Aphrodite Jones Book

The link gives you to the end of the second chapter. Enough to give an impression of the whole book! Thanks.
Thanks for that. I was hoping to be able to read a snippet before I read the book. :)
The only thing I didn't like about the book was that she didn't call out any names! LIKE DIANE DIMOND! I mean why not call the B.itch out! LOL!
I actually just finished reading the book. It's excellent. The words ending it are a little sad though seeing as how things ultimately ended up (don't want to give it away for those who haven't read it yet).
The only thing I didn't like about the book was that she didn't call out any names! LIKE DIANE DIMOND! I mean why not call the B.itch out! LOL!

that made me laugh lol

I agree with the person who said the ending of the book is sad considering what happend in the end. :(
It's worth buying the actual book!! Esp. if you are a MJ fan. This lady really put it out there for Michael. I give her credit.
I started reading the book yesterday and could not put it down. I read the whole thing before the day was out.

All I can say is... it's a great read and a must for any fan. It made me feel quite sad as I was visualising MJ during the trial and all the heartache and pain he would have been going through. It also made me understand just how twisted the media really is.
Very very good book. I tried to recommend it to many people, but alot of them laughed the title off. Simply because of conspiracy. I guess some people just do not care for the truth and i should try to see that and not bother with those ...folks.
It's worth buying the actual book!! Esp. if you are a MJ fan. This lady really put it out there for Michael. I give her credit.
I agree - especially since she did a complete about-face from her perceptions during the trial. The book was excellent, and it helped cement my ultimate conclusion that he was innocent of the accusations. Before that, I had been unsure because I'd not actively followed MJ for several years so I was influenced by the distorted media coverage that most people were exposed to. This book does a great job of summarizing the trial and just serves to expose how crazy our media coverage can get sometimes. I put a lot of blame on the media for MJ's untimely passing, as I believe that it had a lot to do with the public's misconception of the man and I think such misconceptions and nasty coverage was something that hurt him deeply. If I had to point a finger at the person who started the final landslide against MJ, it would have to be Martin Bashir. What a rotten thing he did ...