the Beatles are the kings -- commercially as well as artistically," Levine said. "A lot of [music] has been remastered better in the past 22 years, and remastering technology has come a long way."

Piers Hemmingsen, the author of two books on Beatles music and head of the Web site Capitol6000.com, said there has long been a clamor among fans for good, high-quality versions of Beatles songs.

"The technology that was available back then was very limited, and with the newer technology they are able to do far more with what they have than they have ever been able to do before," he said. "For people who are plugged into iPods and the whole digital music scene, it's going to be a lot better for them."

In acknowledgment of the more technologically advanced listeners, each CD will contain, for a limited time, an embedded brief documentary film about the album.

The documentaries contain archival footage, rare photographs and never-before-released studio chat from the Beatles.

The remastering project was four years in the making. Engineers used de-noising technology and cleaned up glitches like electrical clicks and microphone vocal pops, so long as it didn't affect the original integrity of the songs.

They also slightly boosted the volume levels. Andrew Croft, publisher of Beatlology Magazine, said the announcement of the release of the remastered recordings "is long overdue in the Beatles community and for music fans alike."

He also said the quest to improve the original recordings is not new.

Croft said bootleg releases over the years used rare and obscure vinyl pressings from countries like Japan and Germany to compile the best of the best recordings of The Beatles songs, presenting to the public a better sound that Apple could not offer prior to the remastering.

"While the new remasterings will replace a library full of bootlegs of their commercial releases, there remains a massive market for their more obscure tracks, outtakes and
live performances," Croft said.

The 14 remastered albums, along with a DVD collection of the documentaries, will also be available for purchase together in a stereo boxed set.

A second boxed set, "The Beatles in Mono," includes all of the Beatles recordings that were mixed for a mono release. It will contain 10 of the albums with their original mono mixes, plus two additional discs of mono masters (covering similar ground to the stereo tracks on "Past Masters").

The mono "Help!" and "Rubber Soul" discs also include the original 1965 stereo mixes, which have not been previously released on CD. These albums will be packaged in mini-vinyl CD replicas of the original sleeves with all of the original inserts and label designs.

Even with the release date, what is old has become new.

Diehard Beatle-ologists may take note that the release date could be viewed as a nod to the Beatles track "One After 909" from the "Let It Be" album -- or a reference to the White Album's "Revolution 9." (John Lennon, who was born on October 9, occasionally talked about his fondness for the number 9.)

Hemmingsen said making the music more accessible and attractive to a younger audience helps spread Beatlemania to a new generation.

"Their music is catchy, memorable, interesting and listenable," said Hemmingsen, who was a youngster in England when the Beatles hit the scene and has been a fan ever since. "The time that they evolved their music was an interesting time and their music reflected that time."

Levine said the band has always captured fans from across generations.
"The songs have lasted for a long time because they are great songs," he said. "It's just that simple. Those are amazing, amazing albums."

Regarding the remastered Beatles report, I read this earlier on my entertainment alerts/computer. First thing I thought of was KACHING for Michael. But then I saw the Apple Corps Ltd and EMI mentioned. The whole ownership of music related things just always confuses me, but because Rasta posted this, I'm assuming this is another feather in Michael's cap ultimately because of his 50% position with Sony and their music divisions. ?
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Okay, uhh is this more bullcrap or have I stepped into another wrinkle in time with this Twilight Zone case? Isn't there a valid list floating around specifying exactly what MJ wants back?? I have yet to be able to see the list but many fans have said they've seen it and all the things MJ wants back are checked. Did I dream this whole "list" episode or ???? I mean what the blippityblotblam is going on here? :blink: The more this Julien guy talks the more I'm starting to think he's a Class A BS'er. He doesn't know what MJ wants back????? Come ON!! :head_bang:

Sometimes I don't think the right hand knows what the left is doing...and isn't that the way it usually goes?:doh:
Regarding the remastered Beatles report, I read this earlier on my entertainment alerts/computer. First thing I thought of was KACHING for Michael. But then I saw the Apple Corps Ltd and EMI mentioned. The whole ownership of music related things just always confuses me, but because Rasta posted this, I'm assuming this is another feather in Michael's cap ultimately because of his 50% position with Sony and their music divisions. ?

Michael and Sony owes the publishing rights to over 200 Beatles songs...
everytime the Beatles has any of their music marketed in any format...
just keep saying KACHING... KACHING to Michael...
Michael and Sony owes the publishing rights to over 200 Beatles songs...
everytime the Beatles has any of their music marketed in any format...
just keep saying KACHING... KACHING to Michael...

thats right, and I love it.
But its the same, or similar with the latest releases like Lady Gaga, Pussycat Dolls connected with Sony/ATV? (I mean the posts in the MJ Biz thread)