Anyone on this forum have a pitbul??

michaels wendy bird

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a land full of gold pants!
I love those dogs but obviously cant have one in the uk so just wondered if anyone in any other countries have one?? Would love to see picsif u have!I have a staffy and they get the bad rep tag over hear really upsets me x
My friend had a pitbull and she lives in Scotland. Sadly you can guess what happened two years ago. It seems harsh to be honest, she lived alone, didn't have children and the dog had never gone for her or others. Personally I think some German Shepherds (Alsations) can be a lot more aggressive for no reason. Not all of them, but some.
Yes, I have an American PitBull Terrier (APBT), she's 8yo and 3 cats. I'm not posting pictures but I can tell you she looks like Petie from the Little Rascals. Everyone in my family owns at least one or two. Her and my Rottweiler, best dogs EVER.
I know its illegal in the UK to have pitbulls.. I only see them at nighttime with muzzles on because in our neighbourhood we arent allowed to walk them daytime..

I know a friend who had two pitbulls. When she gave birth to her son the pitbull attacked a woman who tried to come close to her son, the dog bit her in the face.. So she had to get rid of it..

They are nice dogs, if trained properly.. These dogs can become monsters if they are in the hands of immature and wrongdoing owners. Sadly, it seems like a trend to have these dogs among childish teenagers who think its cool to have this type of dog. Im a dogowner since 14 years back and Ive seen some of the most amazing pitbulls/Staffordshires.. Who can walk next to their owner without a collar or a lead and be really obedient around other dogs, cars, people and children... Its all about the owners tactics and training... I myself have breed that can be classified as a ''strong breed''.. Yes, he can get very aggressive at times.. Depending on the situation.. So I dont trust him without a lead.. For other peoples protection. Not necessarily my own..

Frankly. I dont see the difference in a Pitbull and a Staffordshire Bullterrier.. Or an English bullterrier.. They all look the same to me so I wonder why people feel the need to have a Pitbull, is it because it sounds more exotic?

Question is.. Are pitbulls the most dangerous dogs on earth? NO. Definitely not. My own experience is that German Shepherds are by far the most aggressive dogs I have ever met in my life.. These dogs will bark for no reason, protect for no reason and act really stupid.. They cant even enjoy the game of playing with other dogs because they are so pumped up with anger.. I dont know what went wrong when we decided to breed this type of dog.. Correct me if Im wrong but I think german shepherds should only be sold to military, drug cops and police officers.. NOT as family pets.
I know its illegal in the UK to have pitbulls.. I only see them at nighttime with muzzles on because in our neighbourhood we arent allowed to walk them daytime..

I know a friend who had two pitbulls. When she gave birth to her son the pitbull attacked a woman who tried to come close to her son, the dog bit her in the face.. So she had to get rid of it..

They are nice dogs, if trained properly.. These dogs can become monsters if they are in the hands of immature and wrongdoing owners. Sadly, it seems like a trend to have these dogs among childish teenagers who think its cool to have this type of dog. Im a dogowner since 14 years back and Ive seen some of the most amazing pitbulls/Staffordshires.. Who can walk next to their owner without a collar or a lead and be really obedient around other dogs, cars, people and children... Its all about the owners tactics and training... I myself have breed that can be classified as a ''strong breed''.. Yes, he can get very aggressive at times.. Depending on the situation.. So I dont trust him without a lead.. For other peoples protection. Not necessarily my own..

Frankly. I dont see the difference in a Pitbull and a Staffordshire Bullterrier.. Or an English bullterrier.. They all look the same to me so I wonder why people feel the need to have a Pitbull, is it because it sounds more exotic?

Question is.. Are pitbulls the most dangerous dogs on earth? NO. Definitely not. My own experience is that German Shepherds are by far the most aggressive dogs I have ever met in my life.. These dogs will bark for no reason, protect for no reason and act really stupid.. They cant even enjoy the game of playing with other dogs because they are so pumped up with anger.. I dont know what went wrong when we decided to breed this type of dog.. Correct me if Im wrong but I think german shepherds should only be sold to military, drug cops and police officers.. NOT as family pets.

Everything you said is so true,my staffy is the softest dog u could meet, yeah she is protective over me and my other half but not in a way that is aggresive, she will just stand and wait if another person is round if its dark they get such a hard time for no reason!:no:
Pitbulls have this very exotic beauty. They're gorgeous dogs.

I hope to have a dog whenever I can get in a place where I can have them and am considering getting a pit. I worked with a woman who had a rescued pitbull (roxy was her name), which was always gentle and non-aggressive when she brought her around. I've never feared dogs, but because of their bad rep (from dumb owners mainly I've learned), I feared them. I never thought about getting one until this woman showed me how sweet they can be.

And it's funny that a good childhood friend of mine had a German shepherd and never once did I think about fearing him, even though he could put on a threatening pose and keep up a ton of fuss.
I have a staffy too :) everyone seems to love him, people even stop driving to have a look at him lol
It's only the way that they are treated/brought up that makes them aggressive, it's not innate!
Everything you said is so true,my staffy is the softest dog u could meet, yeah she is protective over me and my other half but not in a way that is aggresive, she will just stand and wait if another person is round if its dark they get such a hard time for no reason!:no:

Do you have a pic of your dog? My dog looks like a Staffy mix but he is a german pinscher, colour red. They come in black n tan too but I really like the reddish colour! He'll be 3 years in December. Most people think he is a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy or a pitbull. I always have to correct them, lol. Id say he is the exact same size of a Staffy/or Pitbull but he has a MUCH SMALLER head and narrow jaws, comparing to Pitbulls who have very wide jaws and big forheads.


His tail is not cropped, its just not visible! :D
I really think it's not fair for pitbull to be prohibited in some cournty or states or whatever...
It's the people who have them and treat them like ''battle dog'' (sorry don«,t know the word in englaish for that

In Canada, in the list of dog breeds who bite people, the Pitbull is in 7th place... guess who's at 6th?? Mini-poodle...

Had to say it, poor dog, victim of stupid people who teach their dog to attack...
This people should not get the right to have a dog so Pitbull would have to right to exist everywhere.
This people should not get the right to have a dog so Pitbull would have to right to exist everywhere.

Couldnt agree more. Like I said, its not the dog, its the owner. Chihuahuas bite too, but they dont look scary so people dont care if they are aggressive, when a small dog bites in the air or tries to attack people just laugh and think its funny and cute, but when a pitbull bites in the air and goes on attack mode people want to burn the dog on a pole.

And mind you, Ive met more aggressive Chihuahuas, mini poodles, Yorkshire terriers and Golden Retrievers combined than Pitbulls!!!!! But because they ''look cute'' and ''harmless'' people dont lable them as dangerous... Last year I was attacked and bit in my thigh by a West Highland White Terrier.. Sure they are small and cute looking.. But I was walking down the street with my grocery bags and it jumped up my leg and bit me so hard on my upper thigh I had to go to the hospital immediately... And the owner just said ''Im sorry, he is nice I promise, it was a mistake!'' A mistake? What the F* did he mistake my thigh for? A piece of juicy blood dripping steak?

And guess what.. I walked past the West Highland White Terrier a week after my attack and the dog bit the air and tried to go at me again. I got money and flowers from the owners, in return if I did not report her dog to the police... So I didnt.. Because she was crying and begging me not to report the incident because she loved her dog so much.. Pathetic... She had small kids too.. One day when that dog strikes her kids she is gonna be sorry I didnt report her sorry ass.

Very sad.. Because Chihuahuas/Westies/Small dogs need activation and training too, I hate it when lapdogs get treated worse than purses.. And people dont care if tiny dogs are aggressive.. Because they think they cant harm anyone and they assume if they get a smaller alternative its not gonna cause as much damage if it happens to bite anyone. Its pathetic to tell people I was attacked by a dog on my way home, by a West Highland White Terrier and I had to go to the hospital.

BTW out of curiosity, whos on third, second and first place?
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im a dachshund and scotty lover myself but that dog is just soooo cute