Apologies for not being around


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lately I've been busy re-recording a new song which has kept me rather busy, but also the past few days I've had to deal with the news of my mother's recent passing and have been helping the rest of the family try to clear out her home.

It's been both emotionally and physically draining as we have discovered she had a teleshopping spending habit and it's made clearing out the house drag on while we dispose of items that haven't been touched for years that were stuck behind the room to room floor to ceiling junk from QVC and Bid Up.TV. There was enough junk that she accumulated over 3 decades to fill up 5 skips and a lot of unused and unopened stuff including 4+ lawn strimmers plus a lawnmower (!!) that'll be either auctioned, distributed, or donated to charity since there was no written will.

Anyways, I didn't want people thinking that I disappeared. It's just been a full-time job writing and recording stuff and then having to deal with this. It couldn't have happened at a more worse time as I have now lost the 2 most-loved people in my life within a matter of a few months and seeing those skips being filled was essentially watching my childhood being thrown away and destroyed.
:(wow i am sorry to hear that :huggy:
welcome back:huggy:
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I'm so sorry to hear what's happened. :( I hope you're doing ok. Welcome back, and I'll be thinking of you. *hugs*
Oh noo, well welcome back. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, that must be terrible. I hope you are ok as can be in the circumstances. xx
Aw, I'm sorry to hear your sad news. It's good to see you back. Take care. :) :hug:
aaww.you poor thing...:hugs:.....I am sorry to hear about your loss...I am glad you are back though.