Anyone know anything about record (vinyl) players?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've been wanting one for years, and I finally got one today from my job -- BUT, once I put the needle on the record and it spins for maybe a minute, if even that long, a bunch of dust like gunk builds up around the needle, then pretty much covers the record in the dust. It easily wipes off, but I kept trying anyway. So far, it's not clearing up.

So, is it the record player? Do I need to take it back and/or try to find a replacement needle? Or do the records just need cleaning (I did buy them 2nd hand)? Or, is this normal when you first buy a record player? I haven't touched one since I was a kid, so I just honestly don't know what to do. I tried to Google an answer, but I'm not getting anywhere with that.
Your records are dirty. If you're in the US, Radio Shack might carry a cleaner. If not, just wash wipe the record with a damp cloth, but make sure you wipe in a circular motion, following the grooves. Don't use alcohol (which is what they said to use in the old days, lol), it will dry out the plastic.