Apolo Ohno


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brooklyn NY
I'm sorry I hope I posted this in the right place....but my MJJ buddies I need to express myself.

I have adored Apolo Ohno since his Olympic debut in 2002, always found him hot and stuff......but I dunno what the hell happened because he is just on fire now.

I dunno I think he is sex on legs..I'm not even sure if he knows it lol
I guess maybe because in 2002 he was more of a kid and now he's more of a man.. I think he is so hot,

What makes him even more hot is that he is very intelligent, he speaks so well, he's talented he's a goodsport and he has such a kindheart.
Despite how harsh people have been to him (sending him death threats) he has been very chill about it.

..so my question am I alone??
Am I the only one who finds him hot??


girl, u aint the only one :p
i've been drooling over apolo since i laid my eyes on him way back in 2002 ...
but seriously hes hot as hell. :D:yes:
I missed him on leno but found well a part of it on yt

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no Bunny i have loved him too! i always watch the short track segments on television just to see him :yes:

he's totally hot but i must admit i loved his body when he was chunkier LOL
ladiez.....I come with great news......I MET HIM!!!!


ladiez.....I come with great news......I MET HIM!!!!



WHAT?!?!?!?!??!?! SO JEALOUS!!! DO U HAVE PICTURES? share it with us please :D
i love him :wub:
Are you Kidding!? He's a modern day Adonis!! I had my eyes glued to him every winter Olympics since 2002. It's not only how hot he is or how talented, the fact that he's such a professional and good sportsman is icing on the cake and the cherry on top. He's like Michael that way. I want that first pic in his grey undies poster size in my room, squuueeeee!!
Are you Kidding!? He's a modern day Adonis!! I had my eyes glued to him every winter Olympics since 2002. It's not only how hot he is or how talented, the fact that he's such a professional and good sportsman is icing on the cake and the cherry on top. He's like Michael that way. I want that first pic in his grey undies poster size in my room, squuueeeee!!

You summed him up soooo well..and you are right he is alot like Michael
he is sooo articulate and a true olympian
Hey guys I'm so sorry to bump this thread but I didnt want to spam and create a new topic to ramble.

I know I havent been active lately (because I'm getting sad about Michael again) but I'm making my way back slowly but surely.

I'm bumping this topic because in April....I met him again and this time around was so much better because he was upclose and personal with the fans at the rockefeller center rink. I gave him another drawing and he loved it so much but the best part was that he remembered me from last time :3 and he told that I was very good at what I did.

He really really is one of the nicest people in the world and he's so appreciative. I'm so glad that I met him and I hope you all get a chance to do the same.

I really wanted to share the story with you guys because this place is amazing and full of amazing people.

Pichas bbs
with the drawing

with me (plz d
dun mind my bad skin lolz