Anyone know how to get into Session Work if your a Musician?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm wondering if any other Musicians could help me out here, i currently go to College studying Music performance and Sound Engineering and i also play the Piano for 11 years I'm self taught at that :).

But after College ends i want to move to a more Musical City, London, L.A, NYC e.t.c. but i want to get into Session Work do i have to contact different recording studios to see if there is any openings? I'm really confused how to get into that line of Work its my lifes dream to Work in Music
yeah you could try that.. or maybe check with some concert venues and ask them if they know anybody who might want your services. Or just put posters of your info/picture/etc. in local venues, coffee shops, etc.
I'm not an expert, but I do know a few people who started out that way.