Anyone watches The Emperor's New School ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
I watch this show every Saturday Morning on ABC and sometimes at 2am most mornings on the Disney Channel. It's real fun to watch. I love The Eartha Kitt Character IZMA(RIP) and Pat Warburton's Character KronK but This Morning I saw a Character who resembles Michael Jackson,The Character's name was Ramone.He had the same facial features and his hair was almost short and his body features were almost the same and He had a Latino accent. I remember sometime ago saying that if Michael was to come and give me a visit ,he would be in disguise, he would look like a latino Named Jose or Ramone.Well this cartoon had it right. I know that in The DVD of The Emperor's New Groove that the artist took a inspiration from Michael Jackson With The Red Clothing as a lama and The Red and White Clothing as a human and The Artist even made KUZCO Moonwalk,It will be a matter of time until we see Ramone take on Michael's full character. You guys should watch sometime and see Ramone and tell me what you think. He really looks crazy sexy just like Michael. It's shame they didn't use Michael to voice the character.:wild: