Anyone not on Facebook


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I hate Facebook. I just to have one but then i removed my account because most of the time people would write really pointless things on they're wall posts, like what they had for dinner the night before. Who the hell cares?! I also got sick of people starting pointless Facebook groups just for S*!ts and giggles. Pointless groups like ''The Red M&M is the best M&M''
I have an account there, but I can't get used to the Facebook system. If you are in several groups it's like you are a member of several forums and you have to check them separately and there are too many messages, and then there's your own wall and all the messages from your friends. It's too confusing for me. I like Livejournal.
I hate Facebook. I just to have one but then i removed my account because most of the time people would write really pointless things on they're wall posts, like what they had for dinner the night before. Who the hell cares?! I also got sick of people starting pointless Facebook groups just for S*!ts and giggles. Pointless groups like ''The Red M&M is the best M&M''

Oh you are so funny, i like you very much. :D

I am on there but do not go there that much. I keep my account in case i want to make sure i can keep in touch with someone. It can be useful in case you have an msn account but know you will not be able to talk to someone due to the jet lag, i.e you will hardly ever find that person online on msn.
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I don't have facebook, twitter, myspace et cetera.
I don't like it, I don't wanna say what I'm going to do, don't think friends wanna know I'm going to eat a pizza and I don't like digital friends who you only speak on the internet. (MJJC is different)
I can do several other things in the time someone is at those sites.

Pretty boring and pretty useless.
I "LOVE" Facebook;

I have connected and or reconnected with many people as well as charitable organizations that has always been very near and dear to my heart~~~

As Always

No way. I hate Facebook. I'm not really fond of any social networking (bar MJJC of course -_-).
I've had an account for years but lately I don't log on there much. I get tired of the silly status updates from the same people (even by my own family members, hehe). And I rarely post anything unless it has to do with Michael Jackson or to complain about the weather, lol. I really don't have much to write about and I find most people don't care about what I have to say anyway.
There was a really funny South Park episode a few weeks ago titled "You Have Zero Friends" and it riffs on so many FB themes, like having a virtual farm, measuring popularity by number of "friends" and friending your parents. I'm a FB addict myself but it definitely pointed out the absurdity of it all!
Im on facebook, but I dont have that many "friends". I only accept friend requests from people I have met in real life or talk to regulary on msn etc. All my settings are totally private, only "friends" can see my photos, notes etc. Also, I only accept tags on photos that I am actaully in, I cant stand all this buisness of tagging people in random photos, joining all sorts of silly groups and having hundreds of friends!!
For me its a way of keeping in contact with people I know who dont live in the same country.
I do have a Facebook account, but I only got one in the first place just for the heck of it. I don't use it that much; and I'm definetely not getting a MySpace nor a Twitter account anytime soon.
I use it. I recently deleted everyone except MJ fans and my closest friends. So it's basically a Michael network. :)
I don't know, but I think that facebook is just a "hot" fad right now. iI doubt in 10 years, Facebook will even be around.... There will be some other 'hot" networking site by 2020. If you pay attention, myspace used to be the 'hot" fad a few years ago. The "hot" is cooling down on Myspace, as more and more people are now going to I can see that Youtube and Google are not just 'hot" fads for now. I can see Youtube and google still bdeing around in 2020... ;)
I do have facebook but im not a freak xD.. i only have 14 friend that im close to... i dont have profile or something.. i dont care...
There was a really funny South Park episode a few weeks ago titled "You Have Zero Friends" and it riffs on so many FB themes, like having a virtual farm, measuring popularity by number of "friends" and friending your parents. I'm a FB addict myself but it definitely pointed out the absurdity of it all!

:giggle: Loved that episode. "Stan, poke your grandma!" :D
I think facebook is what you make of it.
I left FB at one time when it seemed to be nothing but silly vampire/werewolf games and throwing sheep.
Then I came back and it had changed. FB is a great way to keep in touch with your friends/relatives who live far away. Don't accept just anyone as your friends. Only the ones you actually know. And if somebody is spamming boring stuff you can choose to ignore them, hide their wall writings.
I have 25 friends and only 2 of them I haven't met in real life. And the other one of the two is a long time pen pal from the past.
i do have a fb account but i don't really use it. i'm just not really into that kind of happy farm games.i just apply it in case i need to contact someone i'm not closed to.
I hate facebook too. I really just don't like the concept, if i want to talk to my friend i just call them or call to their homes and i have no interest in telling people what i am up to everynminute of the day. I heard an interview once with one of the creaters of the internet and he was asked what he dislike about it now, he said he thought facebook was a really bad thing because it put young people under pressure, he reckoned young people faced the same pressures of somebody running for public office because they had to displayed their likes dislikes and obviously they have to like the cool things, they have to be always having a great time and posting the photos to prove it and they have to have loads of friends, in short it forces them to have a public profile for all their peers to see.
I like to see what former classmates are up too. Weddings, Graduations, Reuions, Births of their children.. All useful information I can receive. I don't usually post anything unless it's exciting news I usually lurk in all online "social" websites that I'm a part of..
I hate Facebook. I just to have one but then i removed my account because most of the time people would write really pointless things on they're wall posts, like what they had for dinner the night before. Who the hell cares?! I also got sick of people starting pointless Facebook groups just for S*!ts and giggles. Pointless groups like ''The Red M&M is the best M&M''

I have a FB account but I'm not really active, I just don't like that site.
I don't delete my account because of friends and family.
God I DESPISE Facebook. I made an account and used it for 3 days then wanted to delete it but Facebook is so damn undemocratic that you can't even delete your own account. I simply removed all my info, photos and changed my name and email and then I clicked "deactive."

Pointless timewasting tool.

Twitter rocks my underwear. Instant updates. Instant news.
I don't use Facebook as I do not trust where the data you submit ends up. I don't really like personal information on the internet anyway so Facebook is not for me. I really hate Facebook, I don't know why people invade their own privacy by posting personal information and photos online, I know there are privacy settings but if it's online, people can get to it who you don't want to.