AP Source: Jackson doc bought anesthetic in Vegas


Proud Member
Nov 10, 2007
Over There
LAS VEGAS – The potent anesthetic that Michael Jackson's doctor gave him as a sleep aid came from a Las Vegas pharmacy searched Tuesday by federal drug agents and police, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

Authorities are investigating Jackson's June 25 death as a manslaughter and believe the anesthetic propofol he was given at his rented Los Angeles mansion was a major factor. Propofol normally is used to render patients unconscious for medical procedures and only is supposed to be administered by anesthesia professionals in medical settings.

As investigators build their case, a central issue is what drugs were in Jackson's system when he died and how those medications were obtained. Jackson's physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, is the focus of the investigation. He has told investigators he administered propofol and multiple sedatives to Jackson in the hours before he died, the law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Los Angeles and Las Vegas police and Drug Enforcement Administration agents served a sealed search warrant Tuesday morning at Applied Pharmacy Services in Las Vegas, which the official said legally sold propofol to Murray. Investigators discovered large amounts of the drug and other medications in Jackson's home after his death. DEA agents were able to track the anesthetic back to the Las Vegas pharmacy.

Through a spokeswoman, Murray's attorney Edward Chernoff said he had not seen the warrant and had no immediate comment.

Murray has talked to detectives but has not spoken publicly since Jackson died. Chernoff has said Murray gave Jackson nothing that "should have" killed him and specifically said the physician did not give Jackson the narcotic painkillers Demerol or OxyContin.

The cause of death for Jackson and details about what was in his system will be revealed in the final autopsy report prepared by the Los Angeles County coroner's office. It announced Monday that it has completed its work but won't release findings while the police investigation is ongoing.

Weeks ago authorities served search warrants at Murray's Las Vegas home and his businesses in Las Vegas and Houston, where they seized computer hard drives, medical equipment invoices, phone records and other items. Officials also sought evidence pertaining to the purchase of propofol in those warrants.

Investigators also are looking into Jackson's interactions with at least six other doctors, court documents show.

Michael Flanagan, assistant special agent in charge of the DEA in Las Vegas, said Tuesday's warrant was issued without incident at the single-story business in a strip mall with several other medical services and insurance offices on Flamingo Road, several miles west of the Las Vegas Strip.

The pharmacy staff was cooperative, he said, adding that authorities were searching for any and all paper documents and electronic records. He declined to provide any details.

Tuesday's warrant remained sealed, and Clark County District Court spokesman Michael Sommermeyer said he had no information when it was issued or which judge signed it.

Investigators could take up to 10 days to submit documentation about what they sought and what was obtained. That information became available three days after authorities served warrants at Murray's home and office on July 28.

A woman who answered the phone at Applied Pharmacy Services after agents left refused to identify herself and declined to comment on behalf of the store and its owner.

A telephone voicemail message said Murray's Nevada medical practice, Global Cardiovascular Associates, was "temporarily" closed, effective Tuesday.

I want the net to be thrown on the killers and bring them to justice.
This thing is turning out to be a movie really. There are other doctors that Michael contacted and until those are questioned and searched, NO body is gonna be knowing the truth. What ever they've done, it will come out soon enough.

Until then I think more ppl. are gonna be coming out and turning the media from the real case. Its bad enough there are ppl. lying about his state of being, but there are ppl. coming out claiming that they are the parents of his children...I mean damn, what else is gonna shock the public...there's nothing 4 them left to say...(Well, I don't think so)

Tnx Trish for the article...

I just need to know what time to show up at the courthouse to have my "Murderers" signs posted..

All the enablers need to go to jail for something
Thanks for posting this.
I am still trying to not draw conclusions about this, until its confirmed. I am just so fed up by all this anonymous sources everywhere.........
What was Dr. Murray thinking giving Michael multiple sadatives and then giving him Propofol on top of eveything else? I wouldn't be surprised if the Propofol counter-acted with the other stuff, messed up Michael's respiratory system, and caused him to stop breathing. This whole thing was just so senseless. I'm ticked off beyond belief.
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I just need to know what time to show up at the courthouse to have my "Murderers" signs posted..

All the enablers need to go to jail for something

co signs!

I'll join you as well! :angry:

also on topic, if this is 100% true eventually that murrary
(i refuse to call him doctor) did give michael this then, he should go down NOW.
Thanks for this though Im confused. Admitting to giving Propofol to anyone outside a hospital setting is illegal is it not?

Therefore if Murray is admitting that he gave it then what are the authorities waiting for?

I understand that theres links and connections to be followed in what may be a group of doctors providing drugs that they shouldnt have been, but Murray is the one who was with Michael in his final hours and was his last known personal physician. His actions (or inaction) are to blame.
Thanks for this though Im confused. Admitting to giving Propofol to anyone outside a hospital setting is illegal is it not?

Therefore if Murray is admitting that he gave it then what are the authorities waiting for?

I understand that theres links and connections to be followed in what may be a group of doctors providing drugs that they shouldnt have been, but Murray is the one who was with Michael in his final hours and was his last known personal physician. His actions (or inaction) are to blame.

I honestly think that the police and the D.A. of Los Angeles are trying to figure out what to charge Dr. Murray with. Is it manslaughter or 2 degree murder? Is there malice involved? Just how many sedatives did Murray allegedly give Michael before the fatal dose of Propofol? Was there reckless disregard for Michael's life? Or was there malicious intent? Was the crime scene cleaned before or after the fact?

So yes, there's a lot that the police must finalize before they present their case to the district attorney.
I can't believe............out of all the topics we've talked about on this site that we would ever have to talk about the DEATH of MICHAEL JACKSON! I never thought I would see this day! I CAN'T BELIEVE he's really gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is how I see it!

Murray needs to quickly make a deal in hope for a lesser sentence by naming and providing evidence that will lead to arrest and conviction of other killers in the network. I don't think he was alone in this.
They must all sink with the ship.
To me it does not matter what doctors Michael was dealing with in the past, Murray will take the fall in the end. I blame this on Murray for many reasons. (1) he was Michael's personal doctor. This means he should have known about every single medication Michael was on or even what MJ had taken before given anything. (2) If Murray gave MJ this drug that is suppose to be given in the hospital ONLY, that alone shows guilt and neglect. I do not care if Michael requested to use it or not, it is the DOCTOR responsibility to put the "brakes" on what a patient can use. If MJ could not do that, then Murray should have removed himself as Michael doctor regardless of money he would made. (3) Murray was Michael PERSONAL doctor which mean Murray had NO ONE ELSE to look over. Murray was in a better position than a doctor who is working in an emergency room, who has hundreds of patients at one time. THERE IS NO EXCUSE for Michael being dead regardless if it is true or not that Michael was an addict of some kind.
This is how I see it!

Murray needs to quickly make a deal in hope for a lesser sentence by naming and providing evidence that will lead to arrest and conviction of other killers in the network. I don't think he was alone in this. They must all sink with the ship.
Murray is doom no matter how you look it. He will never practice again. If he does, he will always be looked at as the doctor who killed Michael Jackson. that alone is like a PRISON in itself.
What was Dr. Murray thinking giving Michael multiple sadatives and then giving him Propofol on top of eveything else? I wouldn't be surprised if the Propofol counter-acted with the other stuff, messed up Michael's respiratory system, and caused him to stop breathing. This whole thing was just so senseless. I'm ticked off beyond belief.

Actually we still dont know what Murray gave him
The toxology reports are not released

I think propoful is most likely becuase
they are working so hard to find a link
to that - but beyond that we dont know
what was found in MJ sysytem

We dont even know if they found if anything at that Pharmacy
there had been no verification _ an anomisous source tells us not
ot buy into this story yet .. I pray they did fink some links back
to the doctor or doctors ..

What we have learned from experience is that The media keeps
jumping the gun before anything is verified and its pissing 'me off
they are making everything so confusing .. I mean they even tell outright lies
how can we trust any info they give us .... WE CANT

Ill be so happy when the coroner finally releases his report
or we get some offical word from LAPD ..

F**k the press _ we cant depend on them for any truth
one day they say one thing the next day it is shot down
all they want is a story to print _ they dont care about
any verifiable Facts or truth .. just $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I've been thinking about this Propofol at the pharmacy malarkey. Is that a bit weird? Pharmacies are there for the public to collect their prescriptions, why would Propofol be there, it can't be prescribed and if it was requested and handed over means, then yes they are in trouble - and like we say, we ain't got the results yet so let's not jump to conclusions.
I've been thinking about this Propofol at the pharmacy malarkey. Is that a bit weird? Pharmacies are there for the public to collect their prescriptions, why would Propofol be there, it can't be prescribed and if it was requested and handed over means, then yes they are in trouble - and like we say, we ain't got the results yet so let's not jump to conclusions.

It might be both a pharmacy and a clinic since propofol is also used in clinics for medical procedures.

But if it's really just a pharmacy then it should be shut down.

Something needs to be done with that clinic we saw him visiting every week or so too. He was ranking up a huge bill there in just a short amount of time. It isn't normal.

Anyways, does anyone know where the info that Michael was taking 40 xanax a night came from?? Did it come from LAPD?? And did the LAPD actually say he was a drug addict or was it from an unknown source close to the LAPD?

Why can't the LAPD talk for themselves? Have they? Or has it just been these unnamed sources close to them? I don't even know if I should believe these unnamed sources close to them.
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God, this is just so unreal, and something that could have so easily been avoided. What some a**holes will do for money...I just can't beleive this doctor would risk someone's life for money....like Jesus....but then again, we've see what others have done to Michael for money...sick f*ckin world.

I hope justice is done, yet at the end of the day, a son, brother, uncle, father and amazing entertainer is gone forever because of own selfish and possibly a group of selfish bastards wanted a big winfall. My heart will never heal from this, the regret and pain, the anger...*sighs*

Thanks again Trish for keeping us updated.
Anyways, does anyone know where the info that Michael was taking 40 xanax a night came from??
chris carter in 03 during the trial its not new. he was the armed robber who didnt testify in the end.
Thanks for this though Im confused. Admitting to giving Propofol to anyone outside a hospital setting is illegal is it not?

Therefore if Murray is admitting that he gave it then what are the authorities waiting for?

I understand that theres links and connections to be followed in what may be a group of doctors providing drugs that they shouldnt have been, but Murray is the one who was with Michael in his final hours and was his last known personal physician. His actions (or inaction) are to blame.

Propofol is not illegal, but killing someone by injecting too much of ANYTHING in their veins IS illegal.