Anyone think there could one day be an interview


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
With Paris and/or Prince Michael? It would be interesting to know how much of a great father Michael was and to hear it first hand from the kids. I know now is obviously not the right time, but maybe a few years from now we can get an interview. I'm sure it would show how Michael was like in a totally different light and be extremely positive.
You know, I was thinking about this the other day. No matter what, the world will continue to be fascinated by them and I can picture myself with children of my own as I watch maybe Paris Jackson on Larry King or something?

On a side note: Who else thinks the name 'Paris Jackson' sounds so... Elite? A very sophisticated name choice by her parents. I can see it in flashing lights someday.

And Prince Michael Jackson sounds awesome. But I would hate to name my son after my rival :laugh: (Yeah, I know his great-grandad is named this but still!)
I hope the kids are writting their moments with their dad right now so in the future they won't have forgotten any of them.

I would also like to see the kids come on Larry King or something big to talk about their years with their daddy, but only when they are adults, and only if they want to. I just don't want them to be pushed or forced to do it as kids.

Basically, I just want them to he safe and loved.