Anyone watching CNN? :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South America
My friends!! I'm in tears again!! I'm watching CNN and I CANNOT believe what I'm seeing, I CANNOT believe CNN is showing something like that, in a moment like this!!

This is disgusting my friends!! :boohoo: I'm furious! I'm furious!

I wish somebody could stop those bastards from showing this terrible documentary "Man In The Mirror"! OMG! :no: There are TOOO many mean people in this world!! :no: TOOO manyyy!! :no:

I still don't understand what he did to them that they hate him so much. :/

I wish they will be dead. not him.

There is no justice in this world.

The best are gone and the bastards are still living. *angry*
F*#@ em who cares what they show. They don't concern me anymore. I really am at the point where I don't care for any of they or what they say. I'm too teed off to. I just miss Michael.
one can only guess... i will not check on it... i guess its MJ's "last picture"...
they're showing a short biography of Michael called "Man in the Mirror" for lack of a better term. And they are really screwing it over big time, effing losers.
im watching it...before this break they said "up next....michael on stage...the night before he died...." !??!?!!?
i really thinkthat every network is going to their mj vault and taking things out just cuz. good or bad, and most of them were bad, so they can vy for ratings cuz eveyrone wants mj
their prolly gonna mention that he showed up 3hrs late and looked tired or some shit....don't get too excited. though I am watching it too.
I heard Celine was gonna talk about MJ today again on CNN so I turned on the TV and I saw them bashing MJ... I turned it off immediately

I'm instead watching "Michael Jackson Story 1958-2009" that I downloaded from some torrent tracker - I reckon this has previously released footage though because I recognize a lot of stuff from the "Man In The Mirror" compilation documentary someone on MJJC put together.
Ok Kenny ortega just said some really nice words about it. I hope to see a more full interview CNN did with him NOW!!!
No one is going to mess up Michael's legacy now. A few idoits do not represent everyone.