Appeals court overturns $20-million award in secret Michael Jackson video

Agent M

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Jul 17, 2009
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Appeals court overturns $20-million award in secret Michael Jackson video

January 11, 2010 | 6:02 pm

A state appellate court overturned a $20-million award today in a case involving a secret videotape of Michael Jackson and his attorneys that was shot on a 2003 charter jet flight.

The 2nd District Court of Appeal concluded that the award against XtraJet and its owner, Jeffrey Borer, was excessive. To view the ruling, click here.

Jackson rode the celebrity charter from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara to surrender to face child molestation charges. During the flight, the singer was captured on tape talking with attorney Mark Geragos. Jackson was later acquitted of the molestation charges.

The award was made public in 2008 after a bench trial the year before by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Soussan G. Bruguera.

The bulk of the money -- $18 million -- was awarded to Geragos, with the remainder going to his associate, Pat Harris.

Brian Kabateck, a Los Angeles attorney representing Geragos, said he would probably seek a new trial.

"I think we're going be retrying this case," Kabateck said.

He described the case as "one of the easiest" of his career, citing the evidence presented against Borer, as well as a guilty plea he entered in federal court in a separate criminal case involving the secret tape.

Attorney Lloyd Kirschbaum, who represented XtraJet, could not be reached for comment.

Borer and an associate pleaded guilty in March 2006 to federal charges of conspiring to secretly record the pop star speaking with his attorneys.

The tape came to light in 2003 after Fox News reported that it had been approached by someone who wanted to sell the video footage.

In its ruling, the appellate court concluded that Borer's conduct was "sufficiently reprehensible to warrant punitive damages."

"There was abundant evidence that Borer acted with malice," the panel wrote.

However, the court concluded, the evidence presented in the case did not support the multimillion-dollar award.

-- Robert J. Lopez
Only because after the world found out that the "private" airliner allowed to illegally wiretap the plane -they went bankrupt.

So of course they don't have the $20 million - but I hope Mark Geragos gives them hell. What the airliner allowed is illegal in the USA.

It's illegal to record a lawyer conferring with his client & try to use that in court like they tried to do.
Only because after the world found out that the "private" airliner allowed to illegally wiretap the plane -they went bankrupt.

So of course they don't have the $20 million - but I hope Mark Geragos gives them hell. What the airliner allowed is illegal in the USA.

It's illegal to record a lawyer conferring with his client & try to use that in court like they tried to do.

well..due to the latest ruling, apparently, in the 'good ole' usa, it's not so illegal.
well..due to the latest ruling, apparently, in the 'good ole' usa, it's not so illegal.

What the judge overruled is the amount of money owed, since the airline went bankrupt after they allowed the illegal wiretap.

It's still illegal to record anyone without their consent unless it's in a public setting. Which in the case of MJ and Mark Geragos, was:

A) Priveledged information because it was a lawyer (solicitor) consulting his/her client...

B) Illegally set without any of the recorded people's consent.

ONLY - and only - the recording can be proved as "legal" if its proven that a crime was committed at the time of the recording and the recording can be used as evidence.

NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED. MJ's US Constitutional rights to privacy were violated.
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What the judge overruled is the amount of money owed, since the airline went bankrupt after they allowed the illegal wiretap.

It's still illegal to record anyone without their consent unless it's in a public setting. Which in the case of MJ and Mark Geragos, was:

A) Priveledged information because it was a lawyer (solicitor) consulting his/her client...

B) Illegally set without any of the recorded people's consent.

ONLY - and only - the recording can be proved as "legal" if its proven that a crime was committed at the time of the recording and the recording can be used as evidence.

NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED. MJ's US Constitutional rights to privacy were violated.

that really seems to be a sad lingual spin job. it looks like a whole lot of nothing. nobody is punished, unless u count karma. either it's legal or illegal. what's the difference here?
I was outraged too but the judge did not overturn the judgment, he overturned the amount which he said was too much.
thanks for explaining, everyone. initially I thought the judgement was overruled and got very angry....

oh, and Sirena, your siggy made me forget for a minute what i was angry about :)
Bullcrap. MJ's bail was too much. This amount needs to be high. If you can't speak to your lawyer in private without the fear of being recorded and info sold to the media. What the Hell. It has stop or deter anyone else from doing this. This is terrible. This could have greatly affected the outcome of the trial. The jurors were not sequestered and this could have influence them greatly.
Bullcrap. MJ's bail was too much. This amount needs to be high. If you can't speak to your lawyer in private without the fear of being recorded and info sold to the media. What the Hell. It has stop or deter anyone else from doing this. This is terrible. This could have greatly affected the outcome of the trial. The jurors were not sequestered and this could have influence them greatly.

you are right... but I really don't think this type of invasion of privacy would not have occurred with anyone else.

i still believe.... many in our society did a lot of things to Michael because they knew they could get away with it. :doh:

poor michael.:no:
18 million is a stupid amount. why didnt the judge just reduce the amount instead. now they have to take it to trial again?

well..due to the latest ruling, apparently, in the 'good ole' usa, it's not so illegal.
this was a civil lawsuit. those involved have already been convicted in a criminal case
so what does this mean? all this legal ish is so confusing to me.

Tell me about it lol. Yet I have to admit, I've learned a lot about the judicial system when it comes to MJ. Heck, some of us on here even considered taking law... talk about being inspired by something... MJ inspires you to do so much though. Bless his soul. (sighs)
I was outraged too but the judge did not overturn the judgment, he overturned the amount which he said was too much.

well, that's no different from overturning the judgement. it's just the 'appease Michael Jackson fans, without appeasing them' way to overturn a judgement. considering MJ's bail for that mockery of a trial...
Bullcrap. MJ's bail was too much. This amount needs to be high. If you can't speak to your lawyer in private without the fear of being recorded and info sold to the media. What the Hell. It has stop or deter anyone else from doing this. This is terrible. This could have greatly affected the outcome of the trial. The jurors were not sequestered and this could have influence them greatly.

your last sentence speaks volumes to me. truth is, even with Tmez's excellence, it could have gone either way, with all the public prejudice. so i am believing that the acquittal is a sign that some silent justice will be done, divinely, as time continues to pass.
that really seems to be a sad lingual spin job. it looks like a whole lot of nothing. nobody is punished, unless u count karma. either it's legal or illegal. what's the difference here?


What the airline did - which they recorded private and privileged conversations without consent, and which NO CRIMES were committed by the people being recorded during the actual ILLEGAL.

Now, the $20 million dollars payment was appealed because apparently, the airline went bankrupt after the illegal recording was made (karma).

So essentially it comes to the airline paying whatever value that there is in assets (750,000) versus the original 20 million - because there is no money/assets that equal the 20 million dollar amount since the business went bankrupt.
thanks for explaining, everyone. initially I thought the judgement was overruled and got very angry....

oh, and Sirena, your siggy made me forget for a minute what i was angry about :)

Blue shirt & GOLD PANTS .... :bugeyed :wild: !!!!!!!!!

well, that's no different from overturning the judgement
how can it be. the judge overturned the amount.the ppl involved are still deemed libel they were still found guilty in a criminal court.whats with all the drama it doesnt even involve mj